Chapter 178:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 178:

Chapter 178

Just as he was about to slip into a corner, the manager came in.

He saw Yang Ki-chan sitting on the ring and his eyes widened.

It was because of his swollen face, which was visible even from a distance.

“What is this?”

“Hahaha. Manager, someone must have had a fight.”

Then, a middle-aged man he had never seen before shouted loudly from the side.

He looked like the manager of Yang Ki-chan’s gym.

A moment later, he ran over as if he was startled by the situation.

“...Ki, Ki-chan.”

“Ma, manager.”

“What is this, what happened?”


As they had a tearful reunion, Yoo-hyun came over scratching his head.

“He wasn’t feeling well since we came here.”

“Hey, Ki-chan, is that true?”

The manager of the New World Gym was surprised by Yoo-hyun’s words and nudged Yang Ki-chan.

“Ye, yes.”

“What on earth happened?”


“Did you have a car accident or something?”

Yang Ki-chan didn’t say anything, and Yoo-hyun threw a mutter and walked away.

The manager looked at Yoo-hyun with a suspicious eye.

Then he pointed at Yang Ki-chan with his chin.

Did you do that? That was the sign.

Yoo-hyun quietly put his index finger to his mouth, and the manager gave a hollow laugh.

The manager approached the ring and said to the manager of the New World Gym.

“Cha manager, I don’t think we can do this today.”

“...Manager, I need to know what happened.”

“Why? You don’t think your promising fighter got beaten by our newbie, do you?”


The manager of the New World Gym glanced at Yoo-hyun with a suspicious eye.

It didn’t make sense that he was on the ring with his body messed up.

And it didn’t make sense that Yang Ki-chan got beaten by such a novice.

Even if he cheated, Yang Ki-chan wouldn’t keep his mouth shut.

As Yoo-hyun played dumb, the manager quickly wrapped it up.

“Come on, let’s not do this here and sort it out first.”

“...Okay. Ki-chan, let’s go.”

“Yes, yes, manager.”

Yang Ki-chan’s expression looked complicated as he got up from his seat.

He glared at Yoo-hyun sharply after tasting all kinds of humiliation.

‘You, I won’t let you go.’

He seemed to say that with his eyes.

Yoo-hyun snorted in disbelief.

People don’t change easily.

That day, Yoo-hyun was tormented by the manager until evening and barely escaped the gym.

“Yoo-hyun, let’s go to the competition.”

“I’ll stop going.”

Yoo-hyun ignored the manager’s words behind him and went down the stairs.

It was already dark outside.

The weather was cloudy and it looked like it was going to rain.

As Yoo-hyun walked out of the building and walked down the alley, he heard someone’s voice.

It was Yang Ki-chan, whom he had met earlier.

He gestured with his swollen face.

“Hey, you come here.”

“You again?”

“Yeah. I’m going to mess you up.”

“What? You brought your friends too?”

It was as Yoo-hyun said.

Big thugs blocked the alley in front and behind.Cheêck out latest novels at

In the alley, Yang Ki-chan was holding a stick.

Yang Ki-chan was furious.

“I wanted to let you go, but I couldn’t sleep tonight.”

“You’re making a mistake.”

“Mistake? Haha. I can send you to hell with no problem.”


There were only three of them.

But why were they all standing separately?

Shouldn’t they be together?

Yoo-hyun had some useless thoughts in his head.

He wasn’t tense at all.

“Are you scared? Then kneel, bastard.”

“Did you lose your mind today, you bastard?”


Yoo-hyun shook his head as he looked at Yang Gichan, whose face turned pale with fear.

He knew the manager’s temper well.

A few days later.

The staff of the third department gathered in a small conference room on the 12th floor of Hansung Tower.

Instead of the lively atmosphere that had been there for a while, a somewhat unfamiliar serious mood filled the room.

On the screen, dozens of ideas were displayed.


As he turned the page, a complex-looking blueprint and explanation filled the TV screen.

Yoo-hyun watched the situation quietly, as usual.

Lee Chanho, who had compiled these materials, spoke first.

“Lastly, the idea from the fourth team, the advanced product development team. It’s a super high-resolution panel idea, and this is...”

As his brief explanation ended, Choi Minhee, the section chief who was leading the meeting instead of Kim Hyunmin, the deputy manager, asked.

“Up to 350ppi (pixels per inch)?”

“Yes. Theoretically, it can be made up to 400ppi.”

“Kim, what’s the ppi of the iPhone? That’s pretty high, too.”

Kim Younggil answered Choi Minhee’s question.


“Huh. Twice as much? That means over 600,000 pixels per inch.”

Kim Younggil added, looking at the surprised Choi Minhee.

“The idea is good, but it doesn’t look easy. First of all, it’s impossible to make panels with the existing production line.”

“It’s not just a panel problem, but also a circuit problem, right? To handle the communication speed of that resolution, I think we need at least four ICs.”

Park Seungwoo, who had been listening quietly, raised a question.

They were all valid opinions.

Choi Minhee scratched his head.

“But how are they going to make this? They said it’s not compatible with the existing line.”

“Look here, it seems like they’re going to use the OLED panel production line.”

Yoo-hyun, who finally stepped in, pointed to the picture at the bottom of the document. Choi Minhee’s eyes widened.


“Yes. They’re going to make a panel with higher resolution using LTPS (low-temperature polysilicon) TFT, and deposit liquid crystal on it. The problem with the resolution is the TFT line.”

“Let’s say that’s possible. But how many of these can we make with the existing line? The capacity (daily production) won’t be enough.”

Park Seungwoo also followed Choi Minhee’s objection with a negative opinion.

“The productivity will be low.”

“Besides, that production line belongs to the Future Product Research Institute.”

As the discussion deepened, Kim Younggil, who had been thinking quietly, spoke up and opinions poured out.

“But it would be nice if it worked, right? I think this is the best idea today.”

“Isn’t it too unrealistic? The risk is high, too.”

“Well, that’s true, but someday we’ll have higher resolution, right? It’s also stated in our TRM (technology roadmap).”

“It’s a long way off. What do you think, Yoo-hyun?”

Yoo-hyun, who had been silent for a while, opened his mouth at Choi Minhee’s question.

“I agree with Kim’s opinion. It would look really cool if we saw the real thing.”

“Hmm, okay. Then let’s add this to the list.”

Choi Minhee nodded his head right away.

Then, Park Seung-woo, the assistant, grumbled lightly.

“Mr. Choi, don’t you think Yoo-hyun is too obedient?”

“No. If anyone has any objections, speak up. I’ll fix it.”

“Come on, who would object? This will change again when it goes to the manager.”

“Yeah. Then let’s just go with it.”

Unlike the long conversation, the conclusion was quickly made.

That’s when it happened.


Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, opened the door and came in.

“Oh, sorry for being late. How are you doing?”

“Yes. It’s much cleaner with Mr. Choi.”

Kim Hyun-min smiled at the blunt answer from Park Seung-woo.

“Mr. Park, thank you for the compliment. I’ll remember it.”

“Yes, sir, the future team leader.”

“Sure, sure. Call me whatever you want.”

“Huh? You’re not angry today?”

Kim Hyun-min ignored Park Seung-woo’s remark and turned his gaze.

“Enough, Kim and Yoo-hyun.”

“Yes, sir.”

“The San Francisco business trip that Jang Hye-min, the senior, requested. It’s approved.”

As soon as Kim Hyun-min finished his sentence, congratulations came from everywhere.

“Oh, you’re finally going.”

“That’s great.”


“Thank you.”

Kim Young-gil, the assistant who thanked him with Yoo-hyun, suppressed his rising smile.

He was worried if he could really go, but he was happy that it was confirmed.

It meant more to him because he was attending a design exhibition that he never had a chance to go to before.