Chapter 182:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 182:

Chapter 182

Knock. Knock.

A young Asian man who suddenly appeared called out to the tattooed man.

“Hey, leave that guy alone.”

“What is this, a monkey?”


“Cough, cough.”

The tattooed man shook off the hand that grabbed his collar and raised his fist towards the young Asian man.

That was the moment.

Thwack. Thwack thwack thwack thwack.

Something moved at a speed that was invisible to the eye.

And then, without warning, the tattooed man fell to his knees.


His arm was even twisted behind his back.

The Asian man who twisted the tattooed man’s arm spoke calmly, unlike his rough action.

“How about you apologize?”

“I’m, I’m sorry...”

“Not to me, to that guy.”

“I’m sorry.”

The Asian man kindly pointed with his finger, and the tattooed man bowed his head.


Brian Chesky was stunned.

His mouth was agape.

While he was speechless, the tattooed man ran away far.

“Let’s go, you crazy bastard.”

The woman who was with him as a couple also started running.

As if he had a dream, Brian Chesky’s head was blank.

There was a young Asian man in front of his eyes.

He was a handsome man with a tall stature and clear skin.

“Are you okay?”

“Huh? Oh, yes. Thank you very much. I’m sorry, but what is your name...”

“Steve Han. Just call me Steve comfortably.”

“Okay. Steve, I’m Brian. Thank you very much.”

Then, the young man pointed to his colleague with his hand and said.

“Can you find a place to sleep for the two of us? I’ll pay you right away.”

“Of, of course.”

“Thank you.”

Brian Chesky bowed his head deeply with John Gebbia.

Steve Han.

It was the name that would be a fate for them.

A little later, on the fifth floor of a complex villa near San Francisco.

Yoo-hyun entered a place that was exactly like a two-room structure in Korea.

It felt messy, probably because two men lived there.

Brian Chesky, who stood by the window, bragged, but it didn’t look that good.

“This is the best view in San Francisco.”

“That’s right. It’s nice.”

Yoo-hyun agreed moderately.

Brian Chesky gained strength from his words and raised his voice.

“Right? Oh, the bed and the blanket will be here soon. Joe, that guy, is a bit slow.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Don’t worry? You’ve already paid in advance. Thank you very much once again.”

Yoo-hyun also politely responded to Brian Chesky’s greeting.

“We should thank you. We couldn’t find a place to stay, but thanks to you, we got into a good place at a cheap price.”

“Hahaha. Thank you. Are you hungry? I’ll prepare a snack for you soon.”

Brian Chesky’s face was full of smiles.

He went to the living room with a trot, trying to get something for them.

Kim Young-gil, the assistant who was next to Yoo-hyun, said in a worried voice.

“I don’t know if it’s okay.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just. Those guys are too clumsy.”

“It’s their first time.”

Kim Young-gil hit his head at Yoo-hyun’s calm words.

“Honestly, I was nervous at first, but it was great. The bed was comfortable too.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“The food was also great. This is a good idea, don’t you think?”

“Haha. Actually, it’s because you two are such nice people. We were lucky for the first time.”

Brian Chesky’s words were followed by Joe Gebbia.

“That’s right. This is also because there are so many people coming to the exhibition this time, otherwise it would never work.”

“Joe, let’s try it until the end of the exhibition, even if it’s hard.”

“Sure. I have to do it anyway, since I bought the air bed. And I have to pay the rent that I owe.”

“What are you saying? You’re embarrassing me. Shut your mouth.”

The two of them were bickering.

Yoo-hyun, who had been thinking for a while, opened his mouth.

“So you’re going to keep doing this until the end of the exhibition?”

“Yes. I’d love it if Steve and Daniel stayed with us all the time. Of course, there will be a lot of discounts.”

“We have our own situation, so that’s hard.”

Yoo-hyun’s words made Brian Chesky sigh.

He could do it if he wanted to.

But that wasn’t the way for them.

He had to help them catch fish themselves, not give them fish.

-Sometimes I think about it. What if someone like an angel came and helped me then. Of course, I was fine after that, but it was hard.

It was what Brian Chesky had said, reminiscing about his old memories.

He had helped Hansung Group when they entered the lodging business late and competed with the existing powerhouse Ilsung Group.

There was no special reason. It was more like a one-sided favor.

Thanks to that, Yoo-hyun, who had led the business, received a great benefit.

Yoo-hyun, who had been thinking for a while, said.

“Then how about we try this?”


“Keep the concept as it is...”

In short, it was about putting the interior photos and reviews on the ticket to give trust and attract attention.

It looked more plausible than now, and Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia nodded their heads.

Yoo-hyun attached his business card and wrote something on a memo.

“What are you writing?”

“I have to write a review since I used it.”

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly.

-It was a great opportunity to see the real San Francisco. It was cheap, comfortable, and the breakfast was amazing. ★★★★★ (Steve Han from Hansung Electronics)

Yoo-hyun handed the memo to the two of them.

“Don’t you think people will be curious if you put stars like this?”

“Wow. It looks more trustworthy with your business card attached. But are you sure?”

“Yes. What’s wrong with that? It’s my business card, and it’s true. Print this on the ticket and go out once. You’ll find customers easier than this time.”

As soon as Yoo-hyun finished speaking, Brian Chesky suddenly grabbed Yoo-hyun’s hand.

“Thank you. I really don’t know how to thank you.”

“It’s your idea, what are you talking about. I also got a lot of benefits.”

“No. We got more benefits.”

Yoo-hyun pulled his hand away and changed the subject.

It wasn’t something to be praised for.

“Oh, by the way, don’t you think it would be better to put a name on it?”

“A name?”

“Yes. Don’t you want to do it properly?”

“Sure, but...”

Yoo-hyun’s question made Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia stare blankly.

Brian Chesky opened his mouth after thinking for a while.

“Airbed and Breakfast. How about that? I came up with the name because you two liked it.”

“That’s good? I think it could be shorter.”

“Then how about Airbnb, taking only the first letters?”

Yoo-hyun showed a positive reaction, and Joe Gebbia stepped forward.

There was a sparkle in his eyes behind his horn-rimmed glasses.

-I liked Hansung a lot. Let’s do well, Steve Han.

His face overlapped with that of Joe Gebbia, the former chief product officer of Airbnb.

He wasn’t as sharp as before, but his insight was still there.

“That’s great? It will give more trust with a name.”

“Steve, thank you so much.”

“Don’t be like that. We helped each other. We’re friends.”

“Yes, we are. The best friends.”

The four of them exchanged smiles.