Chapter 194:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 194:

Chapter 194

At the same time, reporter Oh Eun-bi, who was hiding behind the entrance, revealed herself.

Seeing her, assistant manager Jang Ik-dae covered his face with his hand and said.

“What do you want?”

“I’m Oh Eun-bi, a reporter from Uri Ilbo. I came to cover the job fair today.”

“What kind of coverage are you talking about...”

“If you don’t believe me, look at this.”


When Oh Eun-bi showed him the logo on her camera, Jang Ik-dae froze.

Even if he was inexperienced, he couldn’t not know Uri Ilbo.

Uri Ilbo was a big newspaper.

Especially, it was famous for covering Hanseong diligently.

“It will be interesting when the article comes out today. How dare you bully the students at Hanseong.”

“That, that’s...”

Jang Ik-dae trembled in a situation he had never experienced before.

He felt dizzy thinking that this would be on the news.

Oh Eun-bi used her long experience as a reporter to dig in without hesitation.

“How about this for a headline? Hanseong Electronics, bullying at the job fair.”

“Re, reporter, this is troublesome.”

“Why? It’s not a lie. The operation is a mess, the work is a mess, the students are ignored. That’s exactly what it looks like today, what.”

“That, that’s not...”

Yoo-hyun pushed Jang Ik-dae, who was lost in thought.

“Assistant manager, the situation seems serious.”


“If you don’t take action quickly, the article might reach the CEO.”


“You have to report it quickly.”

“Just, just a moment.”

Jang Ik-dae was already in a panic.

A moment later.

Jang Ik-dae, who went to make a call, came back with a sullen face.

Then he bowed to Oh Eun-bi and apologized.

“Re, reporter, I will handle the work properly, so please give me a chance.”

“Well, what do you think, Yoo-hyun?”

Yoo-hyun answered Oh Eun-bi politely.

“I think it would be better to give him a chance if he finishes it properly.”

“Hmm, I guess so.”

“That, that means...”

Jang Ik-dae’s eyes sparkled slightly.

Then, a phone call came to Oh Eun-bi.

She showed him the caller ID and said.

“Well, it seems like the higher-ups are also paying attention.”


“Let me see what you do first, and I’ll decide what to do.”

Beep. Beep.

Oh Eun-bi didn’t answer the phone that kept ringing.

It was the call from the head of the HR team.

Jang Ik-dae, who was startled, moved quickly.

“Yes, yes. I understand.”

Jang Ik-dae, who climbed on the podium, looked very complicated.

The students who were buzzing noticed him, who came up late.

He said in a trembling voice.

“I sincerely apologize for the poor operation today. And...”

In the end, Jang Ik-dae apologized in front of many students.

After collecting the written job descriptions, he promised to send the consultation results by email.

He also gave them his direct number that they could contact anytime.

He also promised to send the certificates to the students’ addresses one by one.

Plus, he gave out USBs for other events.

The faces of the students who didn’t know the behind story brightened up again.

“Oh. It’s 4GB. Hanseong is awesome.”

“It’s better that he apologized. I was wondering why he was like that earlier.”

“He made a mistake, so what. Anyway, I’m glad I got the certificate.”

“I’m more happy that he gave me the contact. He said he would answer right away.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“No, really. He promised with his name on it.”

Among them were Yoo-hyun’s juniors.

Yoo-hyun felt a bit regretful, but he thought it was time to let it go.

Oh Eun-bi, who turned around, asked him.

Kim Young-gil didn’t give up and continued his presentation.

“The direction of the ultra-high-resolution panel project is...”

Yoo-hyun, who was assisting him, watched the people’s expressions keenly.

He had to know their interests accurately to untangle the tangled thread.

“That’s all for the presentation.”

It was after Kim Young-gil finished his presentation.

The team manager and the 1st and 2nd part leaders poured out their complaints.

“The mobile phone division also said they don’t care. If that gets into the ears of the person in charge, it will break.”

“Kim, isn’t Apple a bit too much? They haven’t decided anything yet, but the goal is too high.”

“How are we supposed to keep that schedule? That doesn’t make sense.”

Even though he had answered several times, Kim Young-gil patiently explained again.

“As I said, Apple is likely to contact us in the second half of the year to select the panel for the Apple Phone 4...”

“So. You can do it then.”

“It might be too late if we decide later. I think we should make it first...”

The part leaders raised their voices as the team manager opposed.

“Where did you get the idea of making it first? Are you going to take responsibility, Kim?”

“It’s hard to proceed like this.”

Still, Kim Young-gil persisted in explaining.

“In order to make a result with the project...”

“That’s not it...”

The meeting went on endlessly like a hamster wheel.

It couldn’t be helped.

The people who gathered here had no thoughts of making the product successful.

They were just trying to avoid breaking in front of their boss.

So they didn’t even trust their own ideas and pushed them away as if blaming others.

After a long time of meaningless questions and answers.

Kim Young-gil glanced at the clock and asked Yoo-hyun.

“Yoo-hyun, did you summarize the meeting minutes?”

“Yes, I did. Should I share it?”

“Yeah. Let’s finish today and end it.”

When Yoo-hyun showed the meeting minutes, more things happened where they blamed each other.

“Let’s remove the part where we said we can’t do it. What will the person in charge say if he sees it?”

“Yeah. The panel side also has a solid idea.”

The team manager ran away with the excuse of the person in charge, and the 2nd part leader hid his mistake.

The 1st part leader just repeated the schedule like a parrot.

“It’s because of the schedule, the schedule.”

“Okay. Is this how you want to summarize it?”

It was a frustrating situation, but Yoo-hyun responded calmly.

It was after the meeting.

Kim Young-gil sighed in the empty conference room.

“Sigh. I wasted my time again.”

“It’s okay. It will work out.”

“Yeah... It has to.”

He looked worried, but Yoo-hyun wasn’t.

He didn’t need to lose his strength here.

He just had to stamp it when he had the decision maker.

He prepared for that time by choosing to crouch down for now.

Instead, he prepared slowly from behind.

“What are you summarizing so much?”

“The comments that came out today.”

“You wrote them all by person. Why?”

Yoo-hyun answered lightly to Kim Young-gil’s question.

“I want to check how they change their words later.”

“You’re meticulous.”

Kim Young-gil laughed and said.

At this time in the past, Yoo-hyun had nothing to do with this project.

What Yoo-hyun remembered clearly was the situation after Apple contacted them.

And the team he knew had changed a lot from the past.

That is, he had to fit the puzzle according to the current situation, not the past memory.

He needed to move more actively for that.

Yoo-hyun suggested to Kim Young-gil after returning from the business trip.

“Assistant manager, let’s go to the Future Product Research Institute once.”

“We should, right? With the development team?”

“I think it would be better if we go first.”

“Okay. I was going to go anyway. I’ll contact them.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

With the current technology, they had to use the OLED line of the Future Product Research Institute to make the ultra-high-resolution panel.

Unlike the past, the LCD division and the Future Product Research were not merged.

They needed to make a face in advance to reduce the risk.