Chapter 197:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 197:

Chapter 197

Yoo-hyun ran like crazy as soon as he got off the bus.

He arrived at Saebit Hospital, located in the downtown area of his hometown.

He went straight to the ward that his father had told him.

The surgery was already over.

As he opened the door with a bang, he saw a four-bed room.

His mother was in the corner by the window.

The other beds were all empty.


“Oh, you’re here?”

His mother tried to get up in her patient gown as Yoo-hyun approached.

Yoo-hyun stopped her and sat down, holding her hand.

His mother’s hand looked unusually small.

“Mom, just lie down.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. It’s nothing.”

“Why did you push yourself? You should have gone to the hospital sooner.”

“I didn’t know.”

Yoo-hyun resented his mother for not taking care of herself.

At the same time, he felt relieved.

It was really fortunate.

Then he noticed the people around him.

As Yoo-hyun got up, catching his breath, his father said.

“Yoo-hyun, don’t worry. Mom is fine.”

“Yes, dad. Thank you.”

“Thank this lady here.”

His father gestured to the donut lady.

Yoo-hyun greeted her sincerely.

“Auntie, thank you so much.”

As Yoo-hyun bowed, the donut lady waved her hand.

“What are you thanking me for? I didn’t do anything. Everyone helped.”

Behind her, there were some ladies he had seen at the market.

They were all grateful.

Yoo-hyun bowed again.

“Thank you very much.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“Really. We just made a phone call.”

They were all people who had closed their shops to come.

He couldn’t help but appreciate their hearts.

A few moments later, the nurse who was checking the IV in his mother’s arm summed up the situation.

“You don’t have to worry. The surgery went well, and she’ll recover in three days.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. But you have a lot of visitors. Your patient must be popular.”

The nurse joked, and his mother squinted her eyes in embarrassment.

“I know. Thank you all.”

“Thank you? Get well soon.”

“Right. We’re all from the same neighborhood.”

The market ladies answered warmly, and his mother said apologetically.

“You must be busy. You can go now.”

“It’s not a busy time anyway. We’ll stay a little longer and go.”

The donut lady took over.


The door opened, and a man’s voice was heard.

“Kim Yeonhee, patient. Where are you?”


Yoo-hyun stood up and raised his hand.

The man handed him a huge fruit basket.

“Delivery for you.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s from Hansung Electronics Product Planning Team. We wish you a speedy recovery.”


As Yoo-hyun received the fruit basket, the delivery man said loudly.

Yoo-hyun looked at the basket in a daze.

It was a really huge basket.

-Wishing a speedy recovery to Han Yoo-hyun’s mother. From Hansung Electronics Product Planning Team.

There was a large lettering on a pink ribbon.

The delivery man left with a cheerful mood, as if he had completed his mission.

Then, the nurse said incredulously.

“That’s the biggest fruit basket I’ve ever seen.”

“I know...”

Yoo-hyun was also dumbfounded.

His mother’s friends were amazed and talked.

“Hansung is different.”

“Yeonhee, you’re lucky.”

Kang Junki bowed his head deeply, and his mother waved her hand.

“No, no. Are you healthy?”

“Yes, of course. I’m very strong.”

Kang Junki flexed his arm and answered.

Ha Junseok, who was next to him, followed suit and took off his jumper, pretending to show off his physique.

“Me too. As long as you’re healthy, mom.”


Yoo-hyun spat out a laugh.

At the same time, he felt grateful.

One of them came from Seoul, and the other from Ulsan.

They had closed their work and came right away.

He was thankful, but his mother had to rest.

Yoo-hyun pulled the two guys away for now.

“Hey, mom needs to rest.”

“Oops. I got carried away by the joy of seeing you.”

“No. Thank you so much.”

His mother smiled at Kang Junki’s words.

His father, who was next to her, said.

“Yoo-hyun, mom is fine now, so spend some time with your friends.”

“No, I’ll stay here.”

“No. I finished my work early today, so I’ll be here. Go and have some food.”

His mother agreed with his father’s words.

“Yoo-hyun, you don’t have to come. Spend some time with your friends. You came from far away.”

“Then I’ll go out for a while and come back.”

“Okay. Have a good time.”

He couldn’t refuse all the time, so Yoo-hyun said goodbye and left.

When he closed the ward door, he saw his father sitting in Yoo-hyun’s seat.

The two people who were sitting close and chatting looked nice.

Yoo-hyun, who came out to the hallway, thanked his friends again.

“Thank you for coming when you’re busy.”

“Thank you for what? I came because I had some free time.”

Ha Junseok answered Kang Junki’s words.

“Me too. I have to take a vacation at times like this. But how’s Hyunsu’s car center?”

He worried about Kim Hyunsu.

“What do you mean? I can close it for a day, what’s the big deal.”

Kim Hyunsu answered at that moment.


His phone rang.

He hung up a few times, but the bell rang again, so Kim Hyunsu answered the phone.

“Yes, yes. I’m sorry. I’m not open today.”

It was obviously a call about the car center.

Kim Hyunsu apologized to the caller and came over with a hidden expression.

Kang Junki asked him.

“Hyunsu, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Hey, is there a problem with the car center? Go and check it out.”

Kim Hyunsu hesitated for a moment at Yoo-hyun’s words, but eventually asked for their understanding.

“Sorry, but then I’ll have to leave today. See you next time.”

Then Kang Junki came up with a suitable solution.

“Where are you going alone? We can go to the car center.”


“Why? We can have fun there.”

Kim Hyunsu was dumbfounded, but Yoo-hyun led the mood.

“Yeah. The lounge there is nice. How about we have some frozen food there for a change?”

“Sounds good. Hyunsu, do you have a microwave in the lounge?”

“Well, I do, but...”

Kim Hyunsu trailed off as Kang Junki agreed.

While he was hesitating, Ha Junseok settled the situation as if it was already decided.

“Don’t worry. Yoo-hyun’s mother is sick, so we won’t drink. We’ll clean up after ourselves.”

He also suggested an additional option.

“I’ll help you with some work. We’re friends, right?”

“That won’t help.”

“It will. There’s nothing you can’t do.”

With their encouragement, the next destination was Kim Hyunsu’s car center.

The sun hadn’t set yet.

It was rare to close the car center early on weekdays.

That meant Kim Hyunsu had pushed himself to see Yoo-hyun’s mother.

Was that why?

There were a lot of cars waiting in front of the closed car center.

“Hey, there he is. Young boss, fix this puncture for me.”

“Me too. I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“Me too.”

“Yes, yes. I’ll open the door soon.”

Kim Hyunsu was surprised to see the cars lined up.

He hurriedly ran into the car center and opened the door.