Chapter 209:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 209:

The last place Yoo-hyun went to say goodbye was the team leaders seat.

There, he saw Kim Hogul, the senior executive with a round and chubby face.

His name, Hogul, did not match his naive impression.

Yoo-hyun spoke in a bright voice.

Hello, team leader. I came to greet you.

Oh, Im sorry. I have something to do that the manager assigned me.

Its okay.

Hehe. Okay. See you later.

Yes, I understand.

Kim Hogul, the senior executive, was moving around distractedly as he spoke.

He seemed to have a lot of work to do and no time to spare.

Usually, he would delegate some tasks to the part leader, but he tried to handle everything by himself.

The atmosphere did not change much after he greeted everyone.

People treated Yoo-hyun as if he did not exist.

No one took care of him or initiated a conversation with him.

Yoo-hyun had to take the initiative.

He approached Lee Jin-mok, the senior executive of the same part, and asked him.

Lee, can I go to the material warehouse?

Why do you want to?

I want to check it out.

You dont need to know about that place.

Okay, I understand. Ill ask you again later.

He received a cold reply, but Yoo-hyun did not lose his smile.

He politely greeted him again.

Yoo-hyun not only initiated conversations, but also paid attention to his surroundings.

He appeared wherever help was needed.

It was when Kim Seon-dong, the senior executive, was pulling a cart with panels on it.

Kim, Ill do this for you.

No, its okay

No, really. Where should I take it?

No, Ill do it myself.

Kim Seon-dong, the senior executive, lowered his head, conscious of the people around him.

Yoo-hyuns behavior continued during lunchtime.

As soon as it was 12 oclock, people got up from their seats as if they had made a promise.

Then they moved to the cafeteria on the first floor of the building.

Yoo-hyun, who was following them, asked Min Su-jin, the senior executive.

Min, do you always eat lunch together like this?

Uh, yes.

Do you sit together too?

As Yoo-hyun continued to ask questions, she snapped back, aware of the eyes around her.

Just eat whatever you want.

Okay, I understand. I want to sit next to you.

Min Su-jin, the senior executive, was speechless.

Yoo-hyun got his food and sat down, then called out to the team members.

Hey, over here.

Yoo-hyun waved his hand, and Lee Jin-mok, the senior executive who was walking with a tray, asked Maeng Gi-yong, the senior executive next to him.

Why is that guy so shameless?

Whats wrong with that? He looks good.

Maeng Gi-yong, the senior executive, said, and Lee Jin-moks voice cracked with frustration.

Ha Im going crazy. I dont know what to do.

He didnt do anything wrong. Hes polite, too.

Thats why its more frustrating.

Just watch him. Hes not an ordinary guy, in my opinion.

It was not just these two.

People began to perceive Yoo-hyun as a strange guy.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun expressed himself actively.

It was when the team members were eating together at a long table.

In the dull atmosphere, Yoo-hyun said brightly.

The food here is really good.

Whats so good about cafeteria food?

Maeng Gi-yong, the senior executive who was sitting across from him, replied with a dumbfounded expression, and Yoo-hyun smiled innocently.

Its free. You can eat as much as you want. Im totally satisfied.

I really like it here.

The team members all had the same expression on their faces.

Hes really shameless.

How can there be such a guy?

He was surprised by the unexpected answer.

Yoo-hyun didnt miss the opportunity and pressed on.

I was sure of it when I saw you at the last meeting, sir.

What do you mean?

You listened to the employees words so attentively that you must have wanted to succeed in this project.

His serious eyes and his fast and clear words gave him trust.

He didnt think it was just flattery. He thought there was something more.

Yoo-hyun looked at him with a strange expression and drove the nail in.

I was very impressed by that. Thats why I wanted to come here.

Heh. Well, youre not wrong. But it wont be easy.

Yoo-hyun wanted to earn his trust.

The first thing was to recognize the importance of the project, and the second thing was to connect Yoo-hyun and the project.

And the third thing was to improve the perception of the pre-product team.

The pre-product team is a very capable team, so I think there is a possibility.

Yeah? In what way?

Yoo-hyun explained the history of the pre-product team to Go Jun-ho, who asked with curiosity.

He pointed out the core competencies and linked them to the impact when they were productized.

He added a little bit of exaggeration, but most of it was true.

The pre-product team had the skills to carry out this project.

He was quite specific in his answer, and Go Jun-ho also showed some interest.

Wow, you did a lot of research.

Yes. Its my team now.

You prepared well. Impressive.

Thank you.

But that was it.

Go Jun-hos expression did not go beyond admiration.

It was because of the distrust of the pre-product team that was rooted in his mind.

Yoo-hyun didnt expect to improve it in one go.

He was satisfied with planting the history of the pre-product team in his subconscious.


When Go Jun-ho reached for the coffee cup, Yoo-hyun pulled out another card.

It was a sweet word that would make him speak instead of drinking coffee.

Actually I heard a rumor about you, sir.

What rumor?

That you never failed in any project you touched.

Heh heh heh. Where did you hear that?

No one hates compliments.

A simple compliment can make a whale dance, and what if its a specific compliment?

It could turn the hot-tempered Go Jun-ho into a gentleman.

I looked up all the projects you did, sir.


Yes. You built the Ulsan 1 factory in 95, and you made the first LCD panel


Go Jun-hos face turned pleased.

Yoo-hyun recited the history of Go Jun-hos achievements.

The more he did, the more Go Jun-hos mouth curled up.

His eyes had deep wrinkles that he had never seen before.

Especially, being selected as the top supplier for Apple, which is known to be very demanding, was amazing.

Heh heh heh. You make me blush.

No, sir. Anyone else would have never succeeded.

This guy. Heh heh heh heh heh.

Later, Go Jun-hos mouth reached his ears.

Yoo-hyun smiled inwardly and revealed his true feelings.

So I heard youre in charge of the most difficult project this time.

Thats right.

Go Jun-hos face turned uneasy.

He was pushed into it, but that wasnt important.

Go Jun-ho was the key to succeeding in this project, no matter what anyone said.

He had to take the lead to stop the opposition.

He needed his trust.

Yoo-hyun bowed his head sincerely.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in such an important project.

Well, I have no choice but to use you actively.

Im ready, sir. Ill show you that I can succeed in any way.

Heh. This guy, hes really something.

Yoo-hyun spoke firmly, and Go Jun-ho slammed the desk and laughed.

Then he looked at a distant place, as if he was caught in a thought.

He seemed to be reminiscing about the past.