Chapter 221:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 221:

Chapter 221

She thought for a moment and glanced at Yoo-hyun.

Then she raised her hand to Yu Seung-ho.

“...I think it would be better for the circuit 4 team to develop their own video board.”

“Hey, that’s not what you said.”

Yu Seung-ho got angry at her sudden change and Yoo-hyun added.

“Mr. Yoo, the KPI (key performance indicator) of the circuit 4 team includes the development of the video board part.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You already said you would develop it when you set the goal, and you set the deadline for July. Didn’t you?”


Yu Seung-ho lost his words at his specific remark.

Then Kang In-hwan, who was casually crossing his arms, relaxed his posture.

He looked at Yoo-hyun and snorted.

“You seem to not understand the situation since you just came here as a dispatch, but this is a team-to-team meeting.”

“I’m also from the pre-product team.”

Yoo-hyun stood up to him without flinching and Kang In-hwan turned his head with a dumbfounded expression.

“Uh. Mr. Kim, what’s going on?”

“Yoo-hyun has a blunt personality...”

“Blunt? So you’re saying he’s right?”

Kang In-hwan asked him and Yoo-hyun answered for him.

“Please tell me if I’m wrong. I just want to know why you’re trying to drag the pre-product team into this when you said you would do it yourself according to the team goal.”


Kang In-hwan chuckled and Yu Seung-ho flared up.

“You can’t do that. We’ve been helping each other since before.”

Min Su-jin didn’t stay quiet either.

“Mr. Yoo, that was just a simple support, but this time there’s a lot to fix.”

“Uh. Ms. Min, why are you doing this?”

Yoo-hyun intervened and the meeting atmosphere became a mess.

Yoo-hyun didn’t intend to end the meeting like this.

He needed to wrap it up neatly, so he used the magic word.

“I’ll ask my supervisor about this.”

“What? Supervisor?”


Kang In-hwan widened his eyes and Kim Ho-geol raised his voice.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun said without hesitation.

“My supervisor told me to move according to the goal, but it doesn’t seem like it.”


“I’ll report it and check if I’m misunderstanding something.”

Yoo-hyun nailed it and Kang In-hwan sighed deeply.

“Haa. Mr. Kim, what’s going on?”

“I’m sorry.”

“That’s enough, enough. How are we supposed to cooperate like this?”

“Team leader, that’s not...”

Kang In-hwan got up and left.

Kim Ho-geol followed him quickly.

Yu Seung-ho also got up and glared at Yoo-hyun.

“This is what happens when you do that, huh?”

“Please tell me if I’m wrong.”

“...We’ll see about that.”

He finally walked out.


Min Su-jin looked at Yoo-hyun silently.

Yoo-hyun winked at her and she turned her head away.

It seemed like more time was needed to close the gap between them.

When Yoo-hyun returned from the meeting and sat down, he felt many eyes on his back.

It wasn’t jealousy or envy like before.

They all seemed to have something to say.

It was a common scene since Yoo-hyun came here.

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and followed Kim Ho-geol who came back from talking with Kang In-hwan.

He said with a stiff expression.

“Yoo-hyun, let’s talk for a moment.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and headed to the team leader’s seat.

He felt many eyes on him as he walked out of the office.

“You know it.”

“No. I’m trying to tie it up for sure.”


Yoo-hyun looked at her surprised and recalled his old memory.

-Do you know what surprised me the most when I came to this company? It’s so hard to just do your work.

He wasn’t very close with Min Su-jin in the past, but he knew her dissatisfaction better than anyone.

She was struggling because of the unreasonable structure of Hansung Electronics back then.

How about now in worse conditions?

She had no place to stand as a career employee.

It was obvious from the one-sided meeting earlier.

This was not something that could be done by just working hard.

Yoo-hyun pulled out the word that was in her heart.

“Faction, office politics, purebloodism.”


And he spoke with determination.

“We can’t climb up unless we break this injustice.”

“...It’s not easy. Especially at your rank, Yoo-hyun.”

“No. There’s something I can do as an ignorant employee.”

“No. Rather, your way of doing things might ruin the work more.”

Min Su-jin shook her head firmly.

It wasn’t just because of her pride.

It was true that Yoo-hyun did well in blocking them today, but he would face more attacks later.

As if he read her mind, Yoo-hyun said.

“If you’re worried about the aftermath of today’s meeting, don’t worry.”

“How can you say that?”

“I have a plan in mind.”


“This coffee is delicious.”

Yoo-hyun left a meaningful word and lifted his canned coffee with a smile.

Min Su-jin looked at him with a blank expression.

She couldn’t see through that young employee’s mind at all.

Yoo-hyun’s words were not empty words.

He needed to clear up several political structures to make the pre-product team work.

And he knew how to do that well.

He sat down at his seat and opened the monthly dispatch report right away.

The monthly dispatch report was a document that the dispatched person reported to their supervisor once a month.

It was a company-recommended content, which was basically a formality.

It wouldn’t make much difference if he sent it to Go Jun-ho, the senior manager.

But Yoo-hyun wanted to add some meaning to it.

What did Go Jun-ho need right now?

How could he make him move?

He thought about that and wrote the document.

And he sent an email.

He followed the procedure of including the team leader and part leader as CCs, of course.

They might not know exactly what it meant, but still.

The message of sending an email popped up at that moment.

Maeng Ki-yong, who was passing by, stuck his head out and said.

“What are you plotting again?”

“What do you mean?”

“Hey, Yoo-hyun, you always give it away when you’re up to something.”

“What do you mean?”

Maeng Ki-yong answered his question.

“How should I put it, a sinister look in your eyes?”

“Hey, don’t say such weird things.”

“No. I’m good at seeing those things.”

Yoo-hyun laughed and gestured to the empty seat next to him.

“Then you should take care of Mr. Kim.”


“It seems like he’s taking on all the work, but he never says anything.”

“He’s too nice for that.”

“That’s not the problem.”

Kim Seon-dong used to take on Yoon Gi-chun’s work as well before.

He thought it was just because he couldn’t say no.

But now it seemed like something was wrong with him.

He was looking into it, but Yoo-hyun couldn’t find out why yet.