Chapter 227:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 227:

Chapter 227

Yoo-hyun seemed to be the last one to arrive at Ulsan Beach CC today, but that was not the case.

He had arrived early and checked out the course.

Then he rented a club from the practice range and practiced.

His skills were even better than before, thanks to his long experience and youth.

He was confident.

With that confidence, he stepped up to the second tee.


The ball he hit with a 3-wood flew low and forward.

As Yoo-hyun walked slowly, Nam Jongbu, who was far ahead of him, sneered.

“Wow, you barely made it off the ground, huh?”

“It’s not easy to hit with your eyes closed.”

“What did you say?”

Yoo-hyun smiled and Nam Jongbu twisted his face.

“Hey, why are you getting mad over this? Let’s play, let’s play.”

What was so great about this guy back then?

He kept snickering at his childish behavior.

The first par-4 hole was finished by Nam Jongbu with a par.

He looked at Yoo-hyun’s tee with a smug expression.

“Ouch, can you do it?”

“If I make it, can I take this hole?”

“You have to pay up fair and square.”

“Don’t be scared.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled and focused on his tee.

It was a putting from about 15 meters away.

The previous two players had lost here.

The course was tricky because it had both uphill and downhill slopes.

Of course, not for Yoo-hyun.

Rolling rolling rolling.

The ball he hit with a putter moved exquisitely.


And it made a very satisfying sound.

Yoo-hyun joked with a smirk.

“Oh, I got lucky. What should we do?”

“Haha. Let’s go to the next hole.”

“Ah, what a shame. I could have won this one.”

“You bastard. Stop talking nonsense.”

Nam Jongbu cursed and Yoo-hyun gently countered him.

“Why do you have such a foul mouth? That’s why people call you a nouveau riche.”


Nam Jongbu yelled angrily, but Yoo-hyun walked away calmly.

As they talked like this, Nam Jongbu’s reaction felt familiar to him.

The first hole ended in a tie between Yoo-hyun and Nam Jongbu.

The other two had to pay more money for losing by one stroke.

That is, they paid 2 million won each on top of the basic 1 million won.

And since there was no winner in this game, the next hole doubled the stakes.

That was not a problem so far.

The problem started from the fifth hole.

Rolling rolling rolling.

Yoo-hyun’s putting ball missed the hole by a hair and Nam Jongbu, who was next to him, snorted.

“Puhahaha. You can’t even take it when it’s given to you?”

“People make mistakes sometimes. Let’s see how much you can do.”

Yoo-hyun shrugged and Nam Jongbu took his stance.

He putted with an intense concentration that didn’t suit him.

And he put the ball right into the hole.


“Hahaha. I’m getting lucky today.”

“Oh, nice shot.”

“Birdie, birdie. You know it’s double, right? Puhaha.”

Nam Jongbu held up two fingers and laughed loudly at Yoo-hyun.Diiscover new stories at

But Park KYoo-hyung and Choi Myungkyu were not laughing.

They had serious expressions on their faces as they talked to their caddies.

The stakes had risen exponentially as there was no winner for four consecutive holes.

And now that he made a birdie, they had to pay at least 30 million won more each.

The problem was if Yoo-hyun made it too and tied again.

Then the stakes would double again for the next hole.

They had already paid more than 50 million won each and they felt burdened by it.

As if mocking their burden, Yoo-hyun putted too.

Rolling rolling rolling


“Oh, oh. Looks like we’re going to the next hole again.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and said, but Nam Jongbu grimaced

“Did you have an octopus in your previous life? Why are you following me so closely?”

“I’m just not getting lucky today, not getting lucky.”

Yoo-hyun was smiling when it happened

The two players who each made a par approached Nam Jongbu

Park KYoo-hyung took the lead and spoke cautiously

Nam Jongbu was stunned.

Yoo-hyun tapped him lightly and said.

“Let’s stop here. You don’t have money anyway.”

“Hey. Let’s do more. I’ll bring it up.”

Nam Jongbu was boiling with anger.

There was no point in doing more.

His goal was not money, but to trample on his pride.

It would be more humiliating to quit here.

“Hey, don’t you know how to cash out? It’s basic to settle when the hole is over.”

“You bastard.”

“What? You want to do more? That’s why people call you a nouveau riche.”


Nam Jongbu flinched as Yoo-hyun approached him.

Yoo-hyun looked down at him and said

“Hey, if you want to do more, bring money, jerk.”

“You... You’ll see.”

“Anytime. Let’s play bigger next time. Haha.”

Yoo-hyun snickered and his face crumpled

The game ended there.

No one spoke on their way back in the cart

The atmosphere was tense

Yoo-hyun hummed and rubbed salt into their wounds

“Ah. That feels good.”


The two men who came with him looked sullen

They couldn’t even look Yoo-hyun in the eye

Nam Jongbu was no different

He muttered to himself with a swagger

He looked like he was planning something for next time

Yeah. Keep dreaming

Yoo-hyun snickered and looked at his wrinkled face

The face that annoyed him so much looked so good today

Yoo-hyun got off the cart and went into the building

The two men who got off with him had already left with a hint

Their money was safely stored in a bag by the caddie

As he entered the hall, two men in suits came to greet him

They were Nam Jongbu’s bodyguards, and they looked shoddy

“Mr. Nam, good job.”

They bowed their heads, and Nam Jongbu spat out swear words

“Fucking hell. You crazy bastards, what good job?”

“We’re... sorry.”

Yoo-hyun handed his bag to the caddie and gave her a tip

“Minjung, you did well today.”

“We’re... sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. Go ahead. Oh, can you call valet for me?”

“Yes, I will.”

She smiled brightly and left Yoo-hyun stopped Nam Jongbu

“Why are you venting your anger on innocent people?”

“You bastard.”

“Hurry up and show me your box”

“Look at this”

“Yes, sir”

Nam Jongbu nodded and the two men opened an apple box on the floor

There were 50 thousand won bills inside

Yoo-hyun snorted and said

“You should have put them in a nicer box. This is childish”

“You bastard”

“That’s enough. I’ll let you off a few thousand. But no discount”

“Hey. What did you say?”

Yoo-hyun took out one 50 thousand won bill from the end of the box and threw it at Nam Jongbu’s face

At that moment, the last string of reason that held Nam Jongbu snapped

“Hey. You bastard. Let’s die together today”



Yoo-hyun slapped away his hand that was rushing at him

Then he stepped closer and glared at him with a fierce look

“Why don’t you use your goons to flip the table? You’re good at that”

“What, what?”

“But you know what? If you do that, you’re really dead”

Yoo-hyun took another step closer and he stumbled back and fell

His bodyguards helped him up and he snapped at them

“Get lost, you bastards. You morons”

“That’s enough. Hey, you two in suits, take this box and follow me”

Yoo-hyun gestured to the two bodyguards with a smirk


“Oh, okay”

They were obviously nervous