Chapter 240:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 240:

Chapter 240

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded and said.

“Okay. I’ll call the company and move up the FPCB production schedule.”

“Thank you.”

Then he instructed Lee Jin-mok, the team leader, on how to speed up the process.

“Lee, you should pressure the company to get the test board as soon as possible. We need to test it right away when the module comes out.”

“Yes. I understand.”

He did the same for Min Su-jin, the senior engineer, and Kim Seon-dong, the team leader.

He didn’t just give orders.

He looked at the big picture and actively helped where he could.

Yoo-hyun smiled as he watched Jung In-wook, the manager, do that.

He had suffered a lot mentally from receiving room salon entertainment from Hong Hyuk-soo, the manager, several times.

But he was able to survive this round of layoffs because he didn’t take any financial benefits.

Was it because of his narrow escape?

He had changed completely.

Jung In-wook, who had been talking passionately for a while, suddenly blurted out his true feelings.

“Man, this is a crazy part.”


Everyone looked startled, and Yoo-hyun spoke up.

“Manager Jung is the part leader.”

“That’s right. It’s crazy, really.”

The part members chuckled and shrugged their shoulders at his words.

Jung In-wook sighed deeply.

He pretended to be annoyed, but his lips were slightly curled up.

It was after the meeting.

Yoo-hyun approached Jung In-wook, who was sitting at his desk.

As soon as he did, he flinched instinctively.

“What now?”

“Can’t I come?”

“No. It’s not that. Hmm, tell me.”

“Can I take a half day off on Thursday afternoon?”

Yoo-hyun asked politely, and Jung In-wook breathed a sigh of relief.

“I thought. Phew... Sure. Go ahead.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Half day? Just take a long break.”

He waved his hand exaggeratedly and offered too much kindness.

Of course, Yoo-hyun knew it was a joke.

“You’re good at joking.”

“It’s not a joke. It’s serious.”

“You’re good at lying too?”

“It’s true. I really wish you could take a long break.”

Jung In-wook kept pushing Yoo-hyun away with his duck feet.

But Yoo-hyun stuck to him more.

“I’ll rest when Manager Jung rests.”

“Sigh. Fine. Go away.”

“Yes. Let’s have a drink next time. Something expensive.”

“I’m not drinking with you. Go quickly.”

“I’ll make an appointment with you.”


In the end, Yoo-hyun left after Jung In-wook ran out of words to say.

Yoo-hyun smiled foolishly as he returned to his seat, charmed by Jung In-wook’s unique charm.

“What a funny person.”

Anyway, this change in Jung In-wook was bound to be a boost for the part that had started running.

It seemed that the part would run well on its own without him having to do anything.

Now Yoo-hyun was thinking of drawing a bigger picture.

At that moment.

In Hansung Electronics’ finance department office on the 22nd floor of Hansung Tower.

The door that had been closed for 10 minutes opened, and a middle-aged man with a wide forehead came out with a grim expression.

At the same time, curses came out of his mouth.

“Jung Woo-geun, that bastard left a mess behind. Damn it!”

Lim Jun-pyo, the vice president in charge of LCD business, had a reason to curse his former business manager.

It was because of the corruption that caused the new factory in Ulsan to be scrapped.

He wanted to rebuild the factory, but the company had no money because of the bad economy.

Just when things were calming down, Daesung announced its OLED factory investment news.

The media compared Hansung to Daesung and criticized it for not investing in innovative technology.

As a result, he had to take over the burden from his junior colleague, the finance department head, along with some harsh words.

-If we get an image of being behind Daesung in innovation, our business is over. You know that, right?

-And I’m going to transfer the OLED factory to LCD business division now. Vice President Lim, please take care of it.

The OLED factory was now almost like a curse.

This was just telling him to throw away the trash.

“Damn it.”

As soon as it was lunchtime, Yoo-hyun came out.

There was a white car waiting in front of the main gate.

The window on the passenger seat opened and a familiar voice was heard.

Oh Eun-bi, a reporter, who was waving her hand enthusiastically inside the window, appeared.

“Yoo-hyun, over here, over here.”

Yoo-hyun raised his hand slightly and naturally got into the passenger seat and said.

“You must have had a hard time coming all this way.”

“Of course I did. That means you’re going to buy me something delicious, right?”

“Of course. Shall we eat first?”

“No. Let’s take a look around the factory first.”

“Oh, really?”

Oh Eun-bi was not someone who would refuse food, so Yoo-hyun asked teasingly.

She seemed embarrassed and added a reason.

“I think I won’t feel like moving if I eat.”

“Okay. Then let me guide you diligently.”

“Thank you very much, guide.”

“Yes. Please drive safely, reporter.”

Oh Eun-bi chuckled at Yoo-hyun’s answer and stepped on the accelerator.

Her car sped along the empty road around the Ulsan factory.

Yoo-hyun took Oh Eun-bi’s car and made a big round around the Ulsan factory site.

“That factory site is...”

“I see.”

Yoo-hyun’s explanation was added from time to time.

She nodded her head and asked Yoo-hyun.

“It feels a bit different from Gimpo, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. The factories here are a bit scattered. But there are many companies.”

There were LCD factories of Hanseong and Ilseong in Ulsan.

The fact that the factories were not clustered together but scattered around was the difference from Gimpo.

Also, because it had a long history, there were many more companies attached to it than Gimpo.

And there was another thing.

Oh Eun-bi pointed out that part.

“But what can I say? It feels a bit empty compared to Gimpo.”

“That’s because many companies are moving to the metropolitan area.”

“The economic crisis must have affected it too, right?”

“Yes. That’s right. That’s why new factory construction is also being scrapped.”

It was then that he saw it.

A large building appeared next to him.

Oh Eun-bi pointed to it and asked.

“Huh? Is that Ilseong Electronics factory?”

“That’s right. It’s the second factory with some OLED lines installed.”

“Oh, Yoo-hyun knows Ilseong Electronics too.”

“I have to do this much as a guide.”

Yoo-hyun answered and Oh Eun-bi asked teasingly.

“Then tell me more in detail.”

“Ilseong Electronics is...”

Yoo-hyun gladly answered and told her everything.

He started from the background of how Ilseong Electronics started building factories in Ulsan to the current situation.

He also added predictions of how it would proceed in the future.

Not only that.

He explained in depth about the relationship with other companies, especially the competition with Hanseong Electronics.

Oh Eun-bi admired him as she listened.

“I could just write an article based on what Yoo-hyun said, right?”

“No, you can’t do that.”

“I’m just kidding, kidding. Shall we go eat then?”

“Yes. Let’s do that.”

Yoo-hyun answered cheerfully.

The place Yoo-hyun took her was the tripe restaurant he had visited with Park Seung-woo, the deputy, when he first came on a business trip.

Oh Eun-bi ate the food with a very satisfied expression.

“This place is delicious.”

“I only bring VIPs here.”

“I am a VIP, right? You know there are a lot of people who want to meet me, right?”

“Of course. That’s why I’m making a move.”

“Haha! Well, to be honest, the people I’m going to meet are not that important.”

Yoo-hyun said in a good-natured way and Oh Eun-bi waved her hand.

Even though she said that, it was obvious that the people she was going to meet today for the interview were executives of the companies.

They were also the people who would add flesh to the rumors that Yoo-hyun would spread today.

Yoo-hyun asked Oh Eun-bi casually.

“But they’re not executives, are they?”

“Hey, you’re much better than ordinary executives.”

“Thank you. I feel more confident when you praise me like that.”

“Don’t just say it, give me some more sauce. You seem to know a lot.”

Yoo-hyun pretended to be embarrassed and Oh Eun-bi pressed him further.