Chapter 261:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 261:

Chapter 261

The knights who had rushed in soon sat down in a circle.

It was nothing much, but they all looked happy.

Looking at them, Yoo-hyun recalled what his driver had said in the past.

-When did you feel the happiest at work? There was a time when an employee came to me and thanked me for always driving safely. That was the most rewarding and satisfying moment for me.

At that time, Yoo-hyun didn’t think much of the driver’s words.

But he realized something clearly after living a different life.

Money wasn’t everything that moved people.

A small gesture of care and recognition could also give a great impression.

It was the same now.

Thanks to a little grease and a bit of sincerity, Yoo-hyun was able to blend in naturally.

The drivers were very talkative, maybe because they were bored of waiting here.

They were all executive drivers, so their words were all high-end information.

“Oh, well, that Kim director is...”

“Really? Wow. That’s really bad.”

When Yoo-hyun reacted actively, the drivers told him more details.

“More than that, the worst one was the former plant manager. He...”

“Wow. You endured that?”

“No way. I hit him once.”

The stories of the uncles were all like that, but there was a bit of bragging mixed in between.

In a fairly friendly atmosphere, Yoo-hyun casually asked.

The other person was Ok Jong-ho, the driver of Lee Tae-ryong, the third director.

“You must have a hard time, Mr. Ok.”


“I heard that the third director keeps changing his schedule. That must be tough for you.”

As Yoo-hyun touched on it lightly, Ok Jong-ho poured out his words as if he had a lot to say.

“Wow, there’s someone here who knows how I feel. That director is...”

“I see. You went to Busan last Friday, right?”

“Yeah. Why did he go on Friday evening? I have to buy chicken for my kids.”

“That’s too bad. You had to wait until late at night.”

Yoo-hyun answered with a hint of what he had predicted in his words.

No one knew why Yoo-hyun was saying this.

They just thought it was part of the conversation.

“Ha. Don’t even mention it. I waited until midnight. He said he’s going again this week.”

“He’s going to the Korean restaurant in Busan again this Friday?”

“Huh? How did you know that?”

Ok Jong-ho was surprised by Yoo-hyun’s question.

Yoo-hyun dodged it.

He also mixed some information he had guessed based on his past memory.

“They say that executives usually go to Korean restaurants when they entertain foreign guests.”

“That’s right. He looked like a Japanese guy.”

“I see. Then you just have to wait for dinner time? It seems like he’ll arrive right at dinner time.”

“Yeah. He insisted on 6 o’clock. Damn. What’s his grudge?”

Ok Jong-ho gave Yoo-hyun the information he wanted.

It all matched Yoo-hyun’s expectations.

Yoo-hyun poured soda into a paper cup and handed it to him.

“You’re really having a hard time. I don’t have anything to give you, but have a drink.”

Ok Jong-ho took the paper cup and sighed.

“Sigh. It feels good to have someone listen to me.”

“Thank you for telling me interesting stories.”

“Oh, come on. Thank you. We’re grateful. Come often.”

It wasn’t just Ok Jong-ho.Cheêck out latest novels at

The drivers who now knew his face and name treated Yoo-hyun kindly.

“Yeah. Come often. Let’s talk anytime.”

“We’re always open here.”

Yoo-hyun thanked them with a grateful heart.

“Thank you. I’ll bring something bigger next time.”

“No need. It’s fun just talking to you. Hahaha.”


The drivers laughed loudly and Yoo-hyun laughed with them.

He came to find Lee Tae-ryong’s traces and made good connections.

Yoo-hyun was very happy.

They all made money for Lee Taeryong.

That’s right.

Lee Taeryong was a person who moved only for money.

He also flattered Nam Jongbu and got information from him to speculate for that reason.

What would he think when he was in a pinch?

For example, what method would he choose if he wanted to leak information to defeat his competitor?

Lee Taeryong’s actions were clearly drawn in Yoo-hyun’s head.

He would never risk himself without compensation to bring down his opponent.

He was a person who had to get money even for such trivial things.

The person he would meet frequently by lying that he had a business trip was obvious.

It was an information broker who bought confidential information with money.

Yoo-hyun learned that such a person actually existed through Lee Taeryong.

And today, here, Yoo-hyun was thinking of meeting an old acquaintance.

“It’s time for him to come.”

It was exactly 5 p.m. when the clock pointed at it.

A casually dressed man sat near Yoo-hyun.

There was an empty chair between them, but they were close enough to identify each other’s faces.

He had droopy eyebrows, round eyes with thick eyelids, and a dark but kind-looking skin. He was a man of gentle impression.

Suddenly, Yoo-hyun’s lips twisted viciously.

He got up from his seat and moved to the one next to him.

The man frowned and tried to get up, annoyed by Yoo-hyun’s sudden approach.

That’s when Yoo-hyun uttered the words that stopped him.

“Danaka Yoshihiro.”


He asked in awkward Korean, and Yoo-hyun answered in fluent Japanese.

“If you’re curious, sit down first.”


Yoo-hyun gestured to the chair, and he reluctantly sat down, hiding his expression.

Yoo-hyun knew Danaka’s personality well, so he immediately shook him up.

“Born in 1970, eldest of three siblings. Ah, you’re not interested in this, are you?”

“Who are you?”

“Affiliated with Mizumo. Well, that’s just a name. I’m a freelancer. A kind of information broker, you could say.”


“Ah, don’t be surprised yet.”

Yoo-hyun patted the shoulder of Danaka, who was trembling with fear, and quickly continued his words.

He shouldn’t give him time to think at this point.

That way, he could make him move as he wanted.

“Your favorite place is a Japanese restaurant. Your time is Friday at 6 p.m. You have an obsession with arriving an hour earlier than the actual appointment time.”

“H-how did you...”

“It’s espresso double shot, right?”

Yoo-hyun casually asked at that moment.


Danaka was so startled that he dropped his cup.


Yoo-hyun swiftly caught the cup and said.

“Hey, why are you acting like this among professionals? What if you break this and attract unnecessary attention?”

“What are you?”

“If you want to know, buy it with money.”


Yoo-hyun showed a bleak smile at the silent Danaka.

He felt amused in a way.

When he met him with Lee Tae-ryong, the director, in the past, he looked really big like a mountain.

He couldn’t read his expression at all.

But the Danaka in front of Yoo-hyun now was different from the past.

He was nothing but an ordinary person who exposed his fear.

Yoo-hyun said to him.

“I don’t have much time, so I’ll get to the point. You’re going to meet Lee Tae-ryong today. Right?”


“The information is B-grade. Since Apple is involved, maybe B+?”

“H-how did you...”

“You don’t have to tell me. It’s written all over your face.”

Yoo-hyun said nonchalantly, and Danaka, who couldn’t close his mouth in surprise, tried to hide his expression.

It was his rule to manage his expression well no matter what happened.