Chapter 274:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 274:

Chapter 274

It was only now, after nearly 30 years, that the true meaning of those words seeped into Yoo-hyun’s heart.

Hyunjin Gun asked him, who was staring blankly.

“Yoo-hyun, what’s wrong? Is something bothering you?”


“Why are you so serious?”

“My brother is almost done with his military service, right?”

“Yeah. He doesn’t have much time left.”

Yoo-hyun nodded as if he had made up his mind after hearing Hyunjin Gun’s answer.

It would be too late once things happened.

It was only natural to stop it if he could.

Just like Hyunjin Gun had paid off his debt in his own way, Yoo-hyun had the same intention.

He spoke to Hyunjin Gun with a serious look in his eyes.

“Hey, this might sound crazy, but listen...”


Hyunjin Gun widened his eyes as he heard Yoo-hyun’s explanation.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun spoke earnestly.

“Just trust me and do it once. It’s a win-win situation anyway.”

“Alright, I got it.”

And he pleaded until Hyunjin Gun nodded his head.

The second and third day of the reserve training went smoothly.

Yoo-hyun completed the training by hiding his body as much as possible, following the proverb that even falling leaves should be careful.

That’s when he returned to the company.

From the morning, Go Junho, the senior manager, visited the pre-production team’s office.

His gentle voice rang out in front of the tense team members.

“Mr. Yoo-hyun, did you finish your reserve training well?”

“Yes. Thanks to your care, I did well.”

“Hahaha. Good. You did a good job.”

“Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun was bewildered by the unexpected compliment.

He was kind to Yoo-hyun, but not to this extent.

Even if he cared, there was no reason for him to come to the office from the morning and praise him.

Then, Go Junho, the senior manager, hinted at something.

“Mr. Yoo-hyun, the business director is coming today...”

“Oh, did he want to have a meeting with me?”

Yoo-hyun guessed and Go Junho spoke cheerfully.

“As expected. I thought you would have been contacted separately.”


Go Junho was smiling brightly.

He seemed to have misunderstood something greatly.Finnd new chapters at

That afternoon.

Yoo-hyun stopped by the business director’s office at the Ulsan factory 1 plant.

Im Junpyo, the vice president, who got up from his seat, greeted Yoo-hyun with a chuckle.

“Nice to see you. We met before, right?”

“Yes. It’s been a while.”

Yoo-hyun shook hands with him and sat down.

Im Junpyo scanned Yoo-hyun with a strange look in his eyes.

He opened his mouth after a brief pause.

“I heard from Ye Vice President.”

“What do you mean?”

“You put a lot of effort into this project.”

It was a word that implied many meanings.

Yoo-hyun pretended not to know and shifted the credit to the team.

“The team members put more effort into it.”

“Haha. As I heard, you are very polite.”

The actions that Yoo-hyun took while on dispatch were somewhat distant from politeness.

Since there was no need to explain a misunderstanding that worked in his favor, Yoo-hyun bowed his head for now.

“Thank you.”

“No. I’m grateful. You ran around barefoot for the company.”

“I just did my job.”


Im Junpyo smiled meaningfully at Yoo-hyun’s answer.

He knew everything but didn’t reveal his intentions like a fox.

He waited for a while and then Yoo-hyun opened his mouth first.

“I’m sure you’re curious about Apple’s factory investment.”

“That’s right. That’s probably the most important thing.”

It was the most important thing for Im Junpyo, who was not someone else.

His next year depended on this result.

That was why he looked for Yoo-hyun after hearing Ye Taesik’s words.

Yoo-hyun nodded for now.

“The decision will be made at this demo.”

-Haha. You’re still the same.

After exchanging some pleasantries, Shin Kyung-wook, the executive, got to the point.

-You invited John Norman, huh? You must be confident in your design.

“Yes. I’m sure it will work.”

-Well, then make good use of this opportunity. Philip Siller is also coming down.

“Is that so?”

-You sound like you expected that.

“I thought someone higher up would come.”

Yoo-hyun answered calmly and Shin Kyung-wook said something suggestive.

-Or maybe you moved me to do that.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

-No. All I did was put a dot on the picture you drew.

Yoo-hyun didn’t know much about Apple’s internal affairs either.

But he knew that Shin Kyung-wook’s smart response helped him get the picture he wanted.

“Aren’t you being too modest?”

-I realized it when I contacted Apple. They were already moving because of the media.

“That’s because it was such a big issue.”

-And it felt like you orchestrated that too.

Shin Kyung-wook had a good sense of things.

He read the big picture from afar.

Yoo-hyun pretended not to know and asked.

“Do you think so?”

-Haha. Honestly, I can’t believe it. But that’s the only explanation I can think of.

“Sometimes things happen that can’t be explained.”

-Then show me some unexplainable results.

Shin Kyung-wook challenged him and Yoo-hyun replied confidently.

“I’ll probably see you in the U.S. soon.”

-Really? You might need my help then.

Shin Kyung-wook caught on right away.

It was fun talking to him.

“Yes. I’ll ask for your favor then.”

Yoo-hyun hung up and smiled.

The board was set in a way that he couldn’t lose.

He got up from his seat and went back to the classroom.

He saw Kim Young-gil practicing his presentation through a small window below.

He didn’t seem to take a break at all. He didn’t know how to quit either.


Kim Young-gil stopped his presentation when Yoo-hyun entered and showed him the revised content on the screen.

The structure of the report had changed completely in a short time.

“This looks better now. What do you think?”

“It’s perfect, don’t you think?”

“It’s easier to connect the points when I focus on the goals.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Yoo-hyun brightened up and Kim Young-gil smiled faintly.

He seemed more confident than before.

He was different from last time when he was dragged around by others.

Now he started to use Yoo-hyun as a resource.

“There’s one thing that bothers me though. The factory investment part...”

“In my opinion, that part...”

Yoo-hyun actively gave his feedback as Kim Young-gil approached him.

“Don’t you think it’s too aggressive?”

“I think we have to be.”

“Okay. I’ll write a scenario for that.”

Kim Young-gil quickly caught Yoo-hyun’s words.

He didn’t just follow him blindly. He visualized the situation in his head.

Yoo-hyun watched him and confirmed his thoughts.

He had already broken out of his shell.

All he had to do was spread his wings.

This presentation would be the place for that.

That afternoon, Yoo-hyun called Oh Eun-bi, the reporter, to fit the last piece of the puzzle.

-You might be able to interview Apple? Really?

“It’s a possibility, you know.”

-Wow. That’s enough for me. I’ll head to Ulsan right away.

“I appreciate it if you do.”

-Of course.

She was excited by the mere possibility.

She trusted Yoo-hyun that much.

Yoo-hyun also kept her on a leash.

“What are you talking about? You’re helping me a lot.”

-Hoho. I get it. I’ll be on standby. Good luck with the demo.

“Thank you. Drive safely.”

Yoo-hyun hung up and grinned.