Chapter 276:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 276:

Chapter 276

John Norman exclaimed loudly as he saw the ultra-high-resolution panel on the table.

“Wow. David, look at this.”

“It’s amazing. It looks like a real photo.”

“The mockup is even more amazing. I think this is better than my design.”

“How did they make the inside of the mockup?”

David Crew asked John Norman when it happened.

Maeng Giyong, the senior engineer, tried to guide them, but he couldn’t interrupt their fast conversation.

Yoo-hyun, who was standing behind, stepped forward and said.

“The separated panels are displayed on the side table.”

“Ah, thank you, Steve.”

David Crew thanked him and went to the side table to touch the panel with the mockup removed.

Yoo-hyun added a word appropriately.

“This is a prototype, so there are bulky parts of IC and board. This will be improved in the next version as shown in the post attached to the front.”

As David Crew answered, John Norman cut in.

“That’s not important. What’s important is that it’s beautiful.”

He seemed to be already fascinated by the ultra-high-resolution panel.

It was a panel that had attracted a lot of attention even when it was a shabby mockup with a low-quality setting.

It was natural that this panel, which was much better than before, caught people’s eyes.

Moreover, they added Apple’s sensibility to the mockup and arranged the internal images appropriately.

They had to please the designer, especially John Norman, who led Apple’s innovative design.

John Norman enjoyed the demo product while talking endlessly with David Crew.

“Wow, the themes are different for each color. That’s art.”

“I know. We should apply this part to our side.”

“And this design part is...”

“More than that, how did they do this with one IC...”

As their conversation got longer, Mark Horison coughed to set the mood.

“John, we should move on...”

“Just a minute. Let me see a little more.”

But John Norman shook his head firmly.

Seeing Mark Horison’s blank expression, Philip Siller smiled.

“Let them be. They are the talents who will lead Apple’s future.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Meanwhile, Junpyo Lim, the vice president, skillfully handled the conversation with Philip Siller.

“From today’s report...”

“Yes. That’s how we should proceed...”

Yoo-hyun smiled as he felt the positive energy around him.

The game was already tilted.

It was after the demo that was as free as a college exhibition.

Only Apple’s personnel and Hansung’s team leaders and above attended the meeting.

Of course, Kim Younggil, the manager who presented, and Yoo-hyun who helped him were also there.

Go Junho, the executive director who guided them today, smiled and thanked them.

“Thank you for enjoying our demo today.”

Then John Norman raised his hand and said loudly.

“It’s wonderful. I’m already hooked. We have to do this.”

“Ahem. John, wait a minute.”

Mark Horison coughed and stopped him, but John Norman shook his head.

“Mark, you don’t have to be so stiff. We have to admit when something is good.”

“I get it, so be quiet for a while.”

Mark Horison put his index finger on his lips and said.

Philip Siller, who had been smiling all along, added a word.

“Mark is right. John, I hope you respect each other’s business areas.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Then John Norman quickly lowered his tail.

It was a glimpse of Philip Siller’s presence.

In that atmosphere, Kim Younggil stood on the podium.

He seemed nervous as his legs were shaking.

It was something he and Yoo-hyun had practiced countless times together.

They drew all kinds of scenarios and responded accordingly.

They prepared thoroughly enough.

There was no way it wouldn’t work.

Yoo-hyun winked at Kim Younggil and gave him a thumbs up.

He chuckled and took a breath.

The question that everyone expected came out of Mark Harrison’s mouth.

As expected, Apple was a thorough profit group.

They didn’t have to stick to Hansung as the dominant party.

It was advantageous for them to dip their feet in various companies and choose the best one among them.

But there was something that Mark Harrison didn’t consider.

Yoo-hyun nodded at Kim Young-gil.

Kim Young-gil recalled what Yoo-hyun had said a while ago.

-When you bet, you have to go beyond the range of your opponent’s prediction. That’s how you win.

He had already prepared enough and told the higher-ups that he would do so.

He couldn’t back down here after going through that process?

There was no such thing.

Kim Young-gil clenched his fist and boldly said.

“I respect Apple’s position enough.”

“Then you understand that the answer is the latter.”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“I see.”

Mark Harrison smiled and tried to pass the baton to Philip Siller.

Now Philip Siller would pretend to give Hansung a chance with a friendly smile.

He would bring up the matter of factory investment that everyone here wanted.

Of course, there would be extremely unfavorable conditions for Hansung attached to it.

It had already happened in the past.

He didn’t want to let that happen again.

Kim Young-gil opened his mouth before Yoo-hyun gave him a sign.

“However, only if the other companies are really able to produce them.”

Mark Harrison opened his mouth again as he whispered to Philip Siller.

“I told you that earlier.”

“That’s just an assumption. But I think there is no company other than Hansung that can mass-produce them by the time iPhone 4 comes out.”

“How do you know that?”

“That’s not important. What’s important is that if Hansung doesn’t build a factory by November this year, Hansung won’t be able to respond to iPhone 4 either.”


Everyone was silent at Kim Young-gil’s bold provocation.

The situation seemed reversed as if the roles of G and E had changed.

Even Mark Harrison was flustered by this unexpected cliffhanger tactic.

It was Apple’s trademark strategy after all.

He regained his composure and tried to fight back again.

John Norman, who had been listening to the meeting distractedly while fiddling with the mockup, snapped.

“Mark, we have to make this panel no matter what.”

“John, wait a minute.”

“No way. We can’t use any other panel. We have to go with this one.”


Mark Harrison looked embarrassed.

Then, Philip Siller, who had been silent all along, spoke.

“We hope you understand that we can’t promise to supply the panels for Hansung to build a factory right now.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“But we also understand Hansung’s position, so how about this? We invest in the factory and get the panels produced there at a low price.”

The volume guarantee and the factory investment were different.

The volume guarantee meant paying a deposit and getting only those panels.

On the other hand, the factory investment meant that Apple could get any panel produced at the factory at a low price.

It was not a loss for Apple.

And that amount of money was not a big deal for Apple.

At Philip Siller’s casual remark, Lim Jun-pyo, the vice president, raised his eyebrows.

He thought he had caught the fish he wanted.

But Yoo-hyun shook his head at Kim Young-gil.

It was a scenario they had already agreed on.

Kim Young-gil responded to Yoo-hyun’s gaze.

“That sounds like a good idea. However.”


“We want to proceed with the investment, but we want to decide on the details in November, not now.”

The atmosphere in the meeting room stirred at Kim Young-gil’s sudden remark.


Lim Jun-pyo sighed and buried his head in his hands.

He knew it already, but it still hurt his heart.

He felt like he was letting go of a fish he had already caught.