Chapter 279:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 279:

Chapter 279

At that moment, in the office of the home appliance business director on the 18th floor of Hansung Tower.

Vice President Shin Cheon-sik laughed sarcastically after hearing the report.

“Heh. Did Im Jun-pyo yell at the finance director?”

Executive Director Yoon Ju-tak, who had swept his white hair to the side, answered with a stiff expression.

“Yes. I received a report that he left a while ago.”

“Tsk tsk. The LCD division is going downhill.”

“The situation is not good. The link between the LCD division and ours is too weak.”

It was as Yoon Ju-tak said.

Vice President Im Jun-pyo, who was sent away with a pack of luggage, came back to life, and Executive Director Lee Tae-ryong, who was sent to take over the LCD division, was kicked out.

Everything went wrong because of these two unexpected events.

Vice President Shin Cheon-sik said with a serious expression.

“That can’t happen. We have to build our power before the chairman succession process begins.”

“I have a plan in mind.”

“What is it?”

“That is...”

Vice President Shin Cheon-sik laughed loudly after hearing Yoon Ju-tak’s story.

“Heh. You’re amazing, Yoon. If that happens, we can shake both the phone and LCD divisions at once.”

“Yes. We have more than half of the other divisions under our control.”

“Okay. Go ahead with that plan.”

Vice President Shin Cheon-sik’s mouth curled up.

While a conspiracy was being formed from afar, the office was peaceful.

Yoo-hyun was enjoying such a peaceful life.

Then he received a long-awaited phone call.

He got up from his seat and answered the phone while walking down the hallway.


-Sorry. I was so busy that I couldn’t contact you.

“No. You must have been very busy.”

Fortunately, Hyun Jin-geon’s voice didn’t sound too bad.

Yoo-hyun was curious about how things went, but he waited first.

Then Hyun Jin-geon explained what had happened.

-What happened was...

He filed a complaint with the Ministry of Defense after hearing Yoo-hyun’s words.

He said there was a problem with the ammunition depot of the 17th Division.

He didn’t stop there. He called the unit, and when that didn’t work, he went there himself.

-A team of investigators came out.

“That’s amazing. It must have been hard.”

-No. They weren’t unreasonable people.

Hyun Jin-geon answered casually, but Yoo-hyun knew it wasn’t true.

How could they listen to an outsider, who had nothing to do with them, pointing out their problems?

It didn’t make sense.

There must have been a lot of effort and hard work from Hyun Jin-geon.

Hyun Jin-geon spoke first, so Yoo-hyun asked him what he was curious about.

“Did the investigation team admit there was a problem?”

-No, they didn’t.

“Of course. Even if there was a problem, they wouldn’t say it.”

-Right. I heard the result from my brother.

“Did they fix it?”

-It seems like the problem was serious. So they completely reorganized the ammunition depot.

“Ha. That’s great.”

Yoo-hyun sighed with relief without realizing it.

He had been anxious since he told Hyun Jin-geon.

Hyun Jin-geon also spat out his shaky voice with a thrill.

-Yeah. If what you said was true and there was an explosion in the ammunition depot, it would have been terrible...

“Still, be careful. Tell your brother to watch out for falling leaves.”

-I got it. I should do that.

Hyun Jin-geon called Yoo-hyun out loud.



-Thank you so much for caring about me.

It was what Yoo-hyun wanted to say to him, but he heard it from him instead.

It felt like he had paid off some of his debt that had accumulated for a long time.

“Don’t thank me. You did all the work.”

-No. It’s thanks to you.

“Stop it. Buy me a drink later.”

Yoo-hyun said with a smile, and Hyun Jin-geon said in a serious voice.

-Yoo-hyun, if you ever need anything from me, just ask me.


-Just because. I want to do anything for you.

“Ha, really. Forward me the email.”

-Okay. Just a second.

A moment later, Yoo-hyun sat at his desk and looked at the email that Han Jae-hee had sent him.

It was an email that John Norman had sent himself with an offer.

“I told you I would send an email from Apple.”

-I didn’t know that.

“How could you not know? There’s a big logo at the bottom of the email.”

Yoo-hyun asked incredulously.

Then Han Jae-hee spat out an absurd remark.

-They should have written ‘Apple’ in the title. I don’t read English emails.

“Can’t you speak English?”


Yoo-hyun blinked his eyes at his simple answer.

“I see. So that’s why.”

-So what’s in it?

“They want to buy your design.”

-Really? Why would they buy that?

“They must like it.”

-How much do they want to pay? They’re not going to pay more than a million won, are they?

The price negotiation hadn’t been done yet, but it would be at least 100 times more than that.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and said.

“Should I reply for you?”

-Yeah. I’ll give you my address and password.

“Can you give me that so easily?”

-It doesn’t matter. I can make another email account if I need to.

“...Okay. Send me a text message. I’ll also tell you where the design files are.”


Han Jae-hee answered coolly.

A little later, Yoo-hyun logged into the portal site with Han Jae-hee’s ID and checked his email account.

There was +999 next to the unread mail icon.

Yoo-hyun snorted.

“He manages his email like his room.”

It was amazing how he had exchanged emails with Yoo-hyun in this state.

Regardless of that, he had to deal with the backlog of work.

Yoo-hyun first checked John Norman’s email and wrote a reply right away.

They had already agreed on everything, so there was no need to bargain any more.

-Dear John Norman, first of all, thank you for your interest in...

He sent all the design files along with his thanks.

He had accumulated a lot of work while working on the color phone, so the file size was also large.

It was not just the quantity that mattered.

He had gained experience through the color phone, and he had also learned from Senior Engineer Jang Hye-min, so the quality was not bad either.

John Norman must have liked it.


It was right after Yoo-hyun sent the email.

The inbox flashed and a new email came in.

He wouldn’t have cared if it was something else, but the title had his mother’s store name on it.

“Internet cafe?”

Yoo-hyun clicked on the link in the email.

Then an internet cafe that Han Jae-hee had made appeared on the monitor screen.

It was not just a simple cafe.

There were promotional images of his mother’s store all over the screen.

There were also individual product and purchase guide pages.

He had decorated it like a real online store.

Yoo-hyun picked up the phone.


-What? Are you going to nag me for not reading Apple’s email again?

“No. I took care of that.”


“Did you make an online store for mom’s store?”

-Ah, did you see it? I did a good job, right?

Yoo-hyun hesitated at Han Jae-hee’s bright voice.

He couldn’t understand his behavior.

“Well. You did a good job. But...”

-What? You told me to make promotional images.

“Yeah. That’s why I’m surprised.”

-What’s so surprising?

“When I asked you to do that, you were annoyed and grumpy, but now you’re making an internet cafe. Isn’t that weird?”

That wasn’t the only weird thing.

To decorate it like that, he had to go to the market and take pictures of everything himself.

His sister, who hated moving because she was lazy, would never do that.