Chapter 285:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 285:

Chapter 285

As Yoo-hyun was thinking for a moment, Team Leader Lee Jinmok approached him and asked.

“Yoo-hyun, let’s go work on the module.”

“Are we going already?”

“Already? We’re late.”

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and said in a good-natured tone.

“They say the best time to do something is when you think it’s too late.”

“No, it’s just that the module work is so backed up right now... Ah!”

Team Leader Lee Jinmok, who was speaking anxiously, paused for a moment.


At Yoo-hyun’s question, he gave a meaningful smile.

“No, nothing. I was just worrying about something unnecessary.”

“What do you mean?”

“Never mind, VIP of module work. Let’s go quickly. I’ll pull the cart for you.”

He then pulled the folding cart that contained the module boxes and walked ahead briskly.

“I’ll do it.”

Yoo-hyun followed him quickly.

But he couldn’t stop Team Leader Lee Jinmok’s strong will to take the lead.

Thanks to that, his hands were free.

The module work, which he had done once before, was finished faster than last time.

It was when Team Leader Lee Jinmok was admiring it.


Cho Yujung, who had led the work at a fast pace, came over and greeted Yoo-hyun.

But her greeting was not about the work.

“Yoo-hyun, your side dishes are low in calories and really delicious.”

“Thank you. I hope I’m not burdening you too much.”

“Of course not. It was exactly my style.”

As Cho Yujung finished speaking, the other female employees who had helped with the module work also chimed in.

“Really. I even ordered two more jars.”

“My dad really liked it.”

“I’ll use it often. I also left a review.”

He felt embarrassed, but gratitude came first.

Yoo-hyun smiled and handed them some chocolates.

“And have some of these too.”

“Oh my! What are these chocolates?”

Cho Yujung brightened up, and the other female employees also liked them.

“You even wrapped them up.”

“Oh, Yoo-hyun’s handwriting is so pretty.”

The words that came back were nice, so the words that went out were also nice.

“I feel like I’m always getting help from you. Thank you.”

“Thank you? We’re the ones who should be grateful.”

Cho Yujung returned the words again.

They exchanged words and created a very harmonious atmosphere.

It was something that could never happen in the harsh module factory.


Team Leader Lee Jinmok had experienced it before, but he still couldn’t get used to it.

On the way back after finishing the work, he asked.

“Hey, isn’t this a bit too much?”


“No, everyone is only...”

Team Leader Lee Jinmok stopped talking and choked up.

When Yoo-hyun looked at him, he shook his head vigorously.

There was no point in saying anything when there was no answer to be gained.

He gave up and changed the subject.

“No. But there are a lot of people who buy your side dishes.”

“I didn’t know it would spread to the module factory either.”

“Maybe it’s because there are always posts on the company promotion board.”

“I guess so. It’s a good thing.”

Yoo-hyun recalled the posts that had been posted on the board.

The small ball that Maeng Giyong Senior had thrown up was the starting point.

That post had a lot of comments and an overwhelming number of views compared to other posts.

Later, voluntary reviews also appeared on the board.

Thanks to that, the number of orders kept increasing.

“You must have gotten a lot of orders from just the company. Right?”

“Yes. Most of them seem to be company people.”

“There are so many people in our company... You must have a lot of volume.”

“That’s why I hired one part-timer.”

Team Leader Lee Jinmok agreed and Go Seongcheol Senior smiled at Yoo-hyun.

“Well, Yoo-hyun will sell the light well.”

“Light sellers are the best in Go-Stop. Just leave it to me.”

Yoo-hyun said confidently.

He had a reason to say that.

The SLC method, which was specialized for Hanseong LCD TV, would be the killing point of the super-high-resolution panel.

In the past, he had caught a mouse by backing up a cow, but this time he aimed for it from the start.

Thanks to that, he was able to advance the timing and improve the quality.

The work was going in a direction that couldn’t fail.

Yoo-hyun returned to his seat and brought up the overall schedule on his monitor.

The tasks that each department had to do according to the product review schedule were listed in detail.

It wasn’t just the Pre-Production Team that was struggling.

The Sales and Marketing Department also staked their lives on this product review.

Thanks to that, the countless schedules that were spread out in all directions were carried out without any problems.

However, there was something that bothered Yoo-hyun in his mind.

Ring ring.

Yoo-hyun’s phone on his desk rang.

The caller was Kang Changseok, his fellow trainee from his new employee training.

It was an expected call, so Yoo-hyun answered it happily.

“Changseok hyung.”

-Hey, long time no see. How have you been?

“I’ve been good. Did you get home well back then?”

-What do you think? How much did Seulgi make me drink...

Kang Changseok rambled on about what happened at the trainee gathering.

Most of it was complaints about the two tough female trainees.

Then he casually brought up the main point.

-Yoo-hyun, I need your help with something.

“Our panel roadmap data?”

-Yeah, how did you know?

It was something that the Development Center Director himself tried to take care of until the panel level.

It was easy to predict that the Pre-Production Team, which had a pre-production nature among the subordinate teams, would take on that task.

Usually, these kinds of chores were passed on to the youngest ones.

That was exactly Kang Changseok’s situation.

He couldn’t say it as it was, so Yoo-hyun vaguely made up a reason.

“Just because. You don’t seem like someone who would ask me for anything else.”

-I don’t know anything but work anyway.

Kang Changseok boasted his usual bluff and Yoo-hyun played along.

“That’s right. You’re doing great.”

-Thanks for recognizing me. The reason why I want to use it is...

Kang Changseok explained his reason at length.

He felt like he had thought a lot before calling him.

Yoo-hyun readily agreed to his request.

“I can give it to you. It’s already been sent to the Mobile Phone Business Division anyway.”

-Thank you. I’ll really buy you a meal.

“Okay. I’ll look forward to it.”

Yoo-hyun hung up the phone happily.

He had been worried about the movements within the Development Center anyway.

He could use this data as a contact point to look into their situation.

Kang Changseok called him several times to ask him various things about the data.

-Originally, the super-high-resolution panel...

“That’s not what you got from the Mobile Phone Business Division...”

Yoo-hyun answered kindly.

And every time he did so, he heard about the team’s internal situation through Kang Changseok.

-I have a report scheduled with the Team Leader.

“Are you also uploading our roadmap data?”

-Just as a reference. He asked me at first, but now he seems less interested.

“I see. Good luck with your report.”

-There’s nothing to do well or not with this report. Anyway, thanks for your help.

“You’re welcome. Contact me again if you need anything.”

He could tell Kang Changseok’s situation from just a few words.

There was nothing problematic so far.

The interest that had sparkled was also fading.

But he couldn’t relax.

The Development Center Director had stepped in, but it was too quiet.

He felt a strange feeling that tickled Yoo-hyun’s intuition.

Yoo-hyun muttered to himself after hanging up the phone.

“Let’s just watch a little more.”