Chapter 290:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 290:

Chapter 290

The conversation was over, but Yoo-hyun and Vice President Im Jun-pyo were still sitting in the office.

They exchanged a few more words with Vice President Hyun Ki-jung there.

Having decided to step forward, Yoo-hyun showed a more proactive attitude.

“The current situation of our competitors is...”

“Hmm, I see. They say Hansung has almost monopolized the ultra-high-resolution panel market.”

“Yes, that’s right. This will be a great advantage for Hansung’s mobile phones.”

As they were talking, there was a knock on the door.

Along with the knock, the secretary’s voice was heard.

“Vice President, you have a guest.”

“Tell them to come in.”

As Vice President Hyun Ki-jung gave permission, the door opened and three people entered.

Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo, Senior Manager So Byung-doo, and Kang Chang-seok.

After greeting the two vice presidents respectfully, they sat down opposite Yoo-hyun and Vice President Im Jun-pyo.

Vice President Hyun Ki-jung, who moved to the main seat, opened his mouth.

“I have a reason for calling you here.”

He said it bluntly.

But Senior Manager So Byung-doo and Kang Chang-seok trembled.

Both of them looked pale.

It was because they had something to be guilty of.

Among them, there was someone who calmly asked for the reason.

It was Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo of the Development Center.

“What is it about?”

“It’s better to clear up the misunderstanding when all the parties involved are here.”

“That’s right. You’re right.”

He nodded as if he understood the situation now.

But his eyes were full of suspicion as he looked at Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun carefully observed Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo’s face.

He scrutinized him while reading his subtle expression changes.

It was to confirm how much he was involved in this matter.

Then, Vice President Hyun Ki-jung passed the baton to Yoo-hyun.

“Why don’t you tell us now?”

“Yes, Vice President.”

It was at that moment.

Senior Manager So Byung-doo, who was trembling, opened his mouth first.

“Actually, it was Kang Chang-seok who arbitrarily...”

Yoo-hyun quickly read the expressions of Senior Manager So Byung-doo, who was nervous, Kang Chang-seok, who was lost in thought, and Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo, who flinched.

He analyzed their psychology in an instant.

He realized that he didn’t set up this meeting to sort out the right and wrong.

That wasn’t important at all right now.

It was more important to confirm Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo’s exact purpose.

For that reason, Yoo-hyun interrupted Senior Manager So Byung-doo in the middle of his speech.

“I’ll tell you.”


As Senior Manager So Byung-doo tried to open his mouth again, Yoo-hyun spoke first.

“I sent the data personally, not as a team. I hope this clears up the misunderstanding.”

Then he bowed his head and apologized.

Vice President Hyun Ki-jung accepted his words and said to everyone.

“I see. Since the person involved has apologized, let’s wrap up the LCD business unit issue here.”

“Huh? But...”

Then Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo looked flustered for the first time.

His expression contrasted sharply with that of Senior Manager So Byung-doo, who looked like he had been to hell and back.

He didn’t want this matter to be settled now.

Yoo-hyun confirmed that there was a behind-the-scenes player on Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo’s side as he saw his reaction.

Vice President Hyun Ki-jung urged Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo, who stopped talking.

“Come on, come on. Vice President Im also promised. He said it’s not like they won’t give us any products just because Apple invested in their factory.”

“Of course. We will prioritize the mobile phone business unit.”

Vice President Im Jun-pyo also stepped forward and promised himself.


Still, Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo’s face was dark.

Vice President Hyun Ki-jung asked him curiously.

“Why? Executive Director Shim, do you have anything to say?”

“No, no.”

As Vice President Hyun Ki-jung confirmed Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo’s opinion, he said with a friendly expression.

“Okay. Let’s not make each other blush anymore. We’re all from the same company, aren’t we? Haha.”

Yoo-hyun bowed his head and thanked Vice President Hyun Ki-jung.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“It’s thanks to you that you admitted your mistake first. That’s not easy.”

Kang Chang-seok apologized to Yoo-hyun again.

To be honest, Yoo-hyun was surprised.

He never thought Kang Chang-seok would have such a side.

He had a prejudice against him too.

He thought he had changed a lot, but he seemed to be still stuck in his past experience.

Yoo-hyun reflected on himself and patted Kang Chang-seok’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, stop saying sorry.”

“I’ll never do that again. I’m sorry.”

“Brother, I won’t see you if you do that again.”

“I got it. Thank you.”

Kang Chang-seok bowed his head again.

It was a scene that made Yoo-hyun think a lot.

That thought continued until he returned with Driver Ok Jong-ho, who was waiting for him, after saying goodbye to Vice President Im Jun-pyo.

At the moment when Yoo-hyun parted with Kang Chang-seok,

A man with white hair swept to the side was receiving a call from Executive Director Shim Kwang-soo.

On the desk where he was sitting, there was a nameplate of Hansung Group Strategic Planning Office.

“Vice President Hyun Ki-jung said that?”

-Yes, Executive Director. And Vice President Im...

“I see. I understand the content. But you said there was an employee involved?”

-Yes. His name is Han Yoo-hyun. Vice President Im brought him with him.

“Han Yoo-hyun, huh. I got it. Hang up the phone.”

-Yes. Please drive safely.

Executive Director Yoon Ju-tak hung up the phone and recalled the name Han Yoo-hyun.

It was the name that came up when Lee Tae-ryong, senior manager, was kicked out a while ago.

No one paid attention to him then because of his rank as an employee.

But this time it was different.

“Once can be a coincidence, but twice is not.”

Executive Director Yoon Ju-tak’s eyes shone menacingly.

Vice President Hyun Ki-jung kept his promise and stepped forward himself.

Thanks to that, the conflict between the mobile phone and LCD business units was quickly suppressed.

Naturally, the pressure from the mobile phone business unit also weakened.

Product 1 in charge didn’t even contact them anymore.

Thanks to that, the Preceding Product Team increased their concentration and sprinted to the finish line.

And finally they finished preparing for the product evaluation meeting.

A few days later,

A small barbecue restaurant located in Ulsan city center,


In the noisy atmosphere, Senior Min Su-jin, who was drunk with alcohol, didn’t know what to do.

“Min Su-jin. Min Su-jin. Min Su-jin.”

The people clapped their hands and called her name.

She blushed and got up to propose a toast.

She never took the initiative in this kind of situation before.

The people who were in a good mood listened to her words attentively.

Senior Min Su-jin, who was fidgeting, opened her mouth.

“Actually, since I came in as an experienced hire...”

Contrary to what they expected, a serious statement popped out instead of a nice speech.

“And I don’t have any colleagues or seniors or juniors... Sniff, sniff.”

She even lowered her head and sobbed.

The atmosphere that had been heated up until then became quiet as a mouse.

Then, Senior Min Su-jin suddenly raised her head and raised her voice.

“Now it’s different. I really love our team. You’re like family to me. Please raise your glasses.”


The people quickly lifted the mood and raised their glasses.

Yoo-hyun also raised his glass and looked at Senior Min Su-jin

He could feel her will to make a great speech from afar.

It was then.

Senior Min Su-jin, who had made up her mind, pushed her glass forward and gave impact to her words.

“Our fa. Family-like team...”

But she chose the wrong place to give impact.

The people started to whimper here and there.


Senior Min Su-jin, who was embarrassed, shouted the last slogan.

“For, for us.”

“Cheers. Family-like team, huh. Puhahaha.”

The people who shouted the slogan burst into laughter.

“No, no, that’s not what I meant...”

Senior Min Su-jin tried to explain, but the atmosphere was already out of control.

Yoo-hyun couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
