Chapter 305:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 305:

Chapter 305

I think I understood perfectly why the Airbnb family was stunned by Emma Johnson yesterday.


When the flustered man was stammering, the employees next to him also surrounded the man.

“This is not a place for you to be. Get out of here right now.”

“Why do I have to get out?”

When the man argued again, Emma Johnson’s thunderous roar fell.

“Get lost.”

With that one word, the situation was neatly resolved.

Clap clap clap clap clap.

The customers next to them applauded.


There was also someone who whistled.

At that moment, a smile appeared on Emma Johnson’s face, which had been fierce beyond measure.

She spoke to Yoo-hyun in a very tender voice.

It was a perfect change of attitude.

“Steve, I’m so sorry. Sometimes there are trash like that.”

“No. Thank you. Thanks to you, I can finish my meal.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

Emma Johnson thanked Yoo-hyun.

Then she apologized to Jung Da-hye and went back.

There was an awkward air on the table.

Jung Da-hye, who had been silent for a while, opened her mouth.

“That wasn’t a good way to solve it.”

“I can’t just sit still and listen to that.”

“That’s true, but there’s nothing to gain from fighting. What are you going to do with winning?”

Yoo-hyun listened to Jung Da-hye’s words and recalled his past memories.

In a similar situation, Yoo-hyun had uttered the same opinion as her.

-Let it go. There’s no reason to get involved with those guys and ruin your reputation.

In the past, Yoo-hyun was the one who avoided it for his own sake.

It wasn’t a bad decision.

But he didn’t want to do that now.

He had no reason to pretend to be calm while watching his loved one being ridiculed.

Was that why?

A different word came out of Yoo-hyun’s mouth than in the past.

“I’m not trying to win. I’m trying to protect.”


“Oh, don’t worry. I would have won even if I fought.”

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly and joked.

But Jung Da-hye’s stiff expression did not loosen.

She didn’t say a word until the meal was over.

She still hated leaving food, so she cleaned her plate.

Yoo-hyun did the same.

Jung Da-hye opened her mouth after finishing her meal.

“As I said before, I’ll pay for the meal.”

It was a word that she would wrap up today’s meeting.

Knowing her stubbornness, Yoo-hyun agreed first.

“Yes. Let’s do that.”

Jung Da-hye called an employee for payment after hearing Yoo-hyun’s answer.

Then the manager came instead of the employee.

Emma Johnson spoke to Jung Da-hye, who handed over the bill and cash on the table.

“I’m so sorry for the inconvenience earlier. I won’t take this food money.”

“What? No, no. I ate it very deliciously. Please take it.”

Jung Da-hye waved her hand in surprise, but Emma Johnson was adamant.

“No. It’s okay.”

Jung Da-hye was not someone who wanted such a freebie.

She thought she had to pay back what she owed.

She chose another way instead.

“Then take this as a tip. Thank you for your service today.”RêAd lateSt chapters at Only

“It’s okay. We caused such a nuisance, and it doesn’t make sense to take money.”

Emma Johnson shook her head even then.

Her tone was gentle, but her strong eyes gave a feeling that she would never accept it.

“But still...”

Emma Johnson smiled brightly at Yoo-hyun behind Jung Da-hye who was flustered.

“Steve, have a nice date with your girlfriend.”

“Yes. I will. Thank you for today.”


Soon, Yoo-hyun was able to find the motorcycle that was running ahead.

Jung Da-hye asked in surprise at Yoo-hyun who was driving fast.

“It’s okay. Really.”

“I know. I’ll just follow him for now.”

“No, you said you wanted to go to the Golden Gate Bridge.”

“I changed my mind. The Oakland Bridge is much better.”

The motorcycle was heading towards the Oakland Bridge.

Jung Da-hye made an incredulous expression at Yoo-hyun’s words.

Whether or not, Yoo-hyun sped up.

It was a big road and there weren’t many cars, so it wasn’t hard to follow the motorcycle.

The sports car was good enough.

Instead, when he opened the passenger window, the wind came in a bit strong.

Yoo-hyun apologized to Jung Da-hye and shouted.

“Hey. Give me the handbag.”

His words were buried by the loud wind, but his presence was clearly revealed.

The pickpocket glanced at Yoo-hyun and ran faster.

It was still in Yoo-hyun’s palm.

He didn’t cling to him roughly, but it was enough to pressure him.

The length of the Oakland Bridge was 13.5 kilometers.

There was enough distance, so Yoo-hyun thought he would keep teasing him like this.

It was the best solution for him to give up.

But as the motorcycle ran next to the passenger seat, Jung Da-hye looked anxious.

She held the safety bar tightly with her hand.

Bang bang bang.

The motorcycle moved around trying to get away.

Yoo-hyun blocked him persistently.

“Fuck you.”

Finally, the pickpocket threw Jung Da-hye’s handbag towards the sea.


The flying handbag caught on a rebar that caught the bridge railing.

Creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak creak

Yoo-hyun stopped his car on the shoulder of the road.

Jung Da-hye said in surprise.

“Yoo-hyun, it’s dangerous.”

“I’ll just get some fresh air for a moment.”

There were often people who parked their cars and rested on the shoulder of the Oakland Bridge.

So parking the car itself was not a problem.

The handbag was also the same.

If it had fallen into the sea, he would have had to think about it, but it was still hanging safely.

He just had to reach out and get it. There was no reason to be afraid of such a thing.

He approached the railing and put his hand between the rebars.

He saw that the handbag was barely hanging on.

If the wind blew once, it would have fallen into the sea 50 meters below for sure.

Yoo-hyun picked up the handbag and sighed with relief.

Fortunately, there was no big problem with the appearance of the handbag either.

It was when Yoo-hyun came back with his handbag.

Jung Da-hye was standing next to the car.

Her expression looked complicated.

“Here you go.”

When Yoo-hyun handed over the handbag, she took it without a word.


In an awkward atmosphere, Yoo-hyun handed over his phone.

Then he smiled brightly and asked.

“Can you take one picture for me?”


She gave a hollow laugh and took his phone.

Then she posed more seriously than before to take a picture.

She said as she looked at Yoo-hyun making a heart with his fingers.

“One, two, three.”

Snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snap

His picture was taken with the long bridge connecting San Francisco and Oakland as the background.

Yoo-hyun wanted to finish his schedule like this.

He saw that her expression looked complicated enough.

But she surprised him with an unexpected word.

“Do you want to have a cup of coffee?”


He wasn’t the one to refuse that.