Chapter 309:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 309:

Chapter 309

The rhetoric he had learned from Manager Park Doo-sik backfired on him.

Yoo-hyun answered him evasively, just as he had taught him.

“It’s not exactly that, but it’s similar.”

“I see. This will be a great opportunity for you, Yoo-hyun.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. Going to the Group Strategy Office is a very good way to advance your career.”

From his words, it seemed that there were already various rumors going around behind him.

Yoo-hyun quickly reviewed the past series of events.

He had done a lot of things that stood out, but the meeting with Vice President Hyun Ki-joong was the decisive factor.

If the report had gone through the Development Center Director, Vice President Yoon Joo-tak would have likely intervened.

Yoo-hyun clenched his teeth inwardly as he recalled his former boss who had been a bad blood.

“Thank you for your kind words, Manager.”

Of course, he did not lose his smile in front of Manager Park Doo-sik.

At that moment, at the Group Strategy Office.

Vice President Yoon Joo-tak, who had examined Yoo-hyun’s personnel record, tilted his head.

Contrary to his expectations, Yoo-hyun’s personnel record was too ordinary.

His qualifications were not worth mentioning, and he did not even have any connections in the back.

What was more puzzling was his output.

He had done too much work for an employee.

The number of rewards he received was also hard to count.

His recent moves were even more unbelievable.

The clash with Senior Manager Lee Tae-ryong, the meeting with Vice President Hyun Ki-joong, and the Apple product review.

It was impossible unless he had strongly gained the trust of Vice President Lim Joon-pyo.

How did an employee manage to surpass Vice President Lim Joon-pyo, who was stubborn and ignorant?

“There must be something.”

Whatever the reason, it was worth checking out if he had this much potential.

He made up his mind and pressed the button on the phone on his desk.

-Yes, Group Director.

He spoke to the secretary’s voice that came through.

“Tell Song Senior Manager to come in.”

-Yes. I understand.

He rested his chin on his hands with his fingers crossed and muttered softly.

“He might be a quite reliable ally.”

That night.

After a light workout, Yoo-hyun stopped by a bar with his army senior Park Young-hoon.

As promised, he bought him a bottle of whiskey.

When Yoo-hyun poured him a drink in an empty glass with ice and handed it to him, he smiled brightly.

“As expected, you are a decent guy, Yoo-hyun.”

“You worked hard, hyung.”

“Haha. It’s nice that the customer appreciates it.”

“Think of it as an honor that a VIP customer appreciates it.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and clinked glasses with him.

It had been a long time since they met, but there was no awkwardness.

The stories that had happened while they were apart flowed out smoothly.

There was affection in every word they said.

In the middle of that, Park Young-hoon suddenly said.

“The money you sent to the US must have arrived by now.”

“I guess so.”

Yoo-hyun nodded his head, and Park Young-hoon looked at him and said.

There was worry in his eyes.

“Yoo-hyun, I know why you invested, but don’t put any more money in.”


“Some of my seniors also invested blindly in Silicon Valley companies and went bankrupt.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled at Park Young-hoon’s concern.

“Don’t worry. It’s a good place.”

“They all say that. Did you get any investment from a venture capital there?”

“No. Not yet.”

“Well, they wouldn’t need your money if they were such a company.”

Park Young-hoon smiled bitterly and gulped down his drink.

Yoo-hyun understood Park Young-hoon’s concern very well.

If he were in his position, he would have dissuaded him too.

But Park Young-hoon trusted Yoo-hyun and followed him right away.

He was grateful for that and tried to fill up his glass.

“Here, have a drink...”

Ring ring ring

Then the phone rang.

“Hyung, wait a minute. I’ll take this call and come back.”

“Okay. I got it.”

It seemed like the call would take quite a while, so Yoo-hyun moved to another seat first.

He sat down at an empty table in the corner of the bar and pressed the receive button.

He was wearing neat clothes and glasses without frames. He was observing Yoo-hyun with a sharp gaze.

Yoo-hyun’s eyes settled on him as he recognized his old acquaintance.

Click. Click.

The photographer took pictures from various angles and said.

“Okay, we’re done. Yoo-hyun, you pretended not to care, but you have a good vibe.”

“Your eyes were serious and nice.”

The magazine writer also joined in.


“They say Yoo-hyun can do anything.”

People’s laughter and compliments were heard.

The interview followed right away.

As they sat down in a row by pushing their desks together, the magazine writer asked a question.

“Manager Choi, please tell us how you feel about winning as a presenter.”

“The reason why we were able to achieve excellent results in the Innovation Planning Contest was not because of me, but...”

Manager Choi Min-hee passed the credit to the people who worked with her.

She pointed out one by one how each part member contributed to the project.

Her praise also extended to Yoo-hyun.

“It was Yoo-hyun who set up the framework when we planned it in the beginning. Thank you again.”

“No, thank you, Manager. I didn’t do much.”

“No. You did well, Yoo-hyun.”

Manager Choi Min-hee took care of her team members until the end.

The team members also sincerely followed their leader.

Yoo-hyun saw the right image of an organization in front of him.

Was it because they were all smart?

Absolutely not.

It was possible because they had consideration and camaraderie for each other at the bottom.

It was impossible in a selfish organization where elitism prevailed.

The leader of such an organization was looking at Yoo-hyun now.

The interview continued towards Yoo-hyun.

“It’s your turn, Han Yoo-hyun, the youngest employee. What do you think of your current team?”

It was a mundane question to boost up the winning team from the magazine writer’s mouth.

Yoo-hyun looked around his team members and answered.

“I think my current team is very warm and nice. I think I’m lucky to be on this team.”

“I can tell that you like your team just by looking at your expression. Then do you have no intention of moving to another team even if you have a good opportunity?”

Yoo-hyun smiled faintly at the magazine writer’s malicious question.

Then he turned his gaze to his former boss standing in front of him and answered.

“Of course. No matter what offer comes, it’s for someone else.”

“Oh, I’ve never seen anyone answer so firmly to this question. The successful team is different indeed. Manager Choi, you must be happy.”

“It’s nice to hear that.”

Manager Choi Min-hee answered cheerfully to the magazine writer’s question.

Then Lee Chan-ho, who had been watching from the front, raised his hand with a flash and said.

“I’ll answer that question again. I’ll stay on this team even if there’s a knife on my neck. Our team, our part is the best.”

“Chan-ho, it’s too late.”

Manager Choi Min-hee cut him off sharply, and the people who were watching laughed together.


The atmosphere of the interview was very friendly.

Only the man who had been looking at Yoo-hyun had a stiff expression on his face.

After the magazine shooting was over.

Manager Choi Min-hee spoke to the hard-working part members.

“Shall we have a cup of coffee with the coupons we received today?”

“Sounds good.”

Yoo-hyun left them behind and said.

“Manager, I’ll skip this time.”


“I have somewhere to stop by.”

“Okay. I got it. Enjoy yourself and come back.”


Yoo-hyun smiled and sent off his part members.


Behind Yoo-hyun, the man who had been watching him since earlier approached and asked.

He didn’t notice that Yoo-hyun had waited for him on purpose.

“Can I talk to you for a moment?”

“What is it?”

Yoo-hyun pretended not to know and asked, and he silently handed him a business card.

-Group Strategy Office Strategy Team Kwon Sung-hoe Director.

It was just a company business card, but he arrogantly lifted his chin as if he was something.

It was a brilliant act of carrying the prestige of the Group Strategy Office on his back.

It was quite pathetic, but Yoo-hyun hid his expression and responded to his act.

“I think it would be better to move to another place.”

“Let’s do that.”

Director Kwon Sung-hoe nodded his head and took the first step.