Chapter 311:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 311:

Chapter 311

I felt a bit awkward, but Vice President Im Jun-pyo looked determined.

He seemed to have already received a call from Director Shin Kyung-wook.

I gladly accepted his offer.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“Hehe. You’re welcome. Kim Team Leader is doing a great job, isn’t he?”

“Not at all.”

As Senior Kim Ho-geol tried to step back, Vice President Im Jun-pyo patted his back.

“Hey, you should answer with confidence when someone praises you. Aren’t you going to be a department head soon?”

His words implied the formation of a TF.

Senior Kim Ho-geol straightened his posture and answered.

“I will work harder.”

“Hehe. Good to see that.”

Vice President Im Jun-pyo smiled pleasantly and looked around.

“What else can I do to help?”

He might have thought that he had done enough and said that casually.

But I was not the kind of person to miss such an opportunity.

I immediately replied.

“The office is under construction, and I don’t think it’s efficient to work in the review room.”

“Mr. Yoo-hyun, no. This is a very important time and...”

Senior Kim Ho-geol, who was startled, tried to stop me.

But Vice President Im Jun-pyo cut him off.

“Kim Team Leader, Mr. Yoo-hyun has a point. It’s too cramped and noisy here. Hmm...”

He paused for a moment and then nodded as if he had made up his mind.

“Okay. Didn’t the Preceding Product Team run too hard lately?”

“Yes. They did.”

Director Go Joon-ho quickly agreed, and Vice President Im Jun-pyo gave a refreshing answer.

It was exactly the same as when he used to pick up the phone right away when he had something to ask for.

“Then why don’t you go on a picnic while the construction is going on?”

“That is...”

He took another step forward as Senior Kim Ho-geol hesitated.

“Should I find a place for you? Let me see...”

“No, thank you. We’ll find it ourselves.”

Only then did Vice President Im Jun-pyo smile satisfiedly and ask me.

“How about that?”

“That’s a very good decision.”

I praised his decision.

Employees live on compliments, after all.

It was no different for vice presidents.

“Haha. Yes. That’s right.”

Vice President Im Jun-pyo laughed heartily.


Everyone was stunned by the sudden decision.

That afternoon, I had a casual conversation with Executive Director Yeo Tae-sik at a cafe on the outskirts of Ulsan.

It was his special favor as he misunderstood me as Director Shin’s closest aide.

“The business director told us to go on a team picnic today...”

Executive Director Yeo Tae-sik laughed loudly as he heard my story.

“Hahaha. Did the vice president really say that?”

“Yes. He said we need to rest if we want to use our brains.”

“As expected, he’s a man with a cool side.”

“He looked happy. Did you get a call from Director Shin?”

I casually asked, and Executive Director Yeo Tae-sik told me what had happened.

He had come to trust me fully after going through a series of processes.

He could say this because of that trust.

“Yes. Actually, Director Shin...”

Director Shin Kyung-wook actively pulled in Vice President Im Jun-pyo.

He didn’t just talk, but also offered him a clear carrot.

The vision of LCD Business Division’s spin-off was that carrot.

From the perspective of Vice President Im Jun-pyo, who barely survived with the factory investment deal, he couldn’t refuse the opportunity to jump up one step as an affiliate company president.

Executive Director Yeo Tae-sik added one more behind-the-scenes story.

“It seems that Vice President Shin Chun-sik contacted Vice President Lim directly.”

“To lure him in?”

“Yes. Just like they did to you at the Group Strategy Office.”

“How did he respond?”

“But you have to touch that styrofoam over there.”

As Son Moo-gil, who was also with us, pointed to the inside of the sea, Lee Jin-mok flared up.

“Mr. Son, you didn’t say that before.”

“That’s why I’m saying it now.”

As the two argued, Min Soo-jin, who was walking with me, said.

“I don’t understand why men are like that.”

“They have a lot of pent-up frustration, I guess. But isn’t it nice to see?”

“Pfft. Yeah. It’s good that the parts are getting along.”

Min Soo-jin covered her mouth and laughed.

She was different from how she used to be stiff all the time.

“I like seeing you laugh more, Mr. Min.”

She stopped for a moment as I said that.

She looked down and kicked the sand with her foot.

“People say I’ve changed.”


“I feel it too. Lately, I enjoy going to work.”

“Even though you work late every day?”

“It’s fun. What I make is spreading to the world. How great is that?”

She lifted her head and looked lighter.

I sincerely said.

“That’s true. You look good.”

“You made me change. Just like you said to me before.”

Her eyes met mine.


The words I had spat out to her in front of the roaring sea came to mind.

-Factions, office politics, purebloodism. We can’t rise up unless we break these injustices.

It was something I said to stimulate her, who was rigid.

And it was something I felt embarrassed to think about again at this point.

“Thank you, Mr. Yoo-hyun.”

“I’m embarrassed.”

“Everyone else will be grateful too.”

She opened her mouth once and poured out her sincerity.

She hadn’t even drunk alcohol yet.

That one word from her mouth tickled my heart.

I scratched my head and tried to answer.


Lee Jin-mok, who fell into the water, screamed loudly.

“Aaaaaah. Don’t push me!”

Then he dragged Son Moo-gil into the water with him.


“Hey, you bastard.”

Two people were splashing in the winter sea out of nowhere.

I said as I watched them.

“The others don’t seem to have any thoughts, do they?”


Min Soo-jin laughed freely for once.

It was a laugh that suited her well, as always.

There was so much to do when we had money and time.

So much that I wondered what to do first.

Mang Ki-yong, who was holding a schedule and thinking hard, said simply.

“Let’s just do sea fishing today.”

“But we have to do ATV and survival too...”

“If we go fishing and eat raw fish, people will never want to move.”

“Really? Mr. Jung said he wanted to add hiking too?”

“You can’t do that. Look over there.”

I pointed my chin and saw Jung In-wook lying like a cocoon in a corner.

There were a few more people groaning in similar positions.

They had lost their passion for the sea they had seen for the first time.

Mang Ki-yong looked worried and asked.

“Right. How can we go fishing like this?”

“They’ll like it once they go.”

“Really? They look like they just want to be left alone.”

“Don’t worry about that. It’s all possible if the leader pulls them well. Mr. Mang should know that by now.”

My words shut his mouth up.

He was about to become a part leader soon, so he seemed more confident in his shoulders.