Chapter 313:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 313:

Chapter 313

When Yoo-hyun came to work after a relaxing weekend, the office was neatly organized.

At the entrance partition, there was a different nameplate than the previous one for the Advanced Product Team.

Ultra High Resolution TF

The Advanced Product Team was upgraded to Ultra High Resolution TF until the completion of the Apple Phone 4 project.

Accordingly, Kim Ho-geol, who was the team leader, became a director.

The parts also grew in size and formed temporary teams.

Circuit, Panel, Advanced.

In addition to the original Advanced Product Team, Circuit 3 Team, Panel 3 Team, Future Product Research Institute, and some CTO staff were added.

As Yoo-hyun was standing at the entrance, Go Seong-cheol, a senior researcher, approached him and said.

“Yoo-hyun, do you know where your seat is?”

“No. I was just thinking for a moment.”

“I’m also feeling nervous right now.”

Go Seong-cheol, who used to be the 2nd part leader, became the 1st part leader of the Panel Team.

His temporary part leader life continued.

He also had other researchers under him, so his shoulders must have been heavy.

“You’ll do well.”

“I don’t know. Our team leader from CTO seems very strict.”

Go Seong-cheol sighed softly.

Suddenly, Jeong In-wook, a senior researcher who came close, grabbed Yoo-hyun’s arm.

“Yoo-hyun, if you stay like this, he’ll think I didn’t take care of you.”

“Haha. Did you settle in well?”

“Yeah. Let’s sit down quickly before you see the person in charge.”

“Yes, team leader.”

Jeong In-wook became the Circuit Team Leader.

The 1st part leader was Maeng Gi-yong, a senior researcher, and the 2nd part leader was Choi Jin-gon, a senior researcher from the original 3rd team.

Yoo-hyun belonged to the 1st part of the Circuit Team under TF.

Jeong In-wook, who sat next to Yoo-hyun, explained more about the situation.

“And the advanced team...”

The 1st part of the Advanced Team was led by the staff from the Future Product Research Institute and reviewed OLED panels.

And the 2nd part reviewed the production of ultra-high resolution panels using existing LCD processes.

There was a lot to do with enough investment in the factory.

It was exactly what Yoo-hyun wanted to prepare for the future.

“That’s good.”

“Yeah. That’s why my shoulders are heavier.”

“Already acting like a team leader?”

“Of course. Do you know how many people I have under me?”

Jeong In-wook showed a confident expression.

He seemed to have a lot of pride in his position.

Yoo-hyun didn’t have to worry too much about him.

He congratulated him with his heart.

“That’s a good attitude.”

“You can rest now. I’m going to run the module work mainly with the people from the 3rd team that we got this time.”

“Yes. I have to rest if everyone tells me to.”

He said that, but he had no intention of resting.

Yoo-hyun wanted to set up a system that could run on its own even without him.

Jeong In-wook didn’t know what Yoo-hyun was thinking and said with a serious expression.

“Yeah. The person in charge said he would take care of you resting. That’s my first mission.”

“Haha. It’s a good company life in many ways.”

“Yeah. I envy you the most.”

“Do you want to switch?”

“No. I’d rather be a team leader than an employee.”

Jeong In-wook smiled and answered.

He pretended not to care, but he had a lot of pride in his expression.

Yoo-hyun greeted him again with his heart.

“I look forward to working with you, team leader.”

Time passed and the new year of 2009 came.

At the same time, good news came from everywhere.

Ulsan 1 Factory, Auditorium.

Yoo-hyun was sitting in the audience where a group event was taking place.

His eyes moved from Kim Ho-geol, who was standing on stage, to Park Jin-hoon, who was crouching below him.

He was holding flowers as the youngest member who came from the 3rd team.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and said.

The screen on the podium still had some words on it.

Best Organization Award: Ultra High Resolution TF

It was a notification of Yoo-hyun’s performance during his dispatch.

He burst into laughter.

Time passed a little more.

Things were going exactly as Yoo-hyun wanted.

People got rewarded for their work and worked harder with a good mood.

The organization moved forward on its own as a positive cycle was established.

There was no trace of the defeatist attitude that used to show up occasionally.

This was enough.

But what the hell?

-2009 First Half Hansung Group R&D Award: Han Yoo-hyun

Yoo-hyun was dumbfounded when he checked his email.

It was obvious that someone from above was pushing him.

They clearly wanted to promote him without any objection.


A coarse word came out of Yoo-hyun’s mouth.


Because he would inevitably catch the eye of the group strategy office.

That’s why.

At that moment.

Song Hyun-seung, the executive director of the group strategy office, faced Kwon Sung-hae, the director.

He had a copy of the latest Hansung Electronics newsletter in his hand.

He looked at the interview with Yoo-hyun and a deep wrinkle formed next to his big eyes.

He looked very friendly because of his thick eyelids.

“Haha. He says he has no intention of moving to another organization no matter what offer he gets...”

“Yes. He didn’t budge when I talked to him last time. He was quite arrogant.”

Kwon Sung-hae nodded at Song Hyun-seung’s words.

“He deserves it. The group leader is taking care of him so well, he has no reason to come to us.”

“I thought it was strange that he refused so confidently.”

“That’s why I told you to give him a penalty. But Vice President Yeo gave him an award instead. What should we do?”

“We have to make him pay.”

Kwon Sung-hae lowered his voice and Song Hyun-seung snapped his fingers and said,

“Bingo. We have to show those LCD business guys how scary the group strategy office is. Huhu.”

One corner of Song Hyun-seung’s mouth curled up.

The next day.

At the group leader’s office in Ulsan 1st factory.

Yoo-hyun spoke to Yeo Tae-sik, the vice president who came down to Ulsan factory.

“Group leader, thank you for your consideration, but you didn’t have to do this much.”

“No, you and Kim Young-gil deserved it. It wasn’t my opinion, it was the common opinion of Vice President Shin and Director Kim.”

“I wish you had given me a different award then.”

“Why should I? I believe that personnel should be fair.”

Yeo Tae-sik didn’t show any regret despite Yoo-hyun’s words.

He could see that the situation would turn bad.

Yoo-hyun spoke bluntly.

“Group strategy office won’t stay still. Or maybe they already contacted you.”

“Yes. You’re right. But that doesn’t mean I have to back down. What’s the point of being a leader who can’t protect one subordinate?”

He appreciated his thoughtfulness, but he regretted his emotional response.

It didn’t match his usual calm style.

“Didn’t I tell you I’m fine? I can handle a little rain. I have nothing to lose.”

“No. I’m not fine. Do you know why I’m trying to push Vice President Shin as a leader?”

“Yes. I heard it last time.”

“Right. I believe that if Vice President Shin becomes a leader, he will create a fair company culture that I want.”

Did he recall the time when he was pushed aside by Han Kyung-hoe and his ability was not recognized?

Or did he recall the time when he met Vice President Shin and set a new goal?

His eyes sparkled behind his thin silver glasses.

Yoo-hyun nodded at his words for now.

“I agree with you on that part.”

“Then why do I have to accept such unreasonable demands?”

“You said you value results over processes.”

“I know. But that doesn’t mean I want to destroy my values. I don’t want to go to my destination like that.”

Yoo-hyun was surprised to see Yeo Tae-sik’s burning look.

He saw the strong ideal that was hidden behind him.