Chapter 320:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 320:

Chapter 320

Yoo-hyun was sincere.

He had given a great help without asking for anything in return.

If it wasn’t for Yoo-hyun, the preparation time for the startup would have taken much longer.


Hyunjin looked at him silently, and Yoo-hyun smiled sheepishly.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“No, I’m just curious why you’re doing this much.”

“Again with that? I’m helping you because we’re friends.”

Yoo-hyun answered with a chuckle.

It wasn’t just a casual remark.

For Yoo-hyun, Hyunjin was a very precious friend.

And Yoo-hyun knew very well that there was an obstacle in front of his precious friend.

The interview that JK Communications employee had done was the clue.

-Our president had a hard time when he first started his business, because he was scammed by an investor. But he doesn’t show it at all. Only a few people know this story.

Would he leave it as it is?

That didn’t make sense.

He wanted to at least clear the visible obstacles for his friend.

That was all.

He had no intention of telling his friend what to do, who could do well on his own.

Even if he chose a different path, he was going to watch him.

He was content with just seeing him spread his wings by his side.

That was Yoo-hyun’s attitude towards his precious friend.

It was when Yoo-hyun was talking to Hyunjin after checking the documents.


The door of the conference room opened and two men appeared.

They were the investors who were going to meet with Hyunjin today.

Hyunjin got up from his seat and bowed.

“Hello, I’m Hyunjin.”

“Heh, you’re young. Well, that’s not bad.”

The old man sat down with a casual attitude, as if he didn’t care about Hyunjin’s greeting.

He had combed-over hair, thin eyebrows, and glasses over his blurry eyes. He was impressive.

His name was Go Youngseok, and he ran a venture capital company called YS Venture Investment.

The young man next to him tapped Hyunjin’s shoulder.

“Hyunjin, did you prepare well?”

“Yes, senior. I did my best.”

The man had a fairly gentle smile. He was Shin Jaechul, Hyunjin’s senior from college and a fellow venture capital employee.

Yoo-hyun had already researched them beforehand.

Shin Jaechul sat down and pointed at Yoo-hyun, asking Hyunjin.

“Who is this?”

Before Hyunjin could answer, Yoo-hyun introduced himself first.

“Hello, I’m Han Yoo-hyun, who is going to work with Hyunjin.”

“Oh? Hyunjin, did you have a co-founder?”

“He’s not a co-founder, but an employee who will handle the accounting part. We agreed to share only a part of the equity.”

Hyunjin answered as they had planned beforehand, and Shin Jaechul nodded his head after looking at Yoo-hyun briefly.

His expression wasn’t very pleasant.

“I see. Let’s also review that part together.”

Shin Jaechul led the meeting.

“Mr. Go, as I told you before...”

Go Youngseok looked over the documents that Hyunjin had made while listening to the explanation.

He maintained a nonchalant expression, as if it was nothing special.

But he couldn’t hide the occasional flashes in his eyes.

Yoo-hyun watched his expression quietly when he did that.

Go Youngseok put down the documents and smirked.

“Heh. Hyunjin, why don’t you just stay at Ilseong Electronics?”

“What part is lacking? Can I hear it?”

Hyunjin asked politely for the reason, and Go Youngseok shrugged his shoulders and answered.

“Well, it’s just too plain. Honestly, if it had any value, Ilseong Electronics should have applied this idea, but they didn’t.”

“What are they?”

“The joint liability of the founder and the transfer of the patent to our side in case of product failure.”

“I see.”

As expected, garbage-like conditions popped out.

Still, Yoo-hyun nodded obediently.

Go Young-seok smirked and pushed the contract to him.

“Jin-geon, just sign it. Honestly, I’m doing you a favor because I’m your senior.”


Yoo-hyun took the contract without saying anything to Hyun Jin-geon.

He checked the contents and opened his mouth.

“By the way, are the other companies’ conditions similar?”

“No. They are more generous than others. There aren’t many hardware startups that do this.”

“I see. I appreciate your opinion, YS Venture Investment.”

Honestly, he wanted to tear up the contract and lash out at them, but Yoo-hyun held back for now.

It was a matter involving Hyun Jin-geon’s acquaintance.

The choice was up to Hyun Jin-geon.

Hyun Jin-geon spoke after receiving Yoo-hyun’s gaze.

“Senior, I’m not going to take this investment.”

“What? Jin-geon, this is a rare opportunity. You don’t have any room to borrow money because of your family situation.”

“Do you know my situation is difficult and offer me such conditions?”

Hyun Jin-geon’s sharp reaction for the first time surprised Go Young-seok.

Shin Jae-chul jumped up and scolded him.

“Hey. How can you talk like that? You don’t know how small this industry is?”

Yoo-hyun chuckled and said.

“That’s enough. Are you trying to rip off your junior and threaten him too?”

“This bastard is asking for it.”

He was quite a shameless fellow for someone who graduated from a good school.

Hyun Jin-geon was so disappointed that he turned his head away.

Go Young-seok stopped Shin Jae-chul who was about to attack him.

“Wait, Director Shin.”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

As Shin Jae-chul sat down, Go Young-seok looked at Yoo-hyun and Hyun Jin-geon with arrogance.

“You guys think investment is a joke? I’m an expensive body.”

“I know Mr. Go is famous in the venture capital industry.”

Yoo-hyun snickered and replied, making Go Young-seok grind his teeth.

“Yeah. You said something right. How dare you give me the finger?”

“Why? Do you want me to pay for your car?”

“What? You. What’s with your attitude?”

Go Young-seok’s face turned red and blue.

Before Yoo-hyun could say anything, Hyun Jin-geon moved first.

He picked up a document on the table and pushed it to Go Young-seok.


Hyun Jin-geon had a fierce look on his face.

“Let’s see who’s wrong here.”

“What the hell is this...”

Go Young-seok’s eyes narrowed as he picked up the document.

The document recorded the company value of JK Communications evaluated by foreign and domestic investors.

Yoo-hyun had checked with multiple investment companies in advance with Hyun Jin-geon’s consent.

The gap was so big that there was no company that offered less than 500 million.

One foreign investment company even offered to buy the patent alone for 2 billion won.

In other words, Yoo-hyun and Hyun Jin-geon knew that everything they had said so far was a show.

Go Young-seok was flustered.

Shin Jae-chul, who leaned forward to check the contents, snapped at Hyun Jin-geon.

“Jin-geon. Did you do this because you don’t trust me?”

“Senior, these days people compare prices even when they buy snacks at the mart.”

“Ha. That’s why you shouldn’t pick up black-haired beasts. You think I’ll let you go? You’re screwed, you’ll be buried at school.”

Shin Jae-chul shouted, and Go Young-seok intervened more rudely.

“These investment companies here? Ha. They’re all under me. Try to get an investment from them. I’ll show you what happens when you mess with me in this industry.”

They were really shameless bastards.