Chapter 326:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 326:

Chapter 326

Kim Young-gil, the section chief, also pointed out that part.

“Haha. That’s right. He always mentions you when I call him.”


It was when Kim Young-gil, who was shrugging his shoulders, leaned on the railing.

Yoo-hyun smiled at his own appearance, keeping a distance from the railing.

Kim Young-gil asked with a puzzled look.

“Why? What do they say on the phone?”

“No. I just heard that you shouldn’t lean on the railing.”

“Who? Oh, Jun-sik?”

Kim Young-gil guessed it right away, as if he had been burned several times.

Yoo-hyun said, looking at the small sign hanging next to the railing.

The writing was barely visible behind the grass.

“Yes. I saw that it was really written there.”

“Really? How did you notice that?”

“I wonder.”

Yoo-hyun gave a hollow laugh, and Kim Young-gil, who was laughing with him, asked casually.

“But Han, are you deliberately messing with Jun-sik right now?”

“Of course not. I just gave him some work.”

“Come on, I can tell you’re trying to show him who’s boss. I think that’s the right way to go.”

Even if Yoo-hyun denied it, Kim Young-gil had a determined expression.

Not only him, but everyone else had the same misunderstanding.

Yoo-hyun emphasized once again.

“I’m not trying to show him who’s boss. I have no reason to do that.”

“Then why are you making him work overtime like that?”

“He did it himself. You know how inflexible he is.”

“Well... But he seems to have a sense of responsibility when he does his own thing.”

Not only responsibility, but also passion.

It was a great advantage, but it didn’t work well for him right now.

“Yes. He does, but I think he’s going in the wrong direction.”

“Because he tries to do everything by himself?”

“Yes. He can’t use people at all.”

Jun-sik’s biggest problem was simple.

He tried to make all the materials by himself.

He didn’t know how to use other colleagues’ materials.

No matter how hard he tried, it was hard to get good results that way.

“So you’re trying to fix him?”

“I have to.”

As Yoo-hyun nodded his head, Kim Young-gil uttered a worried word.

“It won’t be easy. If he could be fixed, they would have done it in his previous team.”

“I know. That’s why I’m going to make him realize it himself.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Yoo-hyun gave a meaningful smile to Kim Young-gil, who asked with a curious expression.

“Just watch.”

Yoo-hyun wanted to see how far Jun-sik would go.

Jun-sik worked hard on organizing the materials again.

He even opened the materials he had made for the last seminar, as if he had heard Yoo-hyun’s words in one ear and out the other.

Of course, that didn’t mean he found the answer.

He just made limited revisions within his own narrow framework.

And he did it very diligently and stupidly.

-Today was another hard day.♩ ♪ ♬

The song for leaving work rang out, but Jun-sik didn’t move this time either.

He edited the materials as if he was doing the most important thing in the world.

It was obvious that he was struggling to get recognition.

Then, Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, approached Yoo-hyun.

“Han, how about some tripe today?”

“Sounds good.”

“What about Jun-sik?”Fiind updated novels at

“Oh, Jun-sik is busy right now. Right?”

As Yoo-hyun asked, Jun-sik nodded his head.

“Yes. I think I have to work overtime today.”


Kim Hyun-min looked incredulous and Yoo-hyun said,

“If you have work to do, you have to do it. That’s the fate of an office worker.”

“Oh come on. Then do you leave early every day because you have no work?”

“Wake up soon, Jun-sik.”

Yoo-hyun’s muttering followed him.

The next day.

Jun-sik met his colleague Kim Chul-jae from TV Group during lunchtime.

He was from the same school and the only colleague he kept in touch with.

Kim Chul-jae opened his mouth after hearing about Jun-sik’s new team.

“Isn’t Han Yu-hyun a great person? I heard he’s doing well in our side too.”

“No. He’s just the same.”

“What do you mean by the same?”

“Forget it. I don’t want to talk behind his back.”

“Kid. This is when you have to talk it out and let it go.”

Kim Chul-jae tried to poke him, but Jun-sik kept his mouth shut as always.

But inside, he had a lot of things to say.

He couldn’t stand that everyone praised him as a senior who only played around like a bum.

He frowned as he thought of Yoo-hyun.

Kim Chul-jae said to him.

“Jun-sik, that’s how companies are. It’s easier if you just accept it.”

“No. If I have to compromise like that, I won’t work for a company.”

“Geez. You’re really like a son of a strict policeman.”

As soon as Kim Chul-jae said that, Jun-sik’s eyes sank sharply.

“Don’t insult my father.”

“That was my mistake. Sorry.”

Kim Chul-jae apologized right away.

He touched the part that shouldn’t be touched.

While Jun-sik was meeting his colleague, Yoo-hyun was also meeting his colleague.

Yoo-hyun learned more about Jun-sik through Kwon Se-jung.

Especially, Yoo-hyun paid attention to the incident that happened right before Jun-sik moved teams.

“That time, Deputy Manager Seong Wung-jin said to Jun-sik...”

As he heard the story, it was as Yoo-hyun expected. Seong Wung-jin was more at fault than Jun-sik.

It was hidden, but Yoo-hyun could see the corruption behind it in his eyes.

But why did everyone blame Jun-sik?

“That was definitely Seong Wung-jin’s fault.”

“I don’t know. To be honest, I think I would have done the same thing if I were Seong Wung-jin.”

“No. You would have been different.”

“I don’t know. I get irritated when I’m in front of Jun-sik. He’s a person who gets on my nerves.”

Kwon Se-jung’s words had the answer.

Jun-sik had lost all trust from his team members because of his wrong attitude.

Being in society didn’t mean that being right was always the way to go.

On the other hand, Seong Wung-jin had established a solid territory for himself.

When a problem arose, it was clear who the team members would choose between the two.

“I get what you’re saying. Thanks for telling me.”

“You must be having a hard time too.”

Yoo-hyun shook his head at Kwon Se-jung’s words.

“No. I feel better after hearing your story.”


“Because he doesn’t seem like a trash after all.”

Being clumsy at work, having no sense, being stubborn, and inflexible?

Yoo-hyun was confident that he could fill in his shortcomings.

But if he had a problem with his personality, that was a different story.

If he raised someone who was ethically flawed, it could cause more harm later.

Kwon Se-jung, who had no idea of Yoo-hyun’s thoughts, waved his hand.

“Geez. You don’t know because you haven’t experienced enough.”

“Don’t worry. He’ll probably get better soon.”

Yoo-hyun said confidently and Kwon Se-jung snorted.

“Make some sense. If that stubborn kid changes, I’ll cut off my hand.”

“Don’t cut off your hand, just buy me some food. With Jun-sik too.”

“Awesome. This is definitely a call.”

“Then look for a restaurant.”

Yoo-hyun smiled as he looked at him.

And the next day.

Jun-sik’s hard-earned material appeared on Yoo-hyun’s screen.

As expected, he repeated the same mistake.

He still didn’t use the materials made by other team members and made them by himself.

It was impossible for Yoo-hyun to do everything by himself.

He didn’t think he would realize it by repeating it here again.

In this case, it was also a way to take a break once.