Chapter 330:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 330:

Chapter 330

Park Young-hoon was ecstatic with just that.

“Hahaha! Your junior is really crazy, isn’t he?”

“He’s a bit weird, but he’s not trash.”

“Kukuku! It reminds me of the guy who joined the other team.”

“Who is he?”

Park Young-hoon laughed even before he spoke, shaking his shoulders.

“He’s the one who asked his mom to get him out of a company dinner.”

“His mom?”

“Yeah. So his mom called the team leader and said, ‘Please don’t make my son drink, he can’t handle alcohol.’ You should have seen the team leader’s face then. Kukukuku!”

“Wow, what a clueless guy.”

Yoo-hyun gave a hollow laugh at the absurd story.

Then, a loud cheer came from below the ring.


He turned his head and saw that the result of the sparring that had just started was already out.

Lee Jang-woo helped his senior up and bowed politely.

Then he looked at Yoo-hyun with a round-eyed expression.

It was as if he was asking for praise.

Yoo-hyun gave him a thumbs up as he walked with the support of the gym owner.

Lee Jang-woo bowed sincerely in response.

Park Young-hoon admired him.

“Jang-woo is really loyal.”

“Yeah. He’s almost too much.”

Yoo-hyun said softly, and Park Young-hoon asked.

“Do you know? Will your junior be like Jang-woo?”

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

“Haha! True. People don’t change their personalities easily.”

“I wish he was just in the middle.”

Yoo-hyun nodded and muttered to himself.

That was exactly what he wanted.

Neither more nor less.

A few days later.

Yoo-hyun quickly skimmed through the data that Jang Jun-sik had sent him.

As expected, it was extremely detailed.

As he had confirmed last time, he had all this data in his head.

He had made most of the content by himself, which made it possible.

This useless obsession was holding him back now.

But Yoo-hyun was sure that it would be a great weapon later.

Of course, he didn’t tell him that now.


Instead, he closed the window on the monitor with his mouse button.

Jang Jun-sik opened his mouth with a dumbfounded expression.

“Why are you already...”

Whether he liked it or not, Yoo-hyun packed his stuff and said,

“Let’s go on a business trip first.”

“Don’t you want to see more of the data?”

“I’ve seen enough. The details are good. But there’s no change overall.”

Jang Jun-sik looked wronged at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“No, there is. I added more of the last meeting’s content...”

“When did I ask you to add that?”


Jang Jun-sik clenched his fist tightly at Yoo-hyun’s question.

He was reaching his limit.

But he didn’t ask for a proper reason.

He should have asked what was wrong, but he didn’t and swallowed it inside.

It was because of his petty pride.

He couldn’t understand even if Yoo-hyun explained it to him now.

Yoo-hyun got up first, leaving him behind.

“If you don’t want to go, stay here.”

“No, I’ll go.”

Jang Jun-sik picked up his laptop bag and followed him after a moment of thought.

The place where Yoo-hyun went with Jang Jun-sik was NaviTime, located in Gasan-dong.

A familiar face was waiting for Yoo-hyun at the entrance on the first floor.

It was Jo Han-jin, the manager who had connected with Yoo-hyun when he first contacted NaviTime.

“Congratulations on your promotion, Han Daeri.”

“Congratulations on your promotion too, Jo Gwajangnim.”

Jo Han-jin greeted him warmly and received Jang Jun-sik’s greeting as well before leading them inside the building.

“Well, let’s go in right away. They’re waiting for you.”

President Jeong Yeonsik praised Yoo-hyun with a good mood.

Yoo-hyun smiled and President Jeong Yeonsik put down his tea and said.

“No. I don’t want to just say it with words. Hmm... Ah, by the way, do you have a car?”

“What kind of car are you talking about?”

“The one that goes vroom vroom.”

“No. I don’t have one.”

Why is he suddenly talking about cars?

Ignoring Yoo-hyun’s curiosity, President Jeong Yeonsik called Jo Hanjin.

“Really? Jo manager, remember the car we received from Hyunil for testing?”

“Yes, president.”

“That car is almost new. It’s worth quite a bit, isn’t it?”

“Yes. We only tested it a few times.”

Hearing Jo Hanjin’s words, President Jeong Yeonsik gave Yoo-hyun a meaningful smile.

“Han deputy, I want to give it to you as a token of my gratitude. How about it?”

“A gift?”

Yoo-hyun chuckled at President Jeong Yeonsik’s unexpected favor.

He looked like he was trying to show off his power by stiffening his shoulders and bluffing. It was no different from when he was scammed by a subway scammer and offered money first.

He was thankful for his concern, but Yoo-hyun had no intention of accepting it.

Yoo-hyun was about to refuse firmly when

Jang Junsik, who was next to him, said with a stiff expression.

“I’m sorry, president, but our company rules strictly prohibit improper solicitation and provision of money or goods.”

“What did you say?”

President Jeong Yeonsik’s eyes widened at Jang Junsik’s sudden interference.

Oh, boy.

Yoo-hyun was so dumbfounded that he put his hand on his forehead for a moment.

Even though he could see that the atmosphere was clearly ruined, Jang Junsik didn’t back down.

“If you violate this, it may cause damage to the company, even if it is a customer, and the person who received the bribe...”

“Junsik, I get it. Just stop.”


Yoo-hyun gave Jang Junsik a strong look as he tried to open his mouth again.

He was intimidated by the heavy atmosphere of his senior whom he met for the first time, and Jang Junsik swallowed his saliva.

Yoo-hyun immediately smiled and appeased President Jeong Yeonsik.

“Ha ha. My junior is a bit strict on this matter. I’ll take your heart gratefully.”

“Yeah. I was just kidding. Ha ha.”

But that was it.

The awkward air that flowed in the president’s office was too hard to change.

The mood was completely dead.

Yoo-hyun politely responded and wrapped up the meeting.

Yoo-hyun came out of the Navitime building and walked silently for a while.

Jang Junsik followed him one step behind as always.

Yoo-hyun stopped, but the distance between the two remained the same.

Yoo-hyun turned his head and said to Jang Junsik.



Maybe because of his fierce eyes earlier, Jang Junsik clenched his trembling hands and faced Yoo-hyun.

He tried not to back down and spoke first.

“I don’t think I did anything wrong.”

“Who said you did?”

Yoo-hyun snapped, and Jang Junsik blinked.


“You did well. You shouldn’t have accepted that.”


“But you should have waited a bit. I was trying to end it nicely.”

Thump. Thump.

Yoo-hyun approached Jang Junsik, who was standing blankly, and patted his shoulder.

“You worked hard today. Then go home.”


“Why? Are you going home when it’s not time to go home?”

At Yoo-hyun’s question, Jang Junsik quickly shook his head.

“No, no.”

“I told Choi manager, so don’t worry about anything and just go home.”

“Yes. Have a good day.”

Jang Junsik bowed his head with a nervous heart.

He lifted his head and looked at Yoo-hyun’s back, recalling what Marketing Team Manager Seong Woongjin had said a while ago.

-Hey, Jang Junsik, it’s customary to receive this much from a company. Why are you interfering and making a fuss, huh?

He used his position in a large company to squeeze subcontractors.

When he raised his flag against the absurd practice, he pressed him down.

That’s when his persistent harassment began.