Chapter 332:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 332:

Chapter 332

Before they even started, one bottle of soju was already empty.

This was faster than Han Jae-hee, so Yoo-hyun stopped Jang Jun-sik.

“Jun-sik, slow down. We haven’t even started yet.”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried about you, I’m worried about me. Who’s going to take care of you if you pass out?”

Yoo-hyun tried to stop him again, but Jang Jun-sik, who was already flushed, pushed the soju bottle towards him.

In his other hand, he held an empty beer glass instead of a soju glass.

“Trust me, I’ll be fine. Boss, let me offer you a drink.”

“What are you doing?”

Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager, smiled as he saw Yoo-hyun’s dumbfounded expression.

“Jun-sik is catching up to Han, catch him.”


Everyone laughed at Jang Jun-sik’s unexpected behavior.

It was fine until then.

But Jang Jun-sik, who had unleashed himself, was a person who didn’t know the word ‘moderation’.

Glug glug.

He drank every time he poured a drink for someone else.

He was drinking right next to them, so they couldn’t refuse.

“I’ll take a break for a bit.”

“No way.”

Kim Young-gil, the section chief, tried to pull his glass away, but Jang Jun-sik was faster.

He filled up the empty glass and then tried to fill up Yoo-hyun’s glass as well.

“I just drank.”

He had said that an empty glass was not allowed.

“Who taught you how to drink?”

“I learned from my father.”

Jang Jun-sik bit his lower lip as he said the word ‘father’.

His eyelids trembled.

Seeing his troubled look, Yoo-hyun had no choice but to take another glass.


Yoo-hyun sighed every time he took a glass.

They drank so fast that they all got drunk sooner than usual.

The others also seemed to reach their limits and pushed Yoo-hyun away.

Hwang Dong-sik and Lee Chan-ho, who were good at drinking, urged Yoo-hyun to take care of him.

“Boss, you have to cover for him. He’s your mentee.”

“Yeah. We can’t handle Jun-sik.”

But Yoo-hyun was not the type to take it lying down.

He raised his glass and challenged them.

“Fine, then let’s all drink together.”

“What? You want us all to die?”

Kim Young-gil, the section chief, asked incredulously.

“Of course. We are the third part, we live and die together.”

“Hahaha! Yeah! Drink, drink.”

Maybe because they were already drunk, they quickly got excited.


The bottles of liquor emptied quickly.

The owner of the restaurant who brought them side dishes clicked her tongue.

They drank like there was no tomorrow at the tripe restaurant.

Even Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager, who rarely drank, let loose.

Jang Jun-sik was still at the center of it all.

He drank so many bottles by himself that it was hard to count.

Yoo-hyun also drank a lot to deal with him.

He was his senior and boss, but he was almost dying before him.

“Ugh, I’m dying.”

A weak sound escaped from Yoo-hyun’s mouth.


Jang Jun-sik, who got up from his seat, picked up an empty soju bottle.

There was a spoon stuck in it, probably by someone.

He was staggering, but he suddenly opened his mouth.


His voice was loud enough to draw the attention of the whole part.

His face was red, his upper body was swaying left and right, and his spoon was shaking.

Everything in front of Yoo-hyun’s eyes created a sense of anxiety.

He should have stopped him right away, but he couldn’t move his body easily because he was drunk.

As expected, Jang Jun-sik blurted out something explosive.

“What’s so great about you? Huh?”

“Jun-sik, calm down. Let’s sit down.”

Yoo-hyun waved his hand, but Jang Jun-sik didn’t stop.

“You just hang out every day, and chat with the female employees. Huh?”


Then he felt a presence next to him.


He turned his head slowly with a creepy feeling.

He saw a bulging shape of a blanket that indicated something was inside.


He startled and moved away, and saw Jang Jun-sik’s face with his hair all messed up.

Yoo-hyun quickly recalled what happened yesterday.

The fragments of the words they said after the first round came together.

-Let’s go to the second round! It’s too early to end!

-I haven’t learned enough yet. Please teach me!

-Boss, you came back from overseas, but you never went to your studio apartment.

-Yeah. Let’s go to boss’s studio apartment for the second round.

-Ooh, sounds good.

He had no memory of what happened after that.

He looked around the room with a wry smile.

“Did we really have the second round here?”

They drank so much that there were empty bottles on the wall side.

They even cleaned up the food neatly.

There were also some wrapped gifts piled up in one corner.

He didn’t know where they got them from.

It was ridiculous.

Beep beep.

His phone on the desk rang.

He got up from his seat and picked up his phone with difficulty.

There were many missed calls and unread messages.

He checked the latest message from Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager.

-Boss, you can’t get up either? Just take a day off and rest. We all decided to do that.

It seemed like everyone was knocked out by the amount of alcohol they drank.

It would be abnormal if they survived that much.


A sigh came out of Yoo-hyun’s mouth.

It was because of Jang Jun-sik, who was still sleeping innocently.

He poked him hard.

“Hey, wake up.”

Jang Jun-sik was sleeping like a dead mouse.

But he never let go of the blanket he held in both hands.

His posture on the mat was also very relaxed.

It was typical of him, but he couldn’t keep looking at him like this.

He yanked the blanket off him.

“Wake up!”

That’s when it happened.

Jang Jun-sik opened his eyes wide and sat up abruptly.


“Good, you’re finally awake...”

As Yoo-hyun was about to say something, Jang Jun-sik suddenly bowed his head.

“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”

He looked like he had committed a grave sin.

At that moment in the office.

Jo Chan-young, the director, who was walking around casually, asked Kim Hyun-min, the team leader.

“Where did the third part people go?”

“They went to a workshop for today.”

“A workshop?”

“The project is not that complicated. They need a day to sort things out together.”

“I see. Okay.”

Jo Chan-young nodded and walked away.

After he disappeared, Kim Hyun-min clenched his teeth and cursed in his mind.

“How dare they drink without me? And at boss’s studio apartment? How rude.”

He spat out harsh words, but his face was full of envy.

He glanced at the empty seats for a while and blurted out his true feelings.

“I wish they invited me too.”

That day, Yoo-hyun bought Jang Jun-sik a bean sprout soup for breakfast.

But he kept bowing until he paid and left for home.

“I’m sorry. I was crazy yesterday. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Just go.”

“I should sew my mouth or something...”

“Stop talking nonsense and just go.”

Yoo-hyun waved his hand impatiently, but Jang Jun-sik didn’t leave and kept groveling.

“I’m really sorry, boss.”

“Hey, just go, okay? I have things to do.”

“Ah! I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

He backed away while still apologizing.Fiind updated novels at