Chapter 334:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 334:

Chapter 334

Han Jae-hee tried to change the subject.

“That’s a problem, but I also really like Korean food.”

“LA is almost like Korea. There’s nothing you can’t find in Koreatown. They do it better than here.”

“But America is expensive for medical care...”

“Of course, that’s all provided. And I’ll introduce you to some staff who can support you.”

Han Jae-hee tried several times, but Manager Jang Hye-min was like a steel wall.

She smiled and offered every alternative.

Han Jae-hee, who had his eyes tightly closed, brought out his last resort.

“Ah... right. Mom will be worried.”

“I was worried about that too. Do you want to check with her?”

“Right now?”

“Yeah. Give her a call. I’ll say hello to her too.”


As Manager Jang Hye-min urged him, Han Jae-hee reluctantly picked up his phone.

Yoo-hyun watched him with interest.

What would his mother say?

A moment later.

His mother answered after hearing Manager Jang Hye-min’s greeting and Han Jae-hee’s explanation.

-Oh, my Jae-hee is going to America? That’s great.

“Mom, I have to stay there for at least a year. Is that okay?”

-Will you buy me a gift from the duty-free shop when you come back? Then it’s fine. Jae-hee, congratulations.



After the call ended.

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders at his mother’s unexpected answer, while Manager Jang Hye-min said with a serious expression.

“I’ll take care of your mother’s gift as a graduation present.”

“No, no.”

His sister, who was endlessly strong in front of Yoo-hyun, was endlessly meek in front of Manager Jang Hye-min.

Yoo-hyun smiled slyly and stimulated his sister’s Achilles heel.

“Jae-hee, there’s nothing to be afraid of. What if you can’t do it? They won’t understand what you’re saying anyway.”

“Oppa, be quiet.”

His words, which were meant to help his sister, only provoked her more.

Han Jae-hee clenched her teeth and Manager Jang Hye-min stepped in.

“They’re not that good. Just tell me if anything happens. I’ll scold them for you.”


Han Jae-hee drank the full glass of wine in one gulp.

Alcohol was the answer after all.

After two bottles of wine were emptied, Han Jae-hee’s pressure seemed to ease a bit.

Han Jae-hee, who had already made up his mind, belatedly thanked Manager Jang Hye-min.

“Thank you for caring about me, Manager. I’m really nothing special.”

“No, you’re good. I have an eye for talent.”


She even made a touched expression.

Manager Jang Hye-min asked Han Jae-hee, who was quite drunk.

“Jae-hee, what are you going to do today? Do you want to stay at my place?”

“Your place?”

“Yeah. Let’s go to my place and I’ll show you the design school curriculum.”

Even if he had made up his mind, he didn’t seem ready yet. Han Jae-hee waved his hand.

“No, no. It’s okay. I have an appointment so I have to go.”

“How are you going to go? You drove here.”

Manager Jang Hye-min asked and Yoo-hyun answered instead.

“We’re going to return the rental car here and take the train.”

“Oh, really? Why?”

Yoo-hyun was about to explain kindly when it happened.

“He can’t drive very well... ugh.”

A sudden kick came from under the table.

Yoo-hyun couldn’t avoid it and groaned. Manager Jang Hye-min blinked her eyes.


“No. Oppa is going to borrow my car for practice.”

Han Jae-hee turned the conversation around with an awkward expression. Manager Jang Hye-min asked surprisingly.

“Really? Yoo-hyun, you can’t drive?”

Driving and gaming were men’s pride.

Yoo-hyun couldn’t let this go either.

“How could that be? I have a lot of driving experience.”

“You’re lying. You don’t even have a car.”

“What does that have to do with anything? You need a car to drive?”

“Stop it. Do you know why your score is low?”

“I don’t know.”

Jang Jun-sik hesitated for a moment and shook his head at Yu Hyun’s question.

He had put down his pride and listened to his senior’s advice.

There was no need for any more formalities now that he had opened his heart.

“First of all, I can’t see the overall outline in your report. In this case, you should make the table of contents and summary clear and...”

When he added the method to it, Jang Jun-sik wrote down Yu Hyun’s words on the notebook on his lap.

He also asked questions if he missed something in between.

“Senior, sorry to interrupt, but what did you say about...”

“When you use someone else’s data, make sure to indicate the reference correctly...”

Yu Hyun was amazed by Jang Jun-sik’s progress as he explained.

It wasn’t just because of his changed attitude.

He also showed signs of improvement in just a few minutes of questioning and answering.

He definitely had a sponge-like quality to him.

And then he suddenly bowed his head again.

“Senior, thank you so much. I said some bad things to you...”

“Stop talking nonsense. Are you done now?”

“Yes. It was really helpful.”

Jang Jun-sik nodded vigorously and looked at Yu Hyun blankly.

He seemed to have something to say, so Yu Hyun asked him.

“What? Do you have anything else to say?”

“Senior, do you have anything else for me to do? I’ll do it even if I have to stay up all night.”

Yu Hyun shook his head at Jang Jun-sik’s sparkling eyes.

What Jang Jun-sik needed to do now was not to fill up more.

He needed to have some leisure time instead.

Yu Hyun gave him a new assignment in a different direction as a test.

“Okay. I’m thinking of buying a car right now.”

“A car?”

“Why? Don’t you want to do it because it’s not work-related?”

When Yu Hyun asked him, Jang Jun-sik looked conflicted.

He didn’t immediately refuse, which was already a huge improvement.

But he went further and accepted Yu Hyun’s offer.

“No. I’ll do it.”

“Good. What I need is...”

Jang Jun-sik wrote down Yu Hyun’s words diligently.

“Got it.”

Then he nodded firmly as if he had made a strong resolution.

The topic had changed, but Jang Jun-sik’s behavior was the same.

He worked hard without any break.

He was so enthusiastic that Yu Hyun felt sorry for giving him the task.

He expressed his feelings by casually saying to him.

“Jun-sik, let’s have a cup of coffee.”

“Yes. Okay.”

Jang Jun-sik got up quickly and followed him closely.

Yu Hyun laughed at Jang Jun-sik’s changed attitude.

Why did he change so much?

-A bird that hatches out of an egg thinks the first thing it sees is its mother.

Suddenly, he remembered what Park Young-hoon had said when he saw Lee Jang-woo a while ago.

Maybe it was the first time for Jang Jun-sik to open up his hidden feelings.

And it just happened to be Yu Hyun.

Jang Jun-sik, who had no idea of Yu Hyun’s thoughts, stuck close behind him.

The distance between the two, which had always been a step apart, had narrowed unexpectedly.

Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager who saw the two leaving, smiled.

“They look pretty close now.”

That afternoon.

Jang Jun-sik handed over a report he had organized to Yu Hyun.

It was a car buying guide that Yu Hyun had asked him to do in the morning.

Yu Hyun looked at the report he had printed out and blinked his eyes.

“Did you already sort this out?”

“I followed your instructions and referenced a lot of existing materials.”

“Are you using that enlightenment for a car report?”

Yu Hyun said with a dumbfounded expression, and Jang Jun-sik asked nervously.

“Is that wrong?”


There was nothing wrong with it.

The ignorant guy had sorted out the data in a stupid way.

He had everything from the specs of different types of cars, their pros and cons, expert reviews, and even monthly price changes, generation changes, and price comparisons by dealers.