Chapter 338:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 338:

Chapter 338

At that moment, the owner of the pig’s feet restaurant laughed and gestured with his hand.

“You must have a very important matter. Don’t worry and go ahead with your ceremony.”


The sound of people passing by behind the silent team members reached their ears.

“Look at that. They’re having a ceremony in front of the pig’s feet restaurant. Is it their opening anniversary?”

“No, it’s an old restaurant. Maybe they’re filming a movie.”

“A movie? Are they actors?”

“I don’t think so.”

They were not the only ones.

The people crossing the road also glanced at them.

It was an odd sight that they couldn’t help but notice.

Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager who hastily covered her face, said.

“Jun-sik, just go inside.”

“I can’t. I have to do the ceremony.”

Jang Jun-sik, who had just finished setting up, said in a stiff voice.

His face was full of determination.

As Yu-hyun was about to step forward, Choi Min-hee tried to persuade him again.

“Jun-sik, this is not right. Let’s go inside first...”

“But deputy manager, you’re leaving now. Sigh.”

Jang Jun-sik’s words made the atmosphere instantly solemn.

Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, sighed deeply and said to Yu-hyun.

“Just do it. The junior prepared so much for this.”

“How can we do this?”

“Just bear with it for a while.”

Kim Hyun-min, who stopped Yu-hyun, comforted the others.

“Yeah. Let’s just do it quickly since he prepared something.”

“What are we supposed to do? I’ve never done this before.”

Lee Chan-ho, the deputy manager, scratched his head and Hwang Dong-sik, another deputy manager, said.

“Don’t we just stick a ten thousand won bill on the pig’s nose?”

Then, Jang Jun-sik shook his head firmly.

“No. We have to bow first.”

The people asked in astonishment.

Why did they have to do that when it was not a funeral or a wedding?


“People are watching.”

“We can’t do that.”

Regardless of their words, Jang Jun-sik lit a stick of incense and knelt down.

Then he bowed his head to the cement floor.

“Please protect senior’s car from any problems and let him be successful when he transfers...”

He even muttered some strange words.

Everyone was speechless.

They appreciated his intention, but that was not it.

In the end, Yu-hyun went inside first.

“I’ll go in first.”

“Me too, me too.”

“Me too.”

As the people followed him, Jang Jun-sik quickly ran in.

Then he grabbed Yu-hyun and said.

His face was full of desperation.

“Huff. Deputy manager, you can’t do this. You have to...”

“Jun-sik, you’ve done enough. Thank you.”

Yu-hyun held his junior’s hands and nodded his head.

Sometimes appealing with your heart is more effective than scolding harshly.

“Deputy manager.”

Jang Jun-sik’s shoulders trembled as he bowed his head.

After a brief incident, the drinking party began soon.

It was probably not intended, but thanks to Jang Jun-sik’s bizarre behavior, the mood was great.

Kim Hyun-min and the others drank and laughed loudly.

“Jun-sik is really a weirdo.”

“I know. I’m going to write this in my diary today.”

“Me too. This is really news-worthy.”


Everyone had a light expression on their faces.

Except for one person.

Jang Jun-sik kept lowering his head and drinking.

Kim Hyun-min gave him the pear that he had scooped out earlier for the ceremony.

He had emptied the inside with a spoon and only left the shape of the outside.

Kim Hyun-min poured alcohol into the pear and said to Jang Jun-sik.

“This is called pear wine. Do you know that, Jun-sik?”

“I drank a bit because of Jun-sik.”

Kim Hyun-min also took Yoo-hyun’s words as natural.

The two continued their casual conversation as if they were familiar with each other.

“How’s Hye-seong?”

“He’s doing well thanks to you. I owe you so much.”

“You bought a lot of side dishes for my mother.”

“Yeah. I was running out of them anyway. I need to order more.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled and stretched his body as he looked ahead.

The dark evening scenery spread out.

There was silence for a moment, but it wasn’t awkward.

Kim Hyun-min also seemed to enjoy his leisure comfortably.

But Yoo-hyun knew that his inner feelings were not so easy.

Yoo-hyun opened his mouth casually.

“Team leader, I’m really going to be a loser. I’m going abroad for a while.”

Kim Hyun-min jerked his body as if he couldn’t believe it.

But he didn’t miss his words.

“You’ll be better than me if you stay there?”

“Of course. I’ll come back as a dragon in the sky.”

“Kid. I wanted to teach you more.”

“Just give me a fair evaluation later. That’s enough for me.”

“Hahaha. You’ve really grown up.”

Kim Hyun-min laughed happily at Yoo-hyun’s answer.

Yoo-hyun also enjoyed this ridiculous conversation very much.

It was a time that was possible because he was with Kim Hyun-min.

As they were having a half-joking, half-serious conversation,

Jang Jun-sik came running late.

“Mr. Han.”

“Oh my. That guy, I thought he passed out but he finally came.”

Kim Hyun-min stuck out his tongue as Yoo-hyun scolded him.

“You made him drink too much.”

“I didn’t know he would be like that either.”

Jang Jun-sik stood in front of Kim Hyun-min, who scratched his head.

He had run for a long time to find Yoo-hyun, and sweat was on his forehead.

Kim Hyun-min flinched as Jang Jun-sik turned his body and looked at Yoo-hyun.

Then he said loudly to Yoo-hyun.

“Mr. Han, I’ll go with you to the transfer.”

“Why are you going there?”

“I’ll be your hands and feet.”

“I’m going there to relax. I’m going to be a fisherman.”

“Then I’ll catch some fish for you.”

“Hey, you crazy guy.”

Yoo-hyun was speechless at his ridiculous answer.

Then Jang Jun-sik opened his bloodshot eyes and said.

“I’m serious. I still have so much to learn from you.”

“I can come back, but you can’t. Do you still want to go?”

“Yes. I’m fine with that.”

“Then we can’t be together next time. I want to see you grow up.”


Maybe it was because he was drunk, but Yoo-hyun’s mouth kept spitting out words that made his face tickle.

He had never experienced this situation before, but it felt strangely familiar.

Jang Jun-sik’s eyes were moist as he looked at him.

Yoo-hyun pleaded with him again.

“Please take care of yourself. Until I come back.”

“Yes. I promi... sob... se.”

Jang Jun-sik leaned his head on Yoo-hyun’s chest and twitched.

At that moment, Yoo-hyun remembered Lee Jang-woo, his junior in the gym.

At the same time, he recalled what Park Young-hoon had said.

-Do you know? Your junior might become your admirer like Jang-woo.

Yoo-hyun laughed and patted Jang Jun-sik’s back.

“I’m glad. You’ve grown up so fast.”

“Mr. Han.”

Jang Jun-sik’s trembling was strongly felt in Yoo-hyun’s arms.

Kim Hyun-min, who was watching them from the side, shook his head.

“Park was like that too, and now this guy is acting like a boy comic.”

Whether he liked it or not, Yoo-hyun and Jang Jun-sik stayed in the same position for a while.

The news of Yoo-hyun’s transfer spread quickly throughout the company.

People who didn’t know where the remote site was heard the story later and were shocked.

It was that shocking news.

There was someone who enjoyed the news.

It was Kwon Sung-hoe, the director of the group strategy office, who had been hurt by Yoo-hyun’s pride.