Chapter 342:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 342:

Chapter 342

Jo Ki-jeong wiped the sweat off his face with his forearm after putting down his bag.

His work clothes were soaked with sweat from how much he had perspired.

He didn’t hesitate and squeezed his body into the hole.

Then, as if to show off his agile movements, he quickly stuck his face out of the window that was about as wide as his shoulders.

Of course, he didn’t forget to blabber with his mouth.

“Here, there used to be a military base. So...”

“I see.”

Yoo-hyun nodded his head repeatedly while handing him the camera and the bag through the hole.

The bag was still heavy even though he had taken out a lot of phone lines.

“Ouch. This was really heavy.”

“Hey, don’t whine over something like that, you’re a man.”

Judging by his tone, it seemed like Jo Ki-jeong would carry the bag when they went up too.

Yoo-hyun hid his gratefulness and asked.

“What are you going to do?”

“Just watch. It can’t get wet when it rains, so I’ll do this...”

Jo Ki-jeong used the phone lines, cable ties, and pliers to secure the camera on the upper part of the window.

He was a bit talkative, but Yoo-hyun thought he was quite handy.

Especially his skill in handling wires was impressive.

He also had a good sense of preparing the props that he needed to fix.

‘Not bad.’

He didn’t know what kind of trouble he had gone through to end up here, but both Kang Jong-ho and Jo Ki-jeong seemed to have their own merits.

While Yoo-hyun was thinking that, Jo Ki-jeong said.

He had one hand holding the camera and the other holding the phone.

“Newbie, turn left there and come in.”

“Okay. Got it.”

Yoo-hyun understood him at once and walked along the direction where the car was coming from.

Jo Ki-jeong watched him and adjusted the fine angle of the camera.

At the same time, he talked to Kang Jong-ho who was in the factory break room.

“Kang team leader, is it okay? How’s the quality? Okay.”

He had been adjusting the camera angle for a while when he nodded at Yoo-hyun.

“It seems like it’s installed?”

“You’re amazing.”

“What are you talking about?”

Yoo-hyun gave him a thumbs up and he shrugged his shoulders and picked up his bag.

Then he started talking again as he walked.

“I can do this not only for CCTV but also for other appliances...”

Yoo-hyun listened to him casually and quickened his pace.

He felt light-hearted thinking that he could rest well from now on.

At that moment.

Park Chul-hong, the team leader who was playing janggi with the village headman, made a grimace.

He was acting on purpose to wrap up the situation, but it was obvious.

“You’re amazing. I lost.”

“Puhahaha. Park team leader, you’re really pathetic?”

“Yes, headman. So I should go now.”

He greeted the headman and got up from his seat.

Then the headman taunted him.

“Oh dear. How can you do your job if you can’t even play janggi? That’s why your company is in such a mess even though it has Hanseong’s name.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“You better do. If I hadn’t spoken well for you guys up there, you would have been fired by now.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Park Chul-hong bowed his head perfunctorily and turned around.

This situation where he had to please the headman’s mood was stressful for him.

But he couldn’t quit because of his family who was far away.

“Damn this remote business site.”

He muttered with annoyance in his mouth as he walked away.

The headman watched Park Chul-hong’s back and quietly clicked his tongue.

“Tsk tsk. Boring.”

Then he lay down on the floor.

A fly buzzed around his face.

Park Chul-hong entered the break room in the factory and snorted.

It was because of the three people who were lying on the floor watching TV.

“Hey, who’s now...”

He was about to say something when Yoo-hyun shouted.

“Huh? A car is coming.”

“That’s awesome.”

“Hahaha. When I was in a robot club in college, I went to a competition and...”

It seemed like he had done a lot of things in his robot club.

Anyway, his skill was commendable, so Yoo-hyun listened to his bragging with pleasure.

While Jo Ki-jeong was boasting about himself, Kang Jong-ho who had been quietly watching TV opened his mouth.

“Can’t we send a message to our phones when the alarm goes off?”


“Then we don’t need anyone to wait around here. We can go further than using walkie-talkies.”

“Hmm, that’s true, but...”

People are animals that move by necessity.

Now they were racking their brains to make things easier for themselves.

Jo Ki-jeong asked Yoo-hyun who was smiling slyly.

“What do you think, team leader?”

Now his title had naturally changed from newbie to team leader.

He didn’t show any wariness that he had when he first saw him either.

Yoo-hyun didn’t bother to be careful and just treated him casually.

“I think walkie-talkies are better for me. If we just radio after hearing the alarm sound, I think this area will be covered enough.”

“Yeah. That’s not wrong. Then how about increasing the accuracy of the sensor...”

Jo Ki-jeong came up with another idea.

“Then I’ll use some of the parts I sorted out...”

Kang Jong-ho agreed with him again.

They were so reluctant to do their main job of reassembling appliances, but they were very enthusiastic about cheating.

At this point, they were just enjoying this work itself.

They didn’t have much to do in this remote place anyway.

Since they were doing well on their own, Yoo-hyun got up from his seat with a light heart.

“I’ll be back in a bit.”

“Oh, okay.”

Jo Ki-jeong waved his hand without even looking at him.

Neither of them cared much where Yoo-hyun went.

It wasn’t because they trusted Yoo-hyun.

It was just that the people here were individualistic by nature.

If they had been good at interpersonal relationships, they wouldn’t have come to this place in the first place.

Yoo-hyun liked that part.

They didn’t bother him even if he didn’t try to fit in.

He came out of the break room and looked around the factory.

There were boxes of TVs that had been reassembled already.

They were exactly the amount that the Mokpo business site had requested.

He didn’t try to do better than that.


Because he knew from experience that doing more would only bring more work.

The remote business site was different from other business sites where incentives were given for more performance.

The only thing they could do when they worked really hard was to get out of this place faster.

Of course, no one had ever done that.

In other words, this place was where motivation itself didn’t work.

On top of that, they had to be careful all the time.

Not only because of the inspections.

He could see another reason from Park Chul-hong, the team leader who was sitting on the vacant lot in front of the factory.

He had just returned to the factory and scratched his head with a frustrated face.

“Ha. This is driving me crazy.”

“Team leader, what’s wrong?”

Yoo-hyun sat down next to him and asked. Park Chul-hong glanced at him and sighed deeply.

“Ha. There’s something like that.”

“Is it because of the headman?”

Park Chul-hong was surprised by Yoo-hyun’s question and opened his mouth.

“How did you know that?”

“Jo team leader told me. You go there every day and come back stressed.”

“Ha. Why did he say such useless things?”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

Yoo-hyun sat down on his butt and looked at the sky with his hands on the ground.

The clouds around the sun were dyed red.

He couldn’t help but admire the beautiful sight.

“Ah, this is nice.”

It would be better if he lay down and looked at it.

‘I should get a platform for this vacant lot.’

Yoo-hyun thought he should do some carpentry with his seniors.