Chapter 345:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 345:

Chapter 345

At that moment.

Bae Yong-seok was waving his arms and spitting saliva as he continued his long explanation.

“Well, I was talking about the vice president, but then I mentioned the president too...”

As soon as he finished his sentence, the atmosphere in the village restaurant became very serious.

The village chief slowly nodded his head.

“As expected. The president was involved too.”

“Huh. Isn’t the president the chairman’s brother now?”

“No wonder. I knew it. They said they sent him to help our village, right?”

The chief raised his hand to stop the restaurant owner and the hardware store owner from talking and asked another question.

“Did that guy mention electricity and weeds?”

“Yes. He seemed very annoyed by them.”

“They’re planning to develop the reservoir fishing spot first. It wasn’t for nothing that they went fishing.”

Yeontae-ri used to be famous for its reservoir fishing.

But after a landslide, the fishing spot naturally became extinct.

That was also the time when Hanseong Yeontae branch started to decline.

In the end, the branch and the village had an inseparable relationship.

It matched exactly with his theory that saving the village would save Hanseong branch too.

The chief nodded his head at his sharp judgment that pierced through the core of the problem.

“So that’s what it was.”

The others who couldn’t understand the meaning just tilted their heads in confusion.

Yoo-hyun didn’t let go of his habit just because he felt relieved.

The next day, early in the morning.

Thump thump thump.

Yoo-hyun ran as usual to warm up his body.

There were steep stairs and hills, so running between the reservoir and the factory was quite effective in making him sweat.

It wasn’t bad to run along the ridge around the village either.

There were no cars at this time, so everywhere he stepped was a running course.

He definitely felt better than before when he had to go to a fixed place only.

Even the air was much better.

He couldn’t help but sigh in admiration.

“Ah, this is nice.”

As he ran while looking at the surroundings, he saw some villagers.

They were familiar faces from yesterday, so Yoo-hyun greeted them first.


“Oh, yeah. You’re working hard.”

“Working hard? It’s my job.”

“Haha. Of course.”

The man who was in front of the restaurant nodded his head with an incomprehensible answer and smiled by himself.

“Then I’ll go ahead.”

Yoo-hyun slowed down for a moment and ran again after greeting him.

He saw a few more men after that.

They all glanced at Yoo-hyun as if they were observing him.

It made sense when he thought about it.

It must have been rare to see someone running in the morning like this.

By the way.

There were quite a lot of early risers in this village.

It was definitely different from yesterday morning.

“Is today a special day?”

Yoo-hyun tilted his head and ran.

That wasn’t the only thing that changed.

When Yoo-hyun was leaning against the wall of the break room and reading a book while on duty in the morning, it happened.

Kang Jong-ho came into the break room after finishing his meal and said,

“Han Joo-im, eat lunch. It’s good today.”

“Really? You didn’t like the cafeteria food much.”

“It was tasty today. The portion was a bit small, but it wasn’t bad.”

“I’m looking forward to it. Then please take care of it.”

Yoo-hyun handed over his duty to Kang Jong-ho and leisurely went to the cafeteria inside the factory.

It was called a cafeteria, but it was just a place with a few tables.

They used to cook here in the past, but now the cafeteria lady brought cooked food from outside.

If there was any leftover food, they would eat it again the next day.

As soon as Yoo-hyun entered the cafeteria, the lady welcomed him warmly.

“Oh my, Han Joo-im, you’re here?”


“Yeah. Sit here. I’ll serve you.”

“No. It’s okay.”

He was determined to catch the fish that he couldn’t catch yesterday.

There were many clouds in the sky, so it wasn’t too hot for fishing.


As Yoo-hyun went down the stairs and looked at his tent, it happened.

The weeds around the tent were neatly cleared away.


He was surprised and went closer. The weeds under the tent were also removed completely.

That meant someone had opened his tent once.

He looked inside the tent and nothing was missing.

Rather, there was something new there.

“A multi-tap?”

Yoo-hyun picked up the multi-tap that was placed in the corner of the tent.

He followed the wire and saw that it was plugged into a 220V outlet on a round electric reel wire above it.


When he turned on the multi-tap switch, a red light came on in the LED.

It meant electricity was coming in.

What was electricity doing in an abandoned fishing spot?

Yoo-hyun went outside and followed the long electric wire.

The buried wire stretched far into the forest behind him.

It reached all the way down to the hole in the mountain, so it looked like it was over 80 meters long.

Someone had dragged this long wire all the way to his tent.

Yoo-hyun laughed bitterly at how absurd it was.

It was something that would make ghosts cry out in anger.

The next day.

When Yoo-hyun arrived at work, he asked Jo Gi-jeong, who liked pulling wires, just in case.

“Jo Joo-im, did you pull electricity to my tent near the reservoir...”

“Why would I pull electricity to your tent? It’s not easy for me.”

Jo Gi-jeong waved his hand as if he was dumbfounded.

It was literally true.

He wasn’t someone who moved unless it was for his own convenience.

He worked hard when installing CCTV because it was for his own sake.

When reassembled parts from Mokpo branch arrived, he finished the work in a day.

He was the type who wanted to finish quickly and rest.

He switched back to his lazy mode after finishing the CCTV-related maintenance that interested him.

He didn’t talk much now.

He just enjoyed resting by himself.

He looked around and scratched his messy hair and said.

“Then I’ll go to the dorm. Call me if there’s a problem.”

“Okay. I got it.”

Kang Jong-ho, who was on duty in the morning, leaned against the wall of the break room and answered.

“Go ahead.”

Yoo-hyun also greeted Jo Gi-jeong with an indifferent expression.

Then he took out a paper cup from the water purifier and asked Kang Jong-ho.

“Do you want a cup?”

“No. I’ll take care of myself.”

He was reading a martial arts novel and waved his hand as if he was annoyed.

Yoo-hyun accepted his attitude as natural and made a cup of coffee.

The Yeontae branch employees didn’t touch each other at all.

Yoo-hyun liked this distance too.

While Kang Jong-ho was reading a martial arts novel, Yoo-hyun leaned back in the corner of the break room and read a newspaper.

It was a fresh newspaper that was delivered to the front of the factory early this morning.

The Yeontae branch was so peaceful, but the outside world was very noisy.

The world reflected in the newspaper was always stimulating, whether it was then or now.


As Yoo-hyun turned one more page of the newspaper, it happened.

His eyes paused for a moment at the article on the top left corner.

<Hanseong family’s ‘Banggye’ third generation, caught for stock manipulation.>

Yoo-hyun took a sip of coffee and skimmed through the article content.

It might look like a normal news that covered the crimes of chaebols on the surface.

But Yoo-hyun saw its intention.

It was a kind of warning that Shin Myung-ho, the vice chairman, sent to Shin Cheon-sik, the vice president, or Han Gyeong-hoe.

The fact that the title had the label of Banggye bloodline was enough to tell.

-The development center director got fired. The vice chairman seemed very angry.

-The atmosphere in the mobile business division is not good. As you said, it looks like a storm is coming.

-Han Joo-im, this is the hastily changed roadmap for the next-generation mobile phone. Please take a look and give me your opinion when you have time.

A big movement was happening inside Hanseong Electronics.