Chapter 366:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 366:

Chapter 366

The factory was spacious, the time was abundant, and the materials were plentiful.

Everyone seemed to have no time to be bored for a while.

Yoo-hyun, who wanted to help a little, said.

Boss, how about we reassemble one more TV and put it in the material warehouse?

Are you telling me to do it?

Its just one more thing since were doing it anyway. It would be nice to have it.

Yoo-hyun spoke in a good-natured tone, and Park Chulhong, the boss, stuck out his tongue.

He used to be unable to respond to this kind of remark, but now he seemed to be quite familiar with it and answered right away.

Huh, yeah. Youre good at giving me work.

Instead, Ill go to the hardware store and buy some wall mount parts. You needed them anyway, right?

Sigh. Here. Dont go over budget.

Of course. Im a thorough person.

Yoo-hyun nodded cheerfully and received a corporate card from him.

He used to be too scared to use a corporate card, but now he gave it out easily.

Ill be back slowly.

Dont bother coming back.

And he spat out such a ridiculous joke.

This was also a changed appearance of Park Chulhong.

At that moment.

The reassembly work warehouse of the Mokpo branch was full of grumbling.

Mindaegi, the foreman, relayed the complaints of the workers to Majonghyun, the boss.

It seems that they are unhappy because the workload has increased and they have to take care of Yeontae themselves.

Majonghyun, who was sitting on a shabby chair in the warehouse, shook his head.

We sent all the bad inventory to Yeontae. Theyre having a harder time.

Thats true. But dont you think youre leaving those kids alone too much these days? They use their vacation as they please and spend money like crazy.

Mindaegi raised his voice a little differently from usual, as he had some grievances.

Then Majonghyun answered with a stern expression.

I just met the director. He said he got a call from the group strategy room.

Huh. Really? Did they ask about Yeontae branch? What did they say?

Mindaegis words quickened as the feared thing came out.

What did they say? They said were doing it according to FM. So dont worry about Yeontae.

Okay. Then are you postponing Parks return this time?

No. We have to do it according to FM.

At Majonghyuns words, Mindaegis mouth curled up long.

Then Yeontae bastards will suffer more.


Majonghyun smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Meanwhile, in the group strategy room on the 25th floor of Hansung Tower.

I looked into the Mokpo branch that is managing Yeontae branch

Kwon Sung-hoe, the manager, nodded as he received a report from his subordinate.

Theyre doing it according to FM. Yeontae branch must be dying.

Yes. They seem to be working very hard, as they are meeting the yield now.

They must feel like theyre on the edge of a cliff every day. They never dreamed of this when they were bragging with a smile. Haha.

Kwon Sung-hoe smiled with satisfaction.

The subordinate who had paused for a while asked.

Do you want me to look into Yeontae branch more?

No. Thats enough. Thats enough. Get back to work.

Yes. I understand.

After the subordinate left.

Kwon Sung-hoe, who was spinning his chair around, smirked and clicked his tongue.

Ill make you pay dearly for rejecting my proposal, Han Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun, who came out of the factory, raised his hand to block the scorching sun.

He saw a clear sky without a cloud between his fingers.

The weather was cool, so Yoo-hyun walked along the trail instead of riding a bike.

He just moved as he felt like it.

The forest was full of trees wearing colorful clothes as autumn deepened.

He saw a glittering reservoir far away through the trees.

The sight made him smile involuntarily.

Crunch. Crunch.

Then he suddenly noticed that there was no weed on the ground.

They said they would start working from the village and it seemed like they had already started.

It was then.


He heard the sound of a motor running from afar and approached it.

There, Baeyongseok was wearing a mask and operating a weed remover.

He was a busy man, in more ways than one.

On one hand, he admired his diligence.

Yoo-hyun put down his paper bag on the road and said,

Lets just do it here. Your shoes will get wet.

What? You want to call your friends?

Yoo-hyun taunted him and Mun Jung-gu rolled up his sleeves.

Then he took a boxing stance and said,

Dont ignore Mun Jung-gu, the man. I dont do that kind of thug stuff.

Yeah. Fine. Bring it on.

Arent you going to ask why?

Ha. You wont fight if I ask? Just do it, bastard.

Yoo-hyun waved his hands casually and Mun Jung-gu gritted his teeth.

But he seemed to have trouble moving his feet and kept hesitating.


Yoo-hyun made the first move and kicked out his foot, making him flinch and back away.

He felt embarrassed even by his own standards and suddenly ran towards him with a scream.


It was a one-dimensional attack, so Yoo-hyun easily dodged the punch by turning his head.

At the same time, he grabbed the boys t-shirt and tripped him with his leg.


The boy rolled forward and sprang up to charge again.



This process repeated several times.

There was no need to fight or talk.

Yoo-hyun just avoided him and lightly provoked him.

That was enough to make the young boy roll and tumble.

Huff. Huff. Huff.

He had good stamina, though. He took his stance again.

But his legs were shaking, unable to hold up.

Yoo-hyun opened his mouth, thinking it was enough.

Do you want more? Are you still angry?

Not yet Not yet.

Geez. Fine. Ill let you off today.


The boy, who had used all his strength from nursing, collapsed in front of Yoo-hyun as his legs gave out.

Thud thud.

He barely managed to catch himself with his hands, or he would have hit his head on the ground.

Yoo-hyun expected him to get up again, but this time he didnt.

It was just when Yoo-hyun was about to say something.

The boy, who was lying face down on the ground, gasped.

Kuhh. I lost.

Hey, what are you doing? Get up, jerk.

Yoo-hyun tried to stop him, but he didnt budge.

Instead, he grabbed Yoo-hyuns pants and shouted.

He looked like he was kneeling and begging Yoo-hyun for mercy.

I lost, okay? Youre better than me at fighting, studying, and looks. Thats why Hyunji never looks at me

Yoo-hyun snorted at the absurd words.

If anyone saw them like this, they would misunderstand for sure. So Yoo-hyun lifted him up by hooking his arm around his side.

So Im really useless Huh?


The boy bounced up like a spring and stood up straight.

His face was covered with tears and snot.

Yoo-hyun sighed and gestured to him.

Come on. Lets talk somewhere else.

He walked away with a resigned look on his face.

The boy followed him with his legs dragging.

He had some guts after all.

A little later.

Yoo-hyun faced the boy on a bench outside a supermarket.

He handed him a can of coffee, and the boy nodded awkwardly.

Thank you, sir.

Drop the sir. Are you feeling better?

Yoo-hyun asked, and the boy fidgeted with his mouth.

Then he clenched his eyes and said with determination.

Ill Ill give up on Hyunji.


Yoo-hyun was speechless at the sudden remark.