Chapter 370:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 370:

Chapter 370

Beep beep beep beep beep.

The alarm went off in the break room, and Yoo-hyun casually walked out.

It was the exact time they had agreed on, so no one left the factory without Yoo-hyuns permission.

Jo Gi Jeong, who was sitting on a bench, waved at Yoo-hyun.

Hey, Han Team Leader, please make some noise for us today too.

Sure. I have nothing else to do anyway.

Haha. Yeah. Thanks to you, we get less work.

Han Team Leader is doing a great job.

Kang Jong Ho agreed strongly with Jo Gi Jeongs words.

He had been more careful around Yoo-hyun since Lee Jang Woos match.

Yoo-hyun chuckled.

Just put on your work clothes. Its work time.

Oh, right.

Kang Jong Ho nodded and put on his T-shirt that was lying on the bench.

Park Chul Hong, the team leader who was lying down, also got up and gathered his clothes.


A truck from the Mokpo factory parked on the empty lot.

There were four men standing in front of it with a serious posture.

It was the first time in a week that they were all wearing proper clothes and acting properly.


Min Dal Gi, the manager, got out of the passenger seat.

He had come here after a long time and approached Park Chul Hong with a smile.

Oh my. Youre working hard day and night, Team Leader.

Manager Min, youve been through a lot too. Thanks for everything.

Maybe he felt more relaxed?

Park Chul Hong looked less tense than before.

Min Dal Gi raised his eyebrows as if he was surprised by Park Chul Hongs attitude.

It seemed like he was about to say something, but Yoo-hyun intervened.

He pointed at the trunk of the truck and asked with a shocked expression.

Wow. Is there so much stuff this time too?

Haha. Its exactly as FM wanted. Of course, it wont be easy here.

Yoo-hyun sighed at Min Dal Gis words.

Yeah. I realized that reassembly is not easy.

Min Dal Gi glanced at Yoo-hyun and smiled triumphantly.

Even if he had the backing of the Group Strategy Room, there was not much he could do in this shabby reassembly factory.

As long as things stayed like this, the problem he was worried about, that is, the reassembly team being absorbed by the reassembly factory, would not happen.

Min Dal Gi rambled on.

Yeah. Reassembly is not that simple. There are many types, and its hard to find parts

While he was talking, Yoo-hyun had already climbed up on the trunk of the truck.

He was in such a hurry that one person took the goods and another person loaded the goods they had worked on last week.

Min Dal Gis junior, who came with him from the Mokpo factory, was busy checking in between.

Theyre working like crazy.

Min Dal Gi stopped smiling and approached Park Chul Hong.

Team Leader, I have something to tell you.

Oh, Manager Min.

Actually, about returning from this dispatch


Park Chul Hongs eyes widened at Min Dal Gis words.

The truck that unloaded and loaded the goods went down the winding narrow road again.

The road was already dark because it was getting late.

Min Dal Gi looked at the small street lights that were sparsely placed next to him and said,

They managed to install those things in this village.

They seem to care a little bit.

Tsk tsk. Putting up some street lights in this backwater wont do anything. This place is over, both the factory and the village.

Its a pity. They seem to work hard.

The reassembly factory was in a poor condition with no proper measuring devices or extra parts.

They had to work harder than the Mokpo factory that worked overtime every day.

Min Dal Gis junior smiled bitterly at the pitying feeling, but Min Dal Gi snorted.

Dont pity them. Theyre here because theyre losers.

But is Team Leader Park really going back?

His junior asked suddenly, and Min Dal Gi recalled Park Chul Hongs face he saw earlier.

Yeah. He didnt look very happy. I thought he would be glad.

He must feel bad for leaving alone.

Ha. He must be sorry. Hahaha.

Min Dalgis laughter echoed in the truck as it moved away from the Yeontae factory.

It was after the truck had left.

Yoo-hyun swung his club at the teeing point of hole 13 at Haenam CC.


The ball flew far away with a pleasant sound of impact.

Clap clap clap clap clap.

Jeon Il-ho clapped his hands and gave him a thumbs up.

Your shot is always amazing, little brother.

Your shot was better just before, big brother.

Hahaha. I told you, little brother has a good eye.

Jeon Il-ho laughed and held his stomach.

Choi Jeong-bok and Nam Hee-woong joined in.

Geez. Little brother Yoo-hyun, how was my shot?

What about me? I was okay too, right?

Haha. If you hit it with a good mood, you did well. Theres no such thing as good or bad in hitting a ball.

Yoo-hyun wrapped it up nicely and everyone laughed happily.

Thats right, thats right. Hahaha.

Jeon Il-ho, who had been shaking his shoulders for a while, said in his characteristic hearty voice.

When were done, lets go to the sea and take a boat to the island. I know a killer place.

Hey, big brother, Yoo-hyuns former team members are coming today, you know.

Choi Jeong-bok shook his head and Jeon Il-ho clapped his hands as if he had just remembered.

Oh, right. Little brother, is it okay to be like this?

Of course. They havent arrived yet. We booked this with difficulty, we have to enjoy it now.

Haha. Yeah. Lets do that.

Everyone walked with bright smiles at Yoo-hyuns words.

They all looked like they were sincerely enjoying this moment.

Thanks to playing golf early in the morning, they had plenty of time left after finishing 18 holes and taking a bath.

Yoo-hyun changed his clothes and went back to the factory site.

It was chilly weather, but it was quite warm because the sun was so good.

It was a perfect day for sunbathing.

I wonder what they look like now?

Yoo-hyun lay down on the flat ground and thought of his team members.

Was it because he had left that side of work and lived?

It had only been three months, but it felt like he had been away for a long time.

As he thought about this and that, time flew by.

Vroom vroom.

Soon after, a gray van came up loudly.

Someone stuck their face out of the open window.

Deputy Han.

Just then, the car was climbing uphill and crossed a bump.


The wind hit Kim Hyun-mins head on the window frame and he snapped.

Ouch. Hey, drive properly.


Peoples laughter mixed in the car.

Yoo-hyun smiled at their unchanged appearance.

Theyre still the same.


The door opened and he could see familiar faces.

Kim Hyun-min, the team leader who came out first, showed his unique personality.

Oh my. Our Deputy Han, how did you live without me?

It was nice because it was quiet. I lived very well.

What are you talking about?

Kim Hyun-min was speechless as the part-timers crowded in.

Did you live well?

How long has it been?

Your face looks better, doesnt it?

Haha. You all lived well too, right?

They greeted each other warmly like that.

There was a man standing still among the people as if he was frozen.

As Yoo-hyun approached him, Jang Jun-siks eyes trembled.


He was a junior who sent him messages every day even though he had left for quite some time.

He seemed to know what he felt without having to listen to him. Yoo-hyun approached him and patted his shoulder.

You worked hard to come here.

Senior, I really missed you Sniff.

Then Jang Jun-sik shook his shoulder as if he was overwhelmed by emotion.

Kim Hyun-min saw that and clicked his tongue.

Tsk tsk. Anyone would think youre having a reunion of separated families.