Chapter 384:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 384:

Yoo-hyuns face turned serious as he grumbled.n it.

The problem was the large-scale audit.

He had deliberately made them impatient, so they would act quickly.

That meant their activity range would be limited.

As long as he was well-prepared, he could avoid the worst-case scenario of being stuck in the factory.

What worried him more was the golf booking scheduled for this weekend.

Theres no way I can miss that.

Yoo-hyun nodded and reached for his phone again.

He had someone who could help him out of this situation.

He was scrolling through his contacts when it happened.

How dare you ignore me

Majonghyun, the team leader who had been forgotten for a moment, growled as he tried to get up. Yoo-hyun glared at him.

Team leader, this is not the time. Theres a large-scale audit coming soon.

What the hell are you talking about?

Its from the Group Strategy Office. You need to get ready fast.

What, what did you say?

Ill be back in a bit. The floor is warm here, why dont you sit down and rest?

Thud thud.

Yoo-hyun tapped the wooden floor kindly and got up from his seat.

Majonghyun stared blankly at Yoo-hyun walking away with a dumbfounded expression.

That bastard.

He felt like his words were always twisted in front of that guy.

He was about to shout in anger when it happened.

Beep beep.

The managers number popped up on his phone, and he pressed the call button cautiously.

At the same time, he heard the managers sharp voice.

What? Youre telling me theres more work to do this week? What? Tomorrow?

Majonghyuns eyes widened in shock.

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he opened the door to the break room.

They called already? It hasnt been that long since I hung up.

He turned his head and saw Majonghyuns flustered eyes.

What was he going to do?

He was the team leader here, after all.

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders to comfort him.

It was unfortunate, but it was reality.

Swoosh swoosh.

At the factory entrance, Yoo-hyun looked at the empty lot with the sound of fierce rain in his ears.

People were moving around frantically, carrying their belongings.

They looked like wet rats because of the heavy rain.

When was it?

Yoo-hyun had been like that too, once.

He had made a mistake out of eagerness, and he had run around to fix it without realizing he was soaked.

-Never show your cards to your opponent first. Thats what amateurs do, not pros from the Group Strategy Office.

When things had settled down a bit,

Kwonsunghoe, the director who had gone on an audit with him, had scolded Yoo-hyun with a smug expression.

Yoo-hyun, who had just joined the Group Strategy Office then, had felt that remark deeply.

But now,

Kwonsunghoe was making a rookie mistake himself.

No matter how leisurely Yoo-hyun lived his life, he wasnt soft enough to let someone who showed him a gap get away with it.

I wish I could say that back to him now.

Yoo-hyun snickered and picked up his phone. He searched for a name in his contacts list.

Yeonjinseop Audit Team Deputy Manager of Home Appliances Division

He was the person who would be most uncomfortable with this news and who could give Yoo-hyun the information he needed right now.

A little later,

At the 16th floor of Hansung Tower, where the Audit Team of Home Appliances Division was located,

Yeonjinseop waited for his team leaders answer with a stiff expression.

I dont know where you got this report from, but its already done.

I see. Even if its a different kind of audit, the format will be the same. Okay. Ill send it right away. Anything else you need?

No. Im already prepared.

Yoo-hyun finished his call with a smile.

Then he picked up a thick document in his other hand.

The title of the first page was written in large letters.

It was a document printed from a file sent by Yeonjinseop deputy manager of audit team a while ago, and it contained information about this large-scale audit.

-You wont pass this audit just by looking at this document first. But Im giving this to you because I believe that at least some fairness should be maintained.

Who would be harmed if the result of this large-scale audit was not good?

Not only the Yeontae factory and the Mokpo factory, but also the audit team that conducted the audit would inevitably suffer.

Among them, it was obvious that Deputy Manager Yeon Jin-seop, who had personally given a good evaluation and recommended the employee, would be hit hard.

But he never uttered that story until the end.

Instead, he rationalized his behavior of handing over confidential data while shouting for fairness.

Hes such a prideful person.

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he skimmed through the content.

It was a fight with no reason to lose, knowing his enemy and himself.


As Yoo-hyun entered the factory, the workers who were sitting on the floor got up quickly.

The first one to rush in was Manager Ma Jong-hyun.

His face was much darker than when he had received a call from the director a while ago.

Th-the factory manager contacted me directly. Is it true that there will be a large-scale audit tomorrow?

Yes. I told you before.

I thought there was no way that would happen. Damn. How did it come to this?

Manager Ma Jong-hyun covered his face with his thick palms and sighed deeply.

This time, Chief Min Dal-gi grabbed Yoo-hyuns arm with an anxious expression.

He had no trace of the look that he used to roll his eyes at Yoo-hyun.

What will happen if something goes wrong? Do we really have to take all the responsibility? We just came today.

Before Yoo-hyun could answer, Jo Gi-jeong intervened.

Han Supervisor. Dont tell me were also the target? Were going back now.

Isnt our return canceled if something goes wrong in this audit? Its not really an accident, right?

Kang Jong-ho also looked nervous.

The workers who had been quiet joined in one by one, wondering what they had heard.

Why do we have to be audited?

It doesnt make sense that we cant get out of this factory for life.

Why do we have to be punished when we didnt do anything wrong?

They all seemed to have lost their reason.

Yoo-hyun tried to calmly sort out the situation.

Wait a minute. Ill explain, so please sit down.


But it was not an atmosphere where the voice would subside easily.

Rather, the fear spread faster.

Damn. I shouldnt have come to Yeontae Factory.

Whos going to take care of our family if we get fired here?

Isnt the manager definitely going to be fired? What am I going to do with my life now? How am I supposed to do this?

Manager Ma Jong-hyun, who should have stopped this situation, also joined the crowd and clung to Yoo-hyun.

His pitiful eyes were sad, but he wouldnt get anything done like this.

Yoo-hyun shook off his arm and shouted at the people around him.

Be quiet.

In the moment of silence, Yoo-hyuns eyes flashed.

The people who were pressed by Yoo-hyuns aura flinched back.

Yoo-hyun walked past them and sat on a chair that was lying around.

It was the chair that Manager Ma Jong-hyun had been sitting on before.

Now, Ill explain, so sit down first.


Come on.

Yoo-hyuns charisma dominated the factory in an instant.

The people who were looking around sat down awkwardly.

Among them was Manager Ma Jong-hyun.