Chapter 386:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 386:

Everyone except the guards took a rest in their quarters.

Some people slept in the lounge.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun enjoyed the scenery while lying on a hammock in the forest hideout.

Chirp chirp chirp.

The birdsong was unusually loud as spring approached.

He tried to close his eyes, but he couldnt sleep because he had slept too much yesterday.

He should have been tense at this time, but why did he feel more relaxed?

By the way.

Its time to start.

As soon as Yoo-hyun said that, his phone rang.

It was Min Dal-gi, who had been sending him timely texts since yesterday.

-The audit team arrived at the Mokpo factory. There are six members. They are all checking the items for reassembly in the assembly section.

The group strategy room staff did not attend, and only the audit team came first.

The entire audit team 1st part settled in the Mokpo factory instead of the Yeontae factory.

The reason was simple.

The audit team was completely subordinate in this audit.

In other words.

This was what Kwon Sung-hoe, the head of the dominant party, wanted.

He had no intention of finding fault with the Yeontae factory from the beginning.

He was determined to smash them with the results.

He had set up the board perfectly so that it had to be that way.

Why would he bother to go to the countryside when the result was obvious?

Kwon Sung-hoes pride would not allow that.

Thank you for not changing. Mr. Kwon.

Yoo-hyun smiled as he recalled his old boss who was still stubborn.

What if he had swallowed his pride and stepped into the Yeontae factory himself?

He might have uncovered and questioned the facts that he had prepared in advance.

But now that possibility was gone.


Yoo-hyun whistled and leaned back on his hammock.

And he enjoyed his leisure for a long time left.

Lunchtime passed, and snack time passed in between.

Thanks to the active support from the village, there was plenty of food.

He slept well and ate well, so he had no reason to be weak.

People prepared for the audit with determination.

In a strange atmosphere where tension and relaxation crossed, the phone rang.

It was news that a car had left from the Mokpo factory.

4:30 p.m.

Two trucks and one van were parked in front of the factory site.

The assembly workers from the Mokpo factory got off the trucks and went straight to the trunk.

As soon as the people from Yeontae factory joined them, they quickly unloaded the boxes piled up on the truck.

Soon, boxes were piled up like a mountain in front of the site.

The assembly chief handed over the items for reassembly to Ma Jong-hyun, the section chief.

Section chief. Im handing over 250 items of five types for reassembly. The defect list and item number are here.

Okay. Ill do my best to work on it.

Two members of the audit team watched their awkward greeting.

They looked difficult at a glance, and their ranks were not high either.

Yoo-hyun approached them, whom he had already checked on the internal network.

Why did they come here with low ranks?

What did they want here?

The reason was simple.

They felt uncomfortable to crush the factory that their next part leader praised with their own hands.

Yoo-hyun gave them a clear choice as they hesitated.

Mr. Byun Dong-hoon. I have a question.

As Yoo-hyun raised his hand, the man with a higher rank among the audit team members asked in surprise.

Huh? How do you know my name?

Oh, when Mr. Yeon Jin-seop came last time, he said that there was an excellent junior in his team and told me your name. So I looked it up and here you are.

Mr. Yeon really said something unnecessary. Haha.

No one hates compliments.

Especially when they come from unexpected people, their effect is doubled.

All that was left was to record the final product quantity and yield, and the wrong defect details and corrections.

This was something that could only be written at the end, so there was nothing to do right now.

But it was better to leave than to wander around and create anxiety.

Well. Of course.

Yoo-hyun nodded and returned to his accommodation.

What Yoo-hyun had to do for the rest of the time?

It was a quiet game that they played, avoiding the eyes of the audit team.

Time flew by like a spark.

They worked hard until the sun set and rose again.

They minimized their sleep and maximized their efficiency by reducing their movements.

The result was now on the message that Yoo-hyun received from Min Dal-gi.

-Current workload 180 units. Work pace is fine, Ill update the defect list at once.

The speed was a bit slower, but it was enough.

Yoo-hyun left his accommodation and walked quietly.

In front of the factory site, there were boxes of reassembled products.

Of course, not all of them were here.

The quantity here could be checked on the TV at the factory entrance.

-Current workload 90 units. Work rate 36%. Remaining time 9 hours 42 minutes.

It was a situation board for the audit team, and the information here was only half of what Yoo-hyun knew.

Still, this work progress was enough to show the skill of an A-class factory.

Of course, it would be a failure in this audit evaluation.

As Yoo-hyun was organizing his thoughts, a shout came from inside the factory.

Come on, we dont have much left. Lets do this.

Lets do it.

It was the voice of Ma Jong Hyun, the team leader, and the team members.

They were exhausted, but they poured more passion into their work.

You guys are amazing.

Yoo-hyun was amazed by the potential of his team members at that moment.


A car came from afar.

It was the audit teams vehicle that had visited Mokpo factory, and two audit team members who came yesterday were in it.

Their job?

To deliver the information on the situation board to Mokpo factory as it is.

Yoo-hyun approached them with a smile on his face.

Lunch time had passed, and people were coming out from everywhere.

Meanwhile, more boxes of reassembled products were piled up.

But then.

From some point on, the speed increased, and the quantity doubled in no time.

The TV situation board that had been stopped suddenly rose sharply.

-Current workload 250 units. Work rate 100%. Remaining time 2 hours 2 minutes.

3 p.m.

The sudden change made the eyes of the audit team members widen.

What? Theyre done?

Min Dal-gi approached the two surprised people.

The final rework of 250 units is completed. Here is the work report.


Amidst the cheers of the people, Byun Dong Hoon, the manager, took the work report.

He was bewildered by the situation that he couldnt understand.

But, the situation board said.

Yoo-hyun intervened with a serious expression.

It seems there was an error on the situation board. The data update was wrong all along. Ill take care of it right away.

An error?

Yes. There must have been some problem when we first introduced the electronic situation board.

What will they say when we report this?

Please evaluate us based on our mistake. We should have checked it beforehand, but we couldnt because we had a lot of work. We apologize.

Yoo-hyun bowed his head, and Byun Dong Hoon couldnt question him further.

Instead, he made a reasonable excuse.

No. Its impossible to check the quantity properly in this hectic situation. I get it. Just sort out the goods.

Thank you. Well load them right away.

As soon as Yoo-hyuns answer ended, the team members moved quickly as if they had been waiting.

The goods were loaded onto the truck in no time.