Chapter 395:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 395:


As Yoo-hyun pressed the button for the basement floor in the elevator, Kwon Se-jung, his deputy, asked in surprise.

Why are we going to the basement? Its not lunch time.

Were going to the health center.

Isnt it too early for the health checkup? Oh, are you getting some medicine?

Yoo-hyun shook his head at Kwon Se-jungs impatient words.

Youre so narrow-minded.

What do you mean by that?

I mean, its a warm gesture to take care of your colleague.

What are you talking about since earlier?

Kwon Se-jung had no idea what Yoo-hyun meant.

He didnt realize it until he entered the health center and picked up a pen on the table.

When he saw the document that Yoo-hyun handed him, his eyes widened.

What? Massage? Hey, were working right now. Why do you need a massage chair?

The health center closes when work is over. When else can we use it? The company provided it for us to use.

Wheres the logic in that? Hey, and youre in charge of the integration plan. You have a mountain of things to sort out for tomorrows meeting.

Kwon Se-jung spat out his words with resentment.

He vented out the pressure and bitterness he had accumulated.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun had said everything he wanted to say.

Lets talk about it now. While getting a massage.

Yoo-hyun pointed at the document that said massage chair user confirmation.

Kwon Se-jung read Yoo-hyuns sincerity in his eyes and closed his own.

The deed was done, and he had to tell Yoo-hyun what he had done so far for the integration plan.

He compromised internally, but he still felt uneasy.

That feeling came out as a murmur from his mouth as he signed.

What if we get caught doing this during work hours?

People who go out to smoke take at least 20 minutes. We dont smoke, so its fine.

Sigh. You talk big. Do you think other people will understand that?

Enough, lets go. We have to get in now if we want to fill up 30 minutes.

Yoo-hyun wanted to save every second.

A moment later.

A loud noise filled the dark room.


Yoo-hyun closed his eyes and felt the movement of the massage chair.

It felt good to have every part of his body pressed.

He felt like he could fall asleep like this.

As Yoo-hyuns consciousness faded, he heard Kwon Se-jungs voice from behind the curtain.

So, what we decided to do is logo marketing. We give our customers a certification logo if they use our panel. Like Intel CPU. Yoo-hyun, are you listening?

Yeah. I already know the details. I checked the data and heard the opinions from other teams.

Yoo-hyun answered like he was sleep-talking.

His voice was so low that Kwon Se-jung raised his voice.

Right. But mobile is not a problem. Its all Apple-centered. IT also has Apple tablets and monitors, so some negotiation is possible. The laptop negotiation is tricky, but they already have stickers on them, so it should be fine. But TV is

Kwon Se-jung stopped in mid-sentence as he felt a sudden anxiety.

There was no sound when he expected a question.


Han deputy, are you there?

He asked just in case, but there was no answer.

The only sound in the quiet room was from the massage chair.

The massage chair stopped for a moment to change modes.


He heard a breathing sound in the silence and covered his face with his palm.

Sigh. I dont know either.

There were four months left until the next iPhone launch.

It was physically impossible to make all products with retina display by then.

The standard for retina display itself was vague anyway.

Kwon Se-jung was anxious.

Yoo-hyun seemed to understand and opened his mouth slowly.


Kwon Se-jungs hope shrank as Yoo-hyuns words continued.

If you ask me what Yeontae-ri is like

Eunrin showed me some blog pictures and it looked really nice. Im thinking of going there this summer.

Let me know when you go. Ill tell you all about the course.

Hoho. Its good to have an expert. Is there a fishing spot too?

Yes. Theres a log cabin there, and you can get anything if you mention my name.

As soon as the log cabin came out, Kwon Se-jung gave up.

First, I will use one of my internal tools to translate your text from Korean to English. Then, I will edit the text for clarity, coherence, and style. Here is the result:

It was obvious that Yoo-hyun was here just to have fun.

No wonder he looked so happy.

Yoo Hye Mi, the team leader who also glanced at the dejected expression of Deputy Kwon Se-jung, opened her mouth.

She was in charge of the team, so she knew exactly what was going on.

But Deputy Han, arent you too calm about the situation?

Its the first day, so what?

Still, youre the one who took charge of this project. Youre bound to face a lot of criticism. Especially from the TV department.

Yoon Byung Kwan, the deputy manager, is such a jerk. He interferes with everything until the end of work hours, even though hes from a different team. And he dumps all the work on us. Five minutes before quitting time.

Following Yoo Hye Mi, Jo Mi Ran also vented her anger.

She seemed to have a lot of pent-up frustration.

Was that so?

He looked furious when I saw him briefly earlier.

Yoo-hyun tilted his head and said.

But he agreed right away when I suggested having a meeting with the staff.


Yoo Hye Mi almost spat out the coffee she was drinking at Yoo-hyuns words.

Jo Mi Ran blinked her eyes and asked.

When is it?



The two looked at Yoo-hyun incredulously.

Deputy Kwon Se-jung shook his head sympathetically.

The expression of Deputy Kwon Se-jung, who seemed to have given up, changed.

As soon as he returned to the office, he was shocked rather than resigned.

Hey, are you out of your mind? How can you send an email like this?

What? I just gathered the necessary information for tomorrows meeting.

Thats not the point. Lets talk in the conference room.

Deputy Kwon Se-jung got up from his seat and moved quickly.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and said to Jang Jun Sik.

Jun Sik, lets go to the meeting.

Yes, sir.

Jang Jun Sik, who was organizing the data according to Yoo-hyuns direction, got up quickly.

He was exhausted from working non-stop, but he seemed to enjoy working with Yoo-hyun. His face was bright.

A few minutes later, in the small conference room on the 13th floor.

As soon as Deputy Kwon Se-jung sat down, he spat out his words.

Where did you learn to request detailed data an hour before quitting time?

Whats wrong with that? Its exactly 24 hours before the deadline. Right, Jun Sik?

Yes, sir. Our meeting rules are 24 hours notice and data request.

Jang Jun Sik, the rule doctor, nodded his head and Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders.

See? Whats the problem? I heard they dump their work on us five minutes before quitting time.

Thats different. Were clearly asking TV and IT for favors. In other words, theyre the bosses.

Theres no boss or subordinate when we work together. We complement each other.

Its not that simple. Even if you follow the rules, theyll be furious. You dont know their personalities.

They are very temperamental people.

Jang Jun Sik, who was listening, agreed with Deputy Kwon Se-jung.

But he didnt challenge Yoo-hyun in any other way.

He felt like he had improved from his old ignorance.

Youve been working hard, Jun Sik.

No, sir.

Yoo-hyun smiled and patted Jang Jun Siks shoulder.