Chapter 324:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 324

Instead of beating around the bush, Yoo-hyun asked directly.

“What is it?”


“Come on.”

Yoo-hyun urged him impatiently.

Park Doo Sik, who had hesitated for a moment, spoke as if he had made up his mind.

“I don’t know what you think, but I care about you. I think you’re a very important talent.”

“Thank you for thinking so.”

“There must be many people who think the same. That’s why you must have received a lot of recognition.”

“I know.”

Yoo-hyun answered and waited for Park Doo Sik’s next words.

His gaze, breathing, and posture revealed his state of mind.

“So I feel sorry in a way.”


“Why didn’t you move to the Group Strategy Office? It must have been a good opportunity.”

“I didn’t have any reason to move.”

As Yoo-hyun replied, Park Doo Sik nodded as if he had expected it.

Then he skipped the details and boldly presented his guess as a certainty.

“I thought so. But because of that, the Group Strategy Office is interfering with your personnel matters.”

“So you stopped them, sir.”

“Yes. But in my experience, I won’t be able to stop them for long. If that happens, you...”

Park Doo Sik’s words were filled with his worries.

Given his meticulous style, he must have done a lot of research before saying this.

Yoo-hyun interrupted him with a stiff expression.

“I might be transferred then.”

“They can’t discipline you because you haven’t done anything wrong. Maybe they can send you to another business unit.”

“So basically, it’s a demotion. If I’m lucky, I might end up in some rural area.”

Yoo-hyun said casually, and Park Doo Sik asked incredulously.

“Ha ha. Where did you hear that?”

“Don’t they often show that in dramas?”

“Demotion. I can’t say there’s no possibility. The Group Strategy Office has a lot of power.”

Park Doo Sik became serious again, but Yoo-hyun looked rather excited.

It was something he had been waiting for secretly.

“I know. To be honest, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Looking forward to it?”

“Yes. I realized that I can rest better when I rest more.”

“Ha ha. You’re something else.”

Park Doo Sik shook his head as if he couldn’t understand Yoo-hyun.

But Yoo-hyun looked very happy.

“Now that we’ve talked about it, there must be some time left.”

“Yes. But not very long.”

“That’s enough for me.”

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly and answered.

The meeting with Park Doo Sik was a good opportunity for him.

The next day, Yoo-hyun conveyed his decision clearly through a meeting with Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director.

It was inside the office of the LCD Mobile Group Director on the 14th floor of Hansung Tower.

There, Yeo Tae-sik opposed Yoo-hyun’s idea after hearing it.

“You say transfer, but if you go there, your career is over.”

“I’ll just take a break and come back.”

“Huh. You won’t last long. If the Group Strategy Office decides to do something, you never know where they’ll send you.”

Yeo Tae-sik’s face was full of concern.

Yoo-hyun asked nonchalantly.

“What does it matter? Won’t Mr. Shin bring me back when he becomes the director?”


“You’re not going to abandon me, are you?”

Yoo-hyun stepped back and appealed to his loyalty.

Yeo Tae-sik jumped up.

“Of course not. How could I?”

“Then it’s fine. Mr. Shin’s return is not far away.”

He planned to move according to the release date of Apple Phone 4.

It was more reasonable to quietly build the foundation until then.

Since they had already agreed on it, Yeo Tae-sik also agreed with Yoo-hyun’s words.

He just couldn’t accept it emotionally.

“He’s just an employee. It’s fine.”

“Are you sure? He’s being transferred because he had a conflict with his senior.”

Kim Young-gil added his concern.

“Did he do something wrong?”

“I heard he even talked back to Deputy Director Sung Woon Jin. Of course there must have been a reason, but Jun Sik went too far.”

“It’s okay. I have nothing to do anyway. Let’s try raising a junior for once.”

Yoo-hyun took his words lightly again.

It was a grateful thing for a leader who had a hard time making a decision on a problem that someone stepped up first for the part.

Choi Min-hee looked at Yoo-hyun with affectionate eyes.

“Yoo-hyun, thank you for stepping up for the part.”

“No. I really want to get a junior.”

“Oh, I know your true feelings.”

Choi Min-hee seemed to misunderstand something.

Then Kim Young-gil, who had been thinking quietly, opened his mouth.

“Well, now that I think about it, Yoo-hyun might do well.”


Kim Young-gil answered Yoo-hyun’s question.

“Yoo-hyun, you changed Park deputy completely. Maybe you can change Jun Sik too.”


The people who knew the story of Park Seung Woo laughed loudly.

It was a situation where the team leader even went around saying that the mentee had changed the mentor.

Among the cheerful atmosphere, only Yoo-hyun was serious.

He wasn’t joking. He wanted to change Jang Jun Sik for real.

The next day, Jang Jun Sik moved to the seat next to Yoo-hyun.

He moved his stuff to the desk and went around the office to greet the team members.

“Hello. I’m Jang Jun Sik.”

“Oh, yes.”

But all he got back was a perfunctory greeting.

No one welcomed him warmly.

It wasn’t that they deliberately shunned him.

His reputation, which had spread by word of mouth, made people put up a wall against him.

-He’s stubborn and inflexible, and he always picks a fight with his seniors.

-I can’t breathe with him around. He’s so uncompromising that everyone gave up on him.

On top of that, there was a rumor that he had moved teams because of a conflict with his senior.

It was hard to see him in a good light.

Jang Jun Sik also knew his position and sat down quietly.

His long eyes without double eyelids had unfocused pupils.

He had lost some weight and his cheekbones were prominent.

His face looked much darker than when Yoo-hyun had met him in front of the customer reception room on the first floor.

Yoo-hyun looked at the wounded cub tiger next to him and recalled his past memories.

Around this time in the past.

Yoo-hyun, who had returned from dispatch, was trying hard to raise his performance by any means possible.

To Yoo-hyun, his mentee Jang Jun Sik was nothing but an obstacle.

-Why are you always picking on me?

-Because I hope you’ll change your senior. I can’t just watch you go in the wrong direction.

Every time Yoo-hyun tried to use some tricks to boost his performance, Jang Jun Sik put on the brakes.

Yoo-hyun couldn’t just watch that.

He used cruel methods to crush him for his own reputation.

He tormented him thoroughly as if he had come to the company to break him.

In the end, he quit the company after being stepped on by Yoo-hyun.

Did he have to do that?

There was nothing wrong with Jang Jun Sik when he thought about it.

He just didn’t fit in with the atmosphere, but he was always a righteous man.

He had a sense of responsibility and passion, and he sometimes came up with brilliant ideas.

In fact, after he left, his ideas and materials were a great help to the team.

Yoo-hyun had brought him down for no reason other than that he was in his way.

Did he feel sorry?

It would be a lie if he said no.

But he didn’t take Jang Jun Sik back because of sympathy.

He was a capable junior and a talent who could help the team.

It’s just that no one knew it yet.

Yoo-hyun wanted to use this opportunity to bring out his potential properly.

If things went as he wanted, Yoo-hyun could also reduce his burden.

He would take over many parts of Yoo-hyun.