Chapter 419:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 419:

Kwon Se-jung, the deputy manager, looked at the scene with a dumbfounded expression.

‘Why are they so eager?’

He suddenly recalled the time when he went to a promotion training course a while ago.

Everyone was reluctant and unwilling to do it, but when they were given a clear mission, they all worked hard.

What Yoo-hyun did was exactly the same.

He first motivated them, then created an environment where they had no choice but to do it.

And then he gave them each a mission, so they couldn’t help but move.

It seemed easy when he saw it, but it was really a difficult task.

Even if he gave them all day, they would probably procrastinate and not make a proper decision.

But Yoo-hyun did it in just 30 minutes with bold choices and quick decisions.

While Kwon Se-jung was admiring him,


Yoo-hyun clapped his hands and cheered up the atmosphere.

“Please let me know the date of your departure for the advance team. I’ll ask the manager to take a day off for you.”

“That’s very considerate of you.”

Now there was someone who praised Yoo-hyun.

The person was Lee Jung-min, the deputy manager in charge of activities.

He raised his thumb and seemed to be stimulated by Yoo-hyun. He even encouraged applause.

“Let’s give a round of applause to our overall coordinator.”

Clap clap clap clap clap clap.

Thanks to him, Yoo-hyun not only finished the task with a few words, but also received applause.

It was time to wrap up.

The atmosphere was so lively that anything would work. Yoo-hyun pointed at Jang Jun-sik.

“Now, please tell Jang Jun-sik the results of your selection. He is in charge of organizing.”

He didn’t just stop at selecting him, but also promoted him.

“By the way, Jang Jun-sik organized the presentation materials for the director.”


It might not be a big deal, but since the mood was good, people responded well.

Jang Jun-sik’s shoulders rose high.

Yoo-hyun also gave Kwon Se-jung a task and made him re-evaluated for his work.

“And for the budget part, please tell Kwon Se-jung. He is in charge of administration. You all know that he is the proposer of our logo marketing.”

“Oh, he was the proposer?”

The atmosphere was friendly, so this also passed naturally.

Thanks to that, the names of the two people were firmly imprinted on everyone’s minds.

The image of doing well that was planted unknowingly would be a great help in preparing for the outing.

Yoo-hyun handed over everything to the two people and bowed his head.

“Well, thank you for your hard work. Let’s make a great outing together.”

Clap clap clap clap clap.

Applause rang out again along with his words.

The meeting was over.

But people didn’t leave. Instead, they gathered together more closely.

Yu Seok-won, who had been expressing his dissatisfaction throughout, was the most active.

He had no choice but to step up since he was responsible for the whole meal of the outing.

“Meal team, let’s gather for a moment.”

He raised his hand and called out to the people in charge of meals from IT and mobile teams.

The other teams were the same.

Soon, people were sitting separately by meal team, accommodation team, activity team, and drinking team in different parts of the meeting room.

It was a completely different scene from before when they didn’t talk to each other and drew lines between teams.

Kwon Se-jung had to admit it when he saw it.

He returned to his seat and said to Yoo-hyun,

“I learned a lot.”

Jang Jun-sik, who put his laptop on his desk, also bowed to Yoo-hyun.

“Deputy manager, thank you for your valuable lessons.”

“Jun-sik, sit down.”

Yoo-hyun gestured for Jang Jun-sik to sit down and looked at them alternately and asked,

“What exactly did you learn?”

He didn’t need to hear it, but he wanted to confirm it.

Considering what would happen soon, he needed to know their thoughts clearly.

Kwon Se-jung spat out what he had thought beforehand.

“I saw what you said earlier...”

Yoo-hyun arrived at the comic cafe and faced a man with a hat on the table.

It was Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director who had recently developed a hobby for comic cafes.

Yoo-hyun sat on a soft sofa and casually told him what had happened.

“Right now, the Innovative Product TF is...”

Shin Kyung-wook listened to his story with interest and gave a simple comment.

“I find the last story more impressive. They both gave sensible answers.”

“Yes. They have different styles, but I think they will create synergy when they work together.”

“You seem to be stepping back and teaching them. Not only for the outing, but also for work.”

Shin Kyung-wook saw it accurately.

The outing was just an opportunity.

The important thing was that the two people stood in the center of the young generation.

As they imprinted their presence, they would be able to lead the TF more smoothly in the future.

Yoo-hyun smiled as he looked at Shin Kyung-wook who filled up the remaining 5 points.

“Haha. There’s no need for me to step up when there are good people. That’s also the right direction for the organization.”

“That’s right. It’s meaningless to do everything by yourself.”

“Yes. In the end, we have to cooperate, and for that, we need the members to grow.”

It’s not cooperation to simply divide the work.

It’s cooperation to create bigger results by creating synergy while doing the work together.

For proper cooperation, each individual’s skills must be developed, and for that, experience and education are essential.

Shin Kyung-wook added another opinion to Yoo-hyun’s opinion.

“Growth is important, but so is attitude towards work. I’m feeling it anew as I watch the members of the Innovation Strategy Office these days.”

“In what way?”

“They are holding their ground against Group Strategy Office who is poking at them. They are even making results by refuting them. And I don’t even have to step in much.”

Shin Kyung-wook answered with a relaxed expression to Yoo-hyun’s question.

Group Strategy Office was tightening their leash on Innovation Strategy Office with financial investigations.

They also showed their pettiness by pressuring each individual with personnel matters.

Not only that, they also announced that they would conduct an audit on the strategic grounds of each business unit.

The media play to lower their morale was extra.

Like the article on the newspaper that was placed on the table.

Yoo-hyun picked up the newspaper and chuckled.

“The situation doesn’t look so easy, does it?”

“It’s fine as long as my picture came out well. This is also thanks to the staff who distributed it to the media in advance. They are really smart kids.”

“How come you look more relaxed when the situation is difficult?”

Shin Kyung-wook shrugged his shoulders at Yoo-hyun’s question.

“If I get impatient now, the people below will have a harder time. I think my role is to keep the center now.”

“That’s a good point.”

The war had started, but in the long run, it was just the beginning.

It was a time when his heart was boiling, but now he had to prepare to last longer.

In the end, the survivor is the winner, and what makes that possible is not the external help, but the people who are with him.

Shin Kyung-wook had completely grasped the obvious truth that might seem obvious.

Yoo-hyun wondered as he looked at him.

How is this possible?

No matter how much he had some difficulties in his early years, he was a crown prince.

He must have lived without any lack, but he could shift his perspective like this. It was not an easy thing to do.

It was hard to explain this with just being excellent.

Yoo-hyun was thinking for a moment.


The part-time worker put a plate on the table.

“Your meal is ready.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you for using our service often.”

The part-time worker answered Shin Kyung-wook’s greeting neatly.

He looked like a secretary who came out of a meeting.

Yoo-hyun tilted his head and looked at the food with his eyes wide open.

“Huh? But there are two eggs on the kimchi fried rice? And coffee comes with it too?”

“They have good service here.”


Yoo-hyun had been using it for quite a long time, but he had never received such service.

He didn’t care much about ordering food that cost only a few thousand won.