Chapter 436:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 436:

There was someone who was watching that scene with his arms crossed.

Director Jung Woo-hyuk asked with a stern expression.

“Did Hansung really say they can support the exhibition within the schedule?”

“Yes. As I told you, they even reported it to Vice President Shin Myung-ho.”

Section Chief Shin Kwang-se’s answer made Director Jung Woo-hyuk shake his head.

“No. That’s not true.”

“What? But I clearly heard it.”

“That’s what I checked directly with Hansung Group’s Strategy Office. There was no such report to the president’s office.”

“Wow. Isn’t that a problem?”

“Yeah. The kid is bluffing too much. He should at least do it properly.”

Director Jung Woo-hyuk narrowed his eyes and recalled what happened yesterday.

Section Chief Shin Kwang-se, who was listening, touched his forehead with a troubled look.

“Damn. If this exhibition goes wrong, the director won’t let it go.”

“It’s not your fault, is it? It’s the consulting company’s fault.”

“That’s why we shouldn’t have hired a rookie with no experience. Damn it.”

Section Chief Shin Kwang-se expressed his annoyance and Director Jung Woo-hyuk said.

“Let’s just wait and see. I have Ilsung on standby in case the exhibition fails.”

“Wow. As expected. Thank you.”

“But you have to take care of something for me. I had a hard time soothing the people who were upset by the kid’s bluff.”

“Of course. If you help me, I will never forget this favor.”

Section Chief Shin Kwang-se bowed deeply.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun was having a leisurely morning.

The Italian barista certificate on the wall of the coffee shop was not a lie, as the flavor of the beans was definitely better than other places.

Yoo-hyun took a sip of coffee while looking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building outside the window.

The rich coffee taste came as a pleasant stimulus.

“This is good.”

He smiled with satisfaction and saw a familiar face in his eyes.

Director Jung Woo-hyuk and Section Chief Shin Kwang-se were walking on the road side.

Yoo-hyun checked the message from Deputy Director Park Doo-sik on his phone screen again.

-As you said, I checked if the exhibition report went to the president from the Group Strategy Office. We’ll move as planned.

As expected, Section Chief Shin Kwang-se reported everything Yoo-hyun said to Director Jung Woo-hyuk, who was not part of the G20 Preparation Committee.

Director Jung Woo-hyuk took the time to check the background and visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building instead of the Government Complex in the early morning.

Why did he do that?

Yoo-hyun easily predicted the backdoor deal between Director Jung Woo-hyuk and Ilsung.

From Director Jung Woo-hyuk’s perspective, he didn’t want Hansung to take the lead in the exhibition.

It was obvious that he would try to find fault and crush them somehow.

Just like he did when he trampled on Hansung in the past.


As Yoo-hyun was recalling how great Director Jung Woo-hyuk seemed in the past, he got a message from Jang Joon-sik.

-Director, I think I’ll arrive at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 20 minutes. I also coordinated with Gimpo to match the time.

Yoo-hyun finished his coffee and got up from his seat.

“Shall we start now?”

There was a bright smile on Yoo-hyun’s lips.

A moment later.

A truck from Ulsan parked in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building.


Jang Joon-sik got out of the car and followed by a familiar face.

“Oh my. Han Deputy, how long has it been?”

“Long time no see, Supervisor.”

Supervisor Lee Jin-mok grabbed Yoo-hyun’s hand and hugged his shoulder with his other hand.

His face was full of joy.

“Why don’t you come down once?”

“You’re doing well, why should I go down?”

“What? Are you some kind of audit team? If you can’t do your job, come down.”

“Didn’t you do that before?”

“What? Hahaha. You were awesome back then.”

She had some unfair parts in her position, but she did her best to appease the engineers.

“I’m sorry. Please tell me what you need and I’ll do my best to accommodate.”

Yoo-hyun silently helped them from behind, without saying much.

The civil servants’ interference was also a problem.

Section Chief Shin Kwang-se, who had scolded the engineers for blocking the entrance, came down again.

This time, he brought Director Jung Woo-hyuk with him.

“Team Leader Jeong, report the progress.”

“Section Chief, can’t you wait a little bit? As you can see, everyone is busy.”

“Oh. Team Leader Jeong, I need to know the progress so we can prepare too. If you don’t do it properly, you’ll be responsible for it.”

He was more arrogant because Director Jung Woo-hyuk was behind him.

His scolding made the engineers who were working turn their heads.

Jeong Da-hye, who was deciding where to attach the large panel on a ladder, came down to smooth things over.

She maintained her expression even in this annoying situation.

“Out of 128 panels that are connected in total, we have secured 12 locations and turned on 2 screens.”

“What? There’s not much time left and that’s all you’ve done?”

“Everyone is doing their best. We’re setting up the large panels first, and then we plan to...”

Yoo-hyun looked at Jeong Da-hye who continued to explain persistently with a pleased expression.

Supervisor Lee Jin-mok whispered to him with a dumbfounded look.

“Deputy Han, why are you smiling when the civil servants are frowning? You’ll get burned by their sparks.”

“What can I do? Just deal with them properly.”

“Why are you fiddling with your phone? Are you recording evidence of their abuse?”

Supervisor Lee Jin-mok looked at him with anticipation.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and answered.

“I’m just sending a message. It’s a perfect timing.”

“Oh, I see. I thought...”

Supervisor Lee Jin-mok was disappointed by Yoo-hyun’s words.

Meanwhile, Section Chief Shin Kwang-se’s scolding continued.

He grabbed both shoulders of Jeong Da-hye and pressed harder.

“Oh. Team Leader Jeong. If you had worked with Ilsung from the beginning, it wouldn’t have taken so long.”

“Section Chief, that’s too much. Everyone is working hard.”

“Working hard? What’s important is that. Do you know what will happen if we fail to host G20?”

Section Chief Shin Kwang-se’s absurd abuse made Senior Engineer Ahn Hyung-yoon angry.

He was a hot-tempered person himself.

“What do you mean? You shouldn’t have asked us in the first place?”

“Didn’t you guys insist on doing it?”

Section Chief Shin Kwang-se confronted him with a tit-for-tat attitude and Ahn Hyung-yoon called Yoo-hyun.

“Deputy Han, what’s going on here?”

“I don’t know. Why is Section Chief Shin saying that?”

“What? Did you report to the president? How can you make such a mess with your bluff?”

At Yoo-hyun’s words, Director Jung Woo-hyuk spat out a harsh voice from behind.

“I’m telling you after checking everything.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Are you going to deny it until the end? I don’t know who’s behind this, but this is a national matter. You can’t afford to make any mistakes.”

He then invoked the nation to intimidate him.

-This leak of Hansung Electronics LCD technology to China is a serious blow to the national economy. We intend to conduct an internal audit of Hansung Electronics at the national level to fundamentally improve this issue.

Yoo-hyun recalled what Director Jung Woo-hyuk said at the press conference in the past.

He acted like a crusader of justice and wielded his sword at Hansung Electronics, but it turned out that Ilsung Electronics was behind him.

Of course, that was Hansung’s business.

Yoo-hyun, who was just an employee, had no reason to hold such a grudge against him.

He didn’t do anything illegal or frame them for a crime they didn’t commit.

But he didn’t want to listen to his hypocritical words as if they were friends.

“Are you insulting our company? What do you mean by that?”

Yoo-hyun stood up to him and the engineers who were cheering for him were startled.

Supervisor Lee Jin-mok was so surprised that he blinked his eyes and Jeong Da-hye closed her eyes tightly.

That’s how big Director Jung Woo-hyuk’s presence was.