Chapter 439:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 439:

The images changed in perfect timing.

The overwhelming screen invited the audience to a different world beyond astonishment.

It was an amazing immersion that felt like being in a virtual reality.

“That’s impressive.”

Yoo-hyun, who was watching from afar, admired inwardly.

The display, the content, and the planning that encompassed them.

It was an interesting exhibition that lacked nothing.

It was good enough for Yoo-hyun to acknowledge, so the others had no choice but to watch.

After the exhibition ended, the judges praised it.

“Wonderful. I really felt like I was traveling.”

“I didn’t get it when I heard it, but it’s really amazing.”

“Excellent in one word. I understood why Korea became a global leader in a short time.”

In the buoyant atmosphere, their steps led to the international conference hall on the third floor.

Yoo-hyun couldn’t attend, but he was sure that Jeong Da-hye’s presentation was successful from the expressions of the judges who returned an hour later.

It was after the judges left.

The somewhat chaotic atmosphere of the first floor exhibition hall was corrected by the government officials.

Thump thump.

The prime minister walked between the high-ranking civil servants who lined up on both sides.

He looked dignified enough to know that he was not the second-in-command of Korea for nothing.

He approached the mobile exhibition hall and looked at the name on Jang Jun-sik’s chest and said.

“Mr. Jang Jun-sik, thank you for supporting the exhibition. We finished well thanks to you.”

“Not at all.”

A booming voice burst out of Jang Jun-sik’s mouth, who was very nervous.

The prime minister smiled pleasantly and greeted Yang Yoon-soo and Jeong Saet-byul as well.

“Mr. Yang Yoon-soo, Ms. Jeong Saet-byul, thank you for supporting us until the end.”

“Thank you.”

“We will do our best.”

The voices of the two echoed loudly.

They were all honored to be called by name by the prime minister.

Yoo-hyun used to be in that position in the past.

He was just a thorn among Ilsung Electronics employees back then, but he was so happy just for that.

Now his juniors have taken over that position instead of Ilsung Electronics employees.

Yoo-hyun looked at his juniors with a smile.

Jeong Da-hye came up and whispered to him.

“Why are you hiding behind, Mr. Yoo-hyun?”

“It’s not my stage.”

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders, and Jeong Da-hye shook her head vigorously.

She knew Yoo-hyun was always like this.

He didn’t try to get attention and hid himself behind.

How did he get the trust of the crown prince?

She swallowed her curiosity and spoke to the prime minister who came closer.

“Prime Minister.”

“Ah, Team Leader Jeong, Team Leader Jeong did a great job. The presentation today was very good too.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Jeong Da-hye gestured to Yoo-hyun after receiving his greeting.

“And this is Han Yoo-hyun, an assistant manager of Hansung, who paid a lot of attention to the exhibition.”

It was an unnecessary introduction that didn’t need to be done.

Yoo-hyun politely greeted him with a hidden absurdity.

“Hello. I’m Han Yoo-hyun.”

“Yeah, Assistant Manager Han Yoo-hyun, you did a great job. Thank you for your support.”


As he shook hands with the prime minister, a forgotten scene flashed through Yoo-hyun’s mind.

She also pushed Yoo-hyun like this back then.

He owed her a favor.

He realized the fact belatedly and smiled at Jeong Da-hye with his eyes.

She turned her head away as if she was embarrassed.

Then Shin Kwang-se, who was assisting him from the side, quickly intervened.

“Prime Minister, Shin Kyung-wook, executive director of Hansung, came a while ago and said that Chairman Hansung is also interested in this exhibition.”

“Hehe. The chairman?”

“Yes. And the person in charge of this exhibition is Assistant Manager Han Yoo-hyun.”

For now, he pretended not to know and laughed it off.

“Haha. It’s an important project, so we have to pay attention to it.”

-That’s our situation. Well, it’s a logo that will go to Apple’s presentation, so it must be important.

“Of course. A lot will change with this.”

-Don’t worry too much about that side. We’ll take care of the preparation for Apple’s presentation.

“Okay. Thank you. Team Leader, I appreciate it.”

After exchanging a few more pleasant words, Yoo-hyun hung up the phone and thought of Apple’s presentation.

It seemed like there was still plenty of time on the surface, but it wasn’t.

He had to move soon as internal problems erupted.

Would he get the result of the bid before that?

Or would he be able to solve Jeong Da-hye’s problem before that?

It was a question he couldn’t answer.

“Let’s just wait and see.”

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat with a light heart.

The next day, Yoo-hyun went to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building.

The same was true for the following day.

He hadn’t received the result of the G20 bid yet, but he acted as if he was planning a large-scale exhibition for the event and frequented the ministry as if it were his own home.

The prime minister had told him to do so, so no one could say anything.

Sitting in the lounge and drinking coffee, Yoo-hyun was approached by Shin Kwang Se, who asked him:

“Isn’t it time to get up?”

“I haven’t even properly reviewed the plan yet. I need to talk to Team Leader Jung, but she’s too busy.”

“She has a lot of things to wrap up.”

“I see. Then I’ll wait a little longer.”


Shin Kwang Se was annoyed by Yoo-hyun’s presence, which seemed like surveillance, but he couldn’t say anything else.

If he wanted to get Jeong Da-hye out of there, he had to do that job instead.

Yoo-hyun didn’t care about his feelings and spent his time leisurely.

That afternoon,

Jeong Da-hye, who was sitting on a bench outside the building, said to Yoo-hyun:

“I’m sorry, but I think I have to postpone the meeting time again. I have a lot of work to do for the bid announcement.”

“Don’t worry about me and do your work. You don’t have to do it if you’re busy.”

“What? You said Han Sung needs to prepare for the exhibition as soon as possible.”

“That’s just what I said. It’s not urgent.”

Yoo-hyun waved his hand casually and Jeong Da-hye blinked in disbelief.

Why was he staying here if he was going to do that?

Yoo-hyun smiled and said what was on her mind.

“I’m just taking a break with the excuse of work. It’s nice to play and eat all day. Oh, and I get the travel expenses too.”

Yoo-hyun’s attitude made Jeong Da-hye shake her head and say:

“Okay, then. I’ll contact you when I have time.”

“Okay. Good luck.”

Yoo-hyun greeted her brightly and watched her walk away.

He remembered what she had said in the past.

-In the end, I gave up before the bid announcement, after working hard for nothing. I regretted it so much. What if I had endured it? Then I wouldn’t have met you, right?

Just like Jeong Da-hye said with a bitter smile, her future might change if she succeeded in this project.

She might not come back to Korea, and they might not be able to work together.

It meant that he might have to erase all the good memories they had built together.

Still, Yoo-hyun wanted to see her.

He wanted to see her flying freely in the world, not trapped in a cage.

That was why Yoo-hyun stayed here and watched over her.

A few more days passed, and rumors came that the bid announcement was imminent.

Yoo-hyun thought that maybe nothing would happen.

There might have been some changes that he didn’t know about that prevented the problem from happening.

He was lying on a soft sofa in the first floor lounge, thinking about various possibilities, when he nodded his head.

“It would be better if nothing happened, right?”

He stretched and got up from his seat.

He had been thinking for quite a long time, as time had flown by.

It didn’t matter much because Jeong Da-hye was in a meeting right now.

Jung Woo-hyuk and Shin Kwang Se were also attending that meeting, so there was no one to bother him.

He could stay in the quiet lounge for longer, but Yoo-hyun chose to go out.

He felt suffocated from being inside for too long.