Chapter 459:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 459:

It was when Yoo-hyun had a myriad of thoughts in his head.

-Yoo-hyun, are you listening?

The voice of Park Seung-woo, his senior, from the phone woke him up.

At the same time, a card that could reverse the situation popped up in Yoo-hyun’s mind.

"Senior, how did the consulting research go?

-It’s almost done.

He had no time to hesitate.

Every second was precious, so he went straight to the point.

“Then please send me the data to my email. All of it, including the raw data.”

-Why? Do you need that?

“Yes. I need it. And I need your help too.”

-What is it?

“It’s a bit long to explain. I’ll check the content first and contact you.”

Park Seung-woo, his senior, must have felt the urgency in Yoo-hyun’s voice, as he took it seriously.

-It must be important if you say so.

“Yes. It’s very important.”

Yoo-hyun’s determined voice was conveyed through the speaker.

After hanging up the phone, Yoo-hyun moved to his office seat and organized the situation.

McKinsey’s consulting had the power to change the strategy of the companies that wanted it.

What if they presented a result that strongly criticized Hansung Electronics’ current strategy?

For example, what if they said that Hansung Electronics would collapse due to the poor performance of other business units besides the LCD division?

It could be a reason to move the overseas capital that blindly trusted McKinsey.

A temporary shareholders’ meeting would be held, and the agenda to replace the president would have a high chance of being approved.

How much time was left?

If they started the work, they would have done it before the LCD division’s quarterly sales came out.

If they surpassed the home appliance division’s sales, the balance would tilt towards Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director.

Yoo-hyun sent a message to Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director.

-Director, I need to see you today.

Then he sat down at his desk and turned on the computer.

The email from Park Seung-woo, his senior, had just arrived.


A document that exceeded 200 pages popped up.

He had checked it out when he wrote the proposal for the color phone, but he was a style that made the evidence data very meticulously.

He could cover the part of summarizing it well enough.

Yoo-hyun quickly flipped through the pages and nodded.

“Not bad.”

He didn’t need to see everything, just the outline and the reference items were enough to grasp the level.

It was beyond the level of a simple school assignment.

Of course, it was not possible to confront McKinsey’s consulting data with this.

Tap tap.

Yoo-hyun tapped his temples with his index finger and thought over and over again.

He couldn’t confirm yet that Shin Kyungsoo had done all this.

But what if he was the one who moved the elite group behind the scenes?

He must have done something else after that.

Yoo-hyun laid out all the possibilities and thought and thought again.

A moment later.

Yoo-hyun met Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, at a comic book cafe.

Books that they wouldn’t read were on the table, and the coffee with ice was not even touched.

It showed the urgency of the current situation.

“The situation that is expected now...”

“You mean we have to move assuming the worst case scenario?”

Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, looked serious as he listened to Yoo-hyun’s words.

“Yes. We don’t have time.”

“I have to increase the friendly forces faster then.”

“Can you do it?”

“To be honest, it’s not easy.”

“I guess so. If Elliott moves, other overseas capitals will move too.”

According to Yoo-hyun’s prediction, the force that would lead the temporary shareholders’ meeting was Elliott, a US hedge fund company.

They were the largest shareholder of Hansung Electronics, and if they moved, this matter would not end with a simple president replacement.

It was called working, but he had to stay up all night like when he was preparing for the Apple product review.

The difference was that he had Kim Young-gil next to him back then, but now he was alone.

“It will take some time to move to Boston...”

Yoo Hyun refined his plan, which was densely written on the whiteboard, and thought about the upcoming situation.

The articles and various materials he had seen countless times became the basis of his plan, which was tangled like threads.


The phone rang then, and Yoo Hyun knew who it was without looking.

He had blocked all other numbers except Shin Kyung-wook’s for security reasons.

He answered the phone and heard Shin Kyung-wook’s hoarse voice.

-The McKinsey report is already out and seems to have been delivered to the group strategy room.

“I see. It’s about time.”

-The temporary shareholders’ meeting is also confirmed.

“How much time do we have left?”

-Just two weeks.

Two weeks was barely enough for the planned schedule.

It meant that he could not afford to make a single mistake.

Yoo Hyun hid his nervousness and answered calmly.

“I see.”

-Are you doing well with the preparations?

“Yes. I’m proceeding as planned.”

-Do you really not need anyone else? It must be hard by yourself.

“It’s better to be alone right now. But please check the consulting materials as I told you.”

Just like Hyun Jin-gun said that it was better to work alone, Yoo Hyun was the same.

He was not in a position to teach and work with other people in a sensitive situation.

And above all, security was important right now.

Shin Kyung-wook, who knew Yoo Hyun’s situation well, took care of the minor details.

-I already contacted Park Seung-woo and talked to him. I made it so that you can proceed with the work through the innovation strategy room, so you don’t have to worry about that.

“Thank you. I’ll review the consulting materials as soon as they are ready.”

-You’re working hard.

“Please take a break, director. Your voice is cracking.”

When Yoo Hyun said that with concern, Shin Kyung-wook joked.

He must have been exhausted from running outside, but he showed his composure until the end.

-Yeah. I should. I’ll bring you a lunch box tonight. Let’s see those dying faces.

“Please bring something delicious.”

-Haha. Okay. Take care.

Yoo Hyun hung up the phone with a smile and faced himself reflected on the whiteboard.

There was not the relaxed Yoo Hyun of now, but the Han Yoo-hyun who had lived fiercely in the past.

At the same time, he heard the voice of the man who had dominated his past for a long time.

-Han Sang-moo, what are you going to do if you leave room for a bug-like opponent? That kind of poor sympathy is what makes you not reach the level of an elite.

That cold voice tightened Yoo Hyun’s chest.

But he did not feel the pressure that made him breathless like before.

It was not because he had no connection with him or because he was far away.

It was the excitement of being able to overturn his perfect board.

“Let’s see. I’ll smash you completely.”

Yoo Hyun lit up his eyes with a cold smile and picked up the pen again.

He was determined to crush him by squeezing out all his experience in the remaining short time.


Yoo Hyun’s hand embroidered the whiteboard with his will.

A week passed from then.

As Yoo Hyun’s whereabouts became obscure for a long time, people talked about him.

Even the TV team managers and deputy managers who were not close to Yoo Hyun gathered and talked about him.

“Is it true that Han is in the VIP room? Why haven’t I seen him for so long?”

“He said he went in to prepare for the G20 exhibition at the request of the innovation strategy room.”

“Does that make sense? There are still two months left.”

“Maybe he went to another company?”

“Well. He was a bit rude, but he had skills.”

In the process, some absurd rumors were also created.

That’s how little people knew about Yoo Hyun’s whereabouts.