Chapter 472:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 472:


Manager Kim Hyun-min hugged Yoo-hyun and expressed his affection.

“My child. You know I love you, right?”

‘Of course, I won’t follow you anyway.’

Yoo-hyun didn’t bother to say the unnecessary words.

Instead, he quietly pushed his arm away.

Nevertheless, Manager Kim Hyun-min couldn’t hide his excited mood.

“Shall we eat lobster today? With some liquor?”

“Are you buying me this because of the transfer?”

“Of course, of course. You know I take good care of my staff.”

“Is it the group leader’s card?”

“What does it matter if it’s a card or not? The important thing is to treat you well.”

He would have felt a bit embarrassed if it wasn’t the group leader’s card.

Yoo-hyun felt relieved and gestured with his hand.

“Then that’s good. Let’s go.”

“Haha. I really appreciate you.”

Manager Kim Hyun-min was laughing happily.

The news of the spin-off delivered by the CEO’s email caused a huge wave.

The office, the smoking room, the coffee shop, everywhere was buzzing with the spin-off issue.

The employees sitting at the corner table of the 10th floor lounge were no different.

“Isn’t it too negative to take off the name of Hansung Electronics?”

“The name Hansung is still attached. And they are the world number one in their field. They will get recognition.”

“Nah, I don’t think so. Only the old people know Hansung Electronics, they don’t care about the other subsidiaries.”

“Don’t worry. It’s a project led by the crown prince. Who would dare to say anything?”

The biggest interest among them was, of course, money.

The man who was listening asked with an expectant voice.

“How much do you think we’ll get? It would be awesome if it overlaps with the bonus.”

“I think it’s at least 500 percent. Maybe even 1,000 percent if we’re lucky.”

“Wow. I hope so.”

The man clapped his hands and smiled, and the next table also brought up the same topic.

As if yawning was contagious, soon the lounge was filled with bonus talk.

Everyone’s face had a smile on it, as if it was a good situation.

Yoo-hyun looked at them quietly with his chin on his palm, and the deputy Kwon Se-jung sitting across from him asked.

“What are you thinking about so much?”

“Just. Old memories?”ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

“Old memories?”

“Yeah. A very long time ago.”

It was four years ago from now, but it was a very long time ago in Yoo-hyun’s experience.

He also heard people murmuring at a similar place back then.

But the atmosphere was very different from now.

-We made so much money for Electronics, but now they’re completely abandoning us because they’re losing money.

-Honestly, it was the higher-ups who leaked the technology to China. Why do we have to take the blame?

-What about the restructuring? It looks like we’re going to get kicked out without getting any money.

The stories were not accurate, but there were a lot of negative talks among the people.

It was understandable, because the spin-off that took place at that time was more for the purpose of getting rid of the business than growing it.

The company had to reduce the budget as much as possible, and the process was not easy.

The one who took the lead and pushed it forward was Yoo-hyun himself, who belonged to the Group Strategy Office.

And one of the people who suffered directly from it was Deputy Kwon Se-jung.

Yoo-hyun, who was lost in his thoughts for a moment, was awakened by Deputy Kwon Se-jung’s gesture.

“Hey, you’re not like yourself. Why are you spacing out? Is the milk tea bad?”

Yoo-hyun looked at the milk tea can in his hand and spat out a laugh.

“Yeah. Why did you buy me this?”

“I thought it would be good. Let’s try something else next time.”

“You seem to have a spirit of challenge lately?”

Deputy Kwon Se-jung winked at Yoo-hyun’s question.

“It’s because I’ve been doing all kinds of things with you.”

“What kind of things?”

“Going to see a play, getting a massage, doing yoga, rock climbing. Need I say more?”

As Deputy Kwon Se-jung listed the past activities, Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders and handed him the can.

“Haha. Thanks for joining me.”

“Me too.”

Deputy Kwon Se-jung tapped the can with one eye closed, and Yoo-hyun drank the milk tea with a good mood.

There was a bland taste in his mouth, but somehow his lips kept curling up.

“I think it would be better to hear the voices of the protagonists than me talking alone. Any questions are welcome. I’ll tell you everything except the color of my underwear.”


Shin Kyung-wook’s witty remark made him forget that he was the crown prince.

The atmosphere relaxed, and people raised their hands.

The first question was direct.

“Do we get a bonus if we move?”

“We’re leaving the name of Electronics and going to a new company, so of course we have to support you. We’ll divide the salary and the evaluation results and contribution rate equally.”

“Can we know more details?”


The audience laughed at the shameless attitude of the questioner.

Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, answered with a smile.

“If you calculate it, it will be quite a lot. Oh, of course, excluding the year-end bonus.”

“Wow wow wow.”

The audience was excited by his words.

At the same time, questions about the bonus, salary system, personnel evaluation criteria, etc. poured out.

Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, answered them one by one and scratched the itchy spots of the employees.

Yoo-hyun was watching him with a pleased smile.

Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, paused and looked at Yoo-hyun.

As their eyes met, Yoo-hyun remembered the moment when he had made his decision.

-You want to go to the Group Strategy Office? What’s the reason for that?

Shin Kyung-wook asked him with the same expression as now.

Yoo-hyun beat around the bush, saying that he wanted to check something, and Shin Kyung-wook gave him a doubtful look.

The direct reason why Yoo-hyun wanted to move was the dissolution of the Group Strategy Office.

As Shin Kyung-soo’s return clock was moved up, he wanted to go into the enemy camp and tear it apart before he could expand his power.

But he knew that Shin Kyung-wook, who had a strong self-sacrificing personality, would not easily accept this idea.

‘Someday you’ll understand.’

As Yoo-hyun looked into his eyes, he nodded his head as if he knew his deep thoughts.

He smiled faintly and opened his mouth to the microphone.

“Oh, and by the way, I’ll tell you one thing. If you don’t want to move, you can stay in Hansung Electronics.”

Buzz buzz.

“Of course, there will be no damage, and we will help you to be placed in the department you want. Of course, it will be anonymous.”

As he continued, a man raised his hand.

It was Oh Jae-hwan, the team leader, who was Yoo-hyun’s former team leader.

“Director Shin, if all the staff leave, the work might not be done.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll replenish the manpower with new and experienced hires as much as we lack. Please understand and encourage them.”

It was a golden opportunity to change the organization without leaving the name of Hansung Electronics and without any burden.

The leaders who had run the organization recklessly could have been anxious.

But Kim Hyun-min, the manager, was confident.

He turned his head and said with a smile.

“Who would stay in Electronics? Right?”


No one answered, and he was surprised.

“What? What’s with this atmosphere? Are you saying you’re leaving me behind? Huh?”

“Well, let’s see how it goes at the year-end party.”

Yoo-hyun said, and Kim Hyun-min, the manager, clenched his will.

“Okay. I’ll take care of this year-end party specially...”

Then, a staff member who was helping with the event came up and pointed out.

“Excuse me, can you lower your voice?”

“Oh, yes. Sorry.”


Kim Hyun-min, the manager, bowed his head in embarrassment, and the team members giggled at him.

After the spin-off briefing, an email was sent with the organizational change information.

The atmosphere of the Innovative Product TF was so good, and they were recognized for their performance, so they didn’t care much.

Only one person, Deputy Kwon Se-jung, was an exception.

“Did you apply?”

Yoo-hyun asked, and he nodded his head.

“I got the confirmation a long time ago.”

“I see.”

“What are you going to do? Haven’t you decided yet?”

“Well, I don’t know. I’ll let you know later.”

Deputy Kwon Se-jung patted his shoulder and left the company first.

Now he had someone to meet to confirm his decision.