Chapter 477:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 477:

Camera flashes went off in succession.


Shin Myung-ho, the vice-chairman of Hansung Electronics, revealed his face as he neatly brushed his hair aside. He had the same strong impression and blunt expression as before, but his steps seemed weaker than before.

However, when he stood on the podium, he glared fiercely as if nothing had changed. He greeted briefly and cut to the chase.

-I would like to announce that Hansung Electronics’ LCD division has officially launched as Hansung Display as of today. And...

As Shin Myung-ho spoke, the screen on one side of the press conference hall showed the details. Along with the information that Yoo-hyun already knew, it also mentioned the value and stake of Hansung Display in the group and other specific details.

Han Jae-hee nodded his head without knowing what it meant.


Shin Myung-ho turned over a page of the document he was holding. He took a breath and announced the next content with a determined look in his eyes.

-And I would like to tell you about the innovation plan to make Hansung Electronics the global number one company. First, we will introduce a new system that suits the global era and...

His speech was long, but the content was simple.

He was going to overhaul the personnel system.

One of his plans was to promote the marketing and strategy departments by one level each, and fill their positions with completely new blood.

The faces and backgrounds of each department head appeared on the screen.

Demot Borden CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) – Vice President

Thomas Linton CPO (Chief Purchasing Officer) – Vice President

Didier Seneb CSCO (Chief Supply Chain Management Officer) – Vice President

Peter Stickler CHO (Chief Human Resources Officer) – Vice President

Shin Kyung-wook CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) – Vice President

Except for Vice President Shin Kyung-wook, who was promoted, all the major positions were filled by foreigners.

And they were people who had already proven their abilities at Johnson & Johnson, IBM, HP, McKinsey, and so on.

This meant that the existing forces that had occupied the positions were all cleared out.

Among them were many of the main members of the Han Kyung-hoe faction.

Yoo-hyun looked at the screen with a meaningful expression.

The journalists pressed the camera shutter without a break at the radical attempt.

Han Jae-hee, who was fiddling with his phone, clapped his hands.

“Wow. Our company is making a lot of news. Look at this. All the top news are about our company’s press conference.”

“Do you even know what it means and why are you happy?”

“It’s good that a lot of foreigners are coming. It’s something global, right? Wow. Awesome.”

It looked good on the surface, but it was absolutely not.

Shin Kyung-soo had pushed for a similar innovation plan in the past, but the result that was revealed to the public was a big failure.

The reason was simple.

“Are you confident in English?”

“Me? I’m sure other people are better than me.”

“You’re not confident even though you studied abroad, and others are worse. And the environment they’ve lived in is different, so communication is hard.”

As Yoo-hyun said, the lack of communication between the top and bottom was the fundamental cause of failure.

Communication was not possible, so the gap between the employees and the executives widened.

The employees criticized the executives who emphasized only the principles without flexibility, and the foreign executives ignored the employees who did not follow the basics.

While Hansung Electronics was faltering, Shin Kyung-soo achieved his goal.

He purged the unnecessary people and filled the space with his elite members.

And there was a prerequisite for this.

The content that Yoo-hyun had thought of came out as a bombshell from Shin Myung-ho.

-And I, Shin Myung-ho, will step down from the position of president of Hansung Electronics as of today. I hope this will be an opportunity for Hansung Electronics to become a more global company.

The moment the scene he expected unfolded before his eyes, Yoo-hyun clenched his fist.

The press conference hall was shaken by the shocking statement.


The camera flashes went off without a break.

Jiing. Jiing.

Messages from Park Doo-sik, the section chief, and Kwon Se-jung, the assistant manager, came one after another on Yoo-hyun’s phone.

Han Jae-hee blinked his eyes in surprise.

“Huh? The president is quitting?”

“Looks like it.”

“Why? He’s the chairman’s brother. Why is he quitting?”

“He said he’s going to reform the company into a more global one.”

“How do you feel, did everything go as you wished?”

“I wanted to change the company before I left.”

“Not because of Kyung-soo?”

Shin Hyun-ho spat out a cold word, and Son Tae-bum felt a chill down his spine.

He flinched at the overwhelming gaze he hadn’t seen in a long time.

“I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. Thanks to you, I didn’t have to get rid of my colleagues with my own hands.”


“By the way, Kyung-soo seems to be no pushover. He even manipulated you.”

Shin Hyun-ho smiled faintly, and Son Tae-bum cautiously opened his mouth.

“I’ll pack my things right away.”

“You’re not staying any longer? It seems like there will be some interesting things to watch.”

“I think it would be nice to hear it from my hometown.”

“Okay. Let’s have a drink on your porch someday.”

“Yes. I’ll look forward to that day, chairman.”

Son Tae-bum bowed his head and turned around.

Shin Hyun-ho smiled and sent off his old friend.

He leaned back on the soft sofa.

He saw the blue sky outside the window, just like he used to see at his hometown.

“It’s a lonely day.”

A bitter smile appeared on his lips.

After the press conference, numerous news articles poured out.

The news came out as fast as Hansung Electronics’ innovation plan was implemented.

There were also changes in the group.

One of the most notable was that the level of the Group Strategy Room was raised by one step.

As a result, its head, Yoon Joo-tak, became a vice president, and the executives under him were also promoted.

This meant that the external power of the Group Strategy Room had increased.

In the midst of such changes, Yoo-hyun made his first appearance at the Group Strategy Room.

-The location of the Group Strategy Room has changed from the 25th floor to the 32nd floor. I’m telling you this just in case.

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he recalled what Park Doo-sik, the section chief, had told him.

Does he know?

That the same thing happened in the past when they moved to the Group Strategy Room on the same day?

Yoo-hyun got off at the 32nd floor and looked at the opaque glass door that was tightly closed.

He could tell by the large table and the closet at each seat that the office was very different from the LCD division office.

The place where each individual used here was as big as the space used by six people in the 13th floor office.

The high partitions at each seat made the individual’s power feel real.

Of course, Yoo-hyun knew very well that this was all superficial.

The place where Yoo-hyun walked was the strategy department office in the right corner.

No one reacted to Yoo-hyun’s footsteps as he walked.

There was no choice, as they had gone to the morning team weekly meeting or something, and there was no one sitting.

Yoo-hyun pressed the entrance password, remembering the team members who had deliberately ignored him.


Beep beep beep beep beep beep.

This password, which changed every first day of the month, was a simple pattern of six digits that reversed the year and month.

This was maintained until Yoo-hyun left the Group Strategy Room, so he remembered it clearly.


The door opened as expected, and the office scenery came into view.

He could tell by the team names hanging on the office partitions that Yoo-hyun’s attention was caught.

The former Strategy 1, 2, 3, 4 teams had changed to two teams: External Strategy Team and Internal Strategy Team.

The reduced number of teams showed the current situation of the strategy department, which had faced a storm from the Innovation Strategy Room.


Yoo-hyun’s footsteps made no sound.

He was heading to the strategy department office on the right corner.