Chapter 506:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 506:

As Yoo-hyun walked down the office corridor, he heard the angry voice of Director Song Hyun Seung.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I-I’m sorry.”

Through the open door of the office, he saw Team Leader Shim Byung Jik facing Director Song.

He had worked hard for over a week to prepare for this reception, but he looked like he had committed a grave sin, bowing his head low.

“Is this something you can apologize for? Why can’t you do anything right even when I spoon-feed you?”

“I’ll fix it.”

“Fix what? If this deal falls through, it’s all on you. Do you understand?”

He wondered if he had to take the blame for such a trivial matter, but that was how the company worked.

The next target was Team Leader Bae Jae Chan, who was probably showing Han Sung Energy around the facility by now.

Was he doing well?

Yoo-hyun thought of him struggling as he walked.


His phone rang and he checked it. There was a message.

-The tour of Han Sung Energy went smoothly. There were some questions I couldn’t answer, but they didn’t seem to mind. I’ll see you in the afternoon.

You couldn’t answer some questions?

Yoo-hyun checked the content and anticipated another outburst from the strategic planning office. He shook his head in dismay.

The sender of the message was Seok Ji Sung, the head of Han Sung Energy’s Spanish branch.

He was in charge of interpreting and assisting for this reception, and he had been reporting everything to Yoo-hyun since the last meeting.

Thanks to him, Yoo-hyun knew even the details he didn’t need to check.

Yoo-hyun reached the first floor and Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, stuck to him.

“Team Leader, the current situation is...”

Yoo-hyun listened to his explanation and stopped by the exhibition hall on the first floor.

A large entrance with transparent glass had been changed, and a long electronic sign was placed above it.

A welcome message in Spanish scrolled across the new sign.


He opened the door and entered the bright exhibition hall.

The space was quite large, as they had even taken over the conference room next to it.

The exhibition hall was divided into display and IT sections, according to Yoo-hyun’s plan.

He entered the display section first.

It had a similar structure to the G20 exhibition, and he saw some familiar faces inside.

Yoo-hyun walked with an indifferent expression.

“According to your plan, Team Leader, we introduced the video wall and the large TV in the beginning...”

As Shin Nak Kyun explained, Yang Yoon Soo and Jung Saet Byul passed by Yoo-hyun.

Hyuk In Jeon, from the innovation strategy office, was also there.

He avoided eye contact with Yoo-hyun, lowering his head.


Yoo-hyun silently walked past his former colleagues and looked around for someone who might be there.

It was still a long time before the exhibition started, so there was no one suspicious.

He checked the inside situation and approached Ju Jae Oh, the executive director, who was inspecting the exhibition status in the corner.

“Hello, Director.”

“I hope everything is going well.”

“Yes, of course.”

“I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the atmosphere is not very favorable. They seem to be hiding a lot of things.”

He had just arrived, but why was he acting like he knew everything?

He knew he was trying to scare him, but Yoo-hyun played along.

“Don’t worry. The exhibition is ready.”

“This performance is on your shoulders. Remember that.”

“Yes. I’ll live up to your expectations.”

Yoo-hyun bowed politely to Ju Jae Oh, who didn’t seem satisfied.

Then he moved to the IT exhibition hall with Shin Nak Kyun, through the passage that connected the two sections.

Jung Saet Byul, who was watching Yoo-hyun’s back, made a fuss.

“Oh my, is he really Team Leader Han? Did he forget about us? How can he not even look at us?”

“Be quiet. He can hear you.”

Yang Yoon Soo put his index finger over his lips, and Jung Saet Byul lowered her voice.

“Are we the ones who should be embarrassed? That rude assistant is following him around like a puppy.”

“I guess you have to cut ties to succeed in the group strategy office. There’s nothing we can do.”

“Your performance at the Wonju factory was impressive. Let’s have a meal together sometime.”

“Thank you. Just let me know.”

He didn’t just say it, he needed to meet him once.

He had worked hard at the Wonju factory because of him, but the situation had changed.

Yoo-hyun looked him in the eye, checking him one more time.

“You have good eyes. They match well with our manager.”

Director Choi Sang Hyun smiled, and Director Song Hyun Seung showed his wariness.

“Director Choi, he’s my man.”

“I know, I know. I’m just saying.”

Director Choi Sang Hyun pretended not to care, but his eyes kept going back to Yoo-hyun.

He was suspicious in that aspect, but Yoo-hyun was sure he was not.

If he was, he wouldn’t have secretly solved the Wonju factory problem behind the scenes.

While Director Song Hyun Seung was talking to Director Choi Sang Hyun, Yoo-hyun approached Director Im Dong Chan, who was in the corner.

He had a wide forehead, a large mole on the side of his nose, and a young man with round eyes and pale skin.

He bowed his head to him.

“Hello. I’m Han Yoo-hyun, the person in charge of this exhibition.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m looking forward to it.”

He greeted him briefly and then looked away.

He didn’t care about Yoo-hyun at all.

Director Im Dong Chan didn’t have to pretend, so Yoo-hyun crossed him off the list.

Then who was it?

Yoo-hyun looked around slowly again.

He saw Director Yeo Tae-sik, who had moved to the innovation strategy office, but he didn’t show much interest in Yoo-hyun, as he had already heard about him.

The others were the same.

They couldn’t easily approach Yoo-hyun, who was with the group strategy office executives, and Yoo-hyun didn’t act like he knew them.

At least in the display exhibition hall, there was no one he doubted.

Yoo-hyun reached a conclusion and moved to the IT exhibition hall.

Then, Director Ju Jae Oh came out of the passage that connected them.

He recognized Yoo-hyun and gestured to him first.

“Team Leader Han, good timing. Come here.”

“What is it?”

As Yoo-hyun approached, he said something unexpected.

“No, I have someone to introduce you to.”

“Someone to introduce me to?”

Yoo-hyun tilted his head, and Director Ju Jae Oh waved his hand and shouted into the passage.

“Manager Lee, Manager Lee.”


To be called a manager in the group strategy office, one had to be in a special organization of TF type.

As far as Yoo-hyun knew, there was no such organization in the group strategy office.

He felt curious and suspicious at the same time, and a man appeared from the passage.

He had a round face, white skin, and curly eyes. He was a young man with a striking appearance.

As soon as Yoo-hyun saw his face, a chill ran down his spine.


Ignoring the stunned Yoo-hyun, Director Ju Jae Oh scolded the man.

“Is there honey in there? Why are you looking so long?”

“Yes. It’s interesting.”

The man smiled brightly, and Director Ju Jae Oh introduced him to Yoo-hyun.

“What a person... Team Leader Han, this is Manager Lee Joon Il. He will be in charge of the banquet.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Han Yoo-hyun.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Lee Joon Il. Let’s talk about the banquet after this is over.”

He smiled cheerfully and was about to say something to Yoo-hyun, when Director Ju Jae Oh poured cold water on him.

“That’s only when things go well. Remember that.”

“Why are you so worried? It’s going to work out for sure. Right, Team Leader Han?”

“Yes. I’ve prepared it so that it can happen.”

“Director, you’ll see. You’ll be surprised by the result.”

Manager Lee Joon Il talked as if he was the one in charge of the exhibition.