Chapter 525:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 525:

“How did I look when I first came back?”

“Well, you looked ridiculous pretending to be relaxed.”

“Yes, you’re right. I didn’t know what relaxation was back then.”

Yoo-hyun admitted obediently, and Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, seemed to understand. He pointed at a dot between Yoo-hyun’s left index and thumb fingers.

“Then what’s this?”

“That’s me after I went to Yeontae-ri. I had a great enlightenment thanks to Master Hanryang.”

“Hahaha. I see. You looked comfortable. I was envious.”

“It was wonderful. I could see much further with relaxation.”

“I agree. Then what’s this?”

Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, pointed at the remaining corner with a curious look. Yoo-hyun answered with a serious expression.

“That’s me now, after I came back from the Group Strategy Office.”

“How was it?”

Maybe it was because Yoo-hyun’s voice dropped a tone, but Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, listened attentively.

Yoo-hyun looked straight into Kim Hyun-min’s eyes and revealed his feelings.

“It wasn’t too bad. But at some point, I felt like I was going back to the way I was when I returned from the Ulsan factory, or even before that.”

To be precise, it felt like going back to his old self who had fought fiercely countless times in a suffocating place 20 years ago.

He had vowed not to live like that, but his face in the mirror still had the tension from then.

Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, who didn’t know the details, guessed.

“But you must have gained something. It’s a very successful department. The scale is big too.”

“Do you know what I learned the most there?”

“What is it?”

“The fact that I had worked with such good colleagues.”

“Why are you so cheesy?”

Yoo-hyun leaned his upper body closer to Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, who made an awkward face.

“To be exact, I came back because I missed you, director.”

“Hey, hey, go say that to Park Seung Woo.”

“Don’t you get it? I came to Display instead of going to Park, the manager.”

“Hahaha. You kid, you’re really drunk.”

Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, shook his shoulders for a while at Yoo-hyun’s continuous flattery.

It was when Yoo-hyun was about to move on to the next thing after finishing the preliminary work.

Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, who emptied his glass, brought up something he remembered.

“Oh, by the way, what’s this story about the president giving you an organization?”

“You’re asking pretty quickly.”

“I was busy. He said he’s making a TF.”

Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, nodded at his words.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“What’s the name?”

“Future Technology TF.”

“Future Technology?”

“Yes. It’s about...”

Yoo-hyun mentioned the same part he had told President Lim Jun Pyo.

It was a bit unfamiliar to use semiconductors for displays, but Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, who was the leader of the OLED leading technology organization, had no trouble understanding it.

He was dumbfounded after hearing the explanation.

“What? That’s an organization that’s going to steal our rice bowl.”

“No, it’s an organization that will grow with us. To be precise, it’s the successor of OLED.”

“You’re just saying that, but the higher-ups won’t think so. They’ll end up competing with us.”

“We have to do it if we need to.”

“You’re a scary guy.”

Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, gritted his teeth, but Yoo-hyun didn’t back down.

“I’m going to make this properly.”

“Properly? Do you think they’ll let you do this in a display company?”

“That’s why I need your help, director.”

“Oh, now you’re trying to take away my staff. I can’t give them to you.”

Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, liked Yoo-hyun, but the organization issue was a different matter.

He had already lost some staff once, so he turned serious.

He crossed his arms in an X shape and looked at Yoo-hyun, who said sincerely.

“You know that’s not what I mean. I don’t need subordinates who will work under me. I need colleagues who I can trust and rely on.”


“I need your help, director.”

Was it because Yoo-hyun said the word ‘help’ for the first time?

Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, sighed briefly and sat up straight.

“What do you want me to do?”


Yoo-hyun said without hesitation, and Kim Hyun-min, the executive director, was astonished.

“Wow, you. You have no shame. You just say it right away.”

After sending a considerable amount of time and email with feedback, it was.


The mailbox flashed and he received an email from Hyun Jin-gun, who was in the United States.

-Yoo-hyun, I’m consulting with Shinwa Semiconductor about the 4G chip production line as you suggested. You can see the schedule in the attached file, but...

When he opened the file, he saw that Hyun Jin-gun was able to move according to the schedule he wanted.

He smiled at the good situation in many ways.

“Is it okay to be this easy?”

He said to himself, as if his hands were light now.

It was because his colleagues were doing their jobs well.

If he had done it alone?

He would have been struggling in Lee Jun-il’s radar by now.

The only thing left was Yoo-hyun’s part.

Yoo-hyun planned to use the long vacation period to supplement what he lacked.

For this, he had things to research further and people to meet.

He was organizing his plans when it happened.


He received a message from Maeng Gi-yong, the manager, on his phone.

-The day you said, everyone will be there, including the person in charge. I’ll prepare a welcome party, so come to Ulsan quickly. Let me see your handsome face.

He was thinking of seeing him in Ulsan, whom he couldn’t see in Seoul.

At that time, he had a lot of things to sort out.

Since the central schedule was set, the remaining parts could be adjusted flexibly.

He checked the schedule and called the people he had to meet.

The next day, Yoo-hyun got on the driver’s seat from the morning.

The destination was his hometown, and Han Jae-hee was sitting in the passenger seat.

He asked her casually while driving.

“Did you really take a vacation today?”

“Yeah. It would be nice to go with you to your house.”

“They wouldn’t have allowed you easily at work?”

“I finished all my work, so what. And I’m still a newbie, so I don’t have much work.”

“Even so, social life is...”

As Yoo-hyun’s lecture began, Han Jae-hee plugged her ears.

He still continued his words full of lessons as a senior at work.

Han Jae-hee, who had been plugging her ears for a while, got angry.

“Are you still not done? Stop nagging. I’m good at social life.”

“I know you’re good. But I’m worried about your behavior.”

“Don’t worry. I lived well in the US without you... I did get some help. Anyway, you do well.”

“That’s not what I’m saying. I’m good at raising my juniors.”

“Oh, who would follow such a picky person?”

She grumbled as Han Jae-hee did.

He felt his pride hurt as if something was pushed.

“Aha. You became a director by flattering. No wonder. Your peers don’t look for you.”

“What kind of logic is that?”

Yoo-hyun opened his mouth.


A message came on the navigation screen.

The sender was Jang Jun-sik, and the content of the message was not visible.

“Give it to me.”

Yoo-hyun reached out his hand, and Han Jae-hee picked up the phone that was on the holder between the driver’s seat and the passenger seat.

“You’re driving, why should I give it to you? I’ll read it for you.”

“See it later.”

“No. I’ll start. Director, I heard the news that I can work with you. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. I will faithfully perform the given tasks and show you the growth... Ha. I can’t read this anymore.”

She started on her own, but her voice gradually faded, and she finally gave up.

Did Park Doo-sik, the deputy manager, tell him the details?

Looking at the message, it seemed that he already knew what he was going to do.

He thought of Jang Jun-sik joining him, and Han Jae-hee asked him incredulously.

“What is this guy? Why is he so ticklish? Did you borrow money from him?”

“What are you talking about? Why would I borrow money?”

“Anyway. This is why you shouldn’t have a flattering junior. There’s no sincerity, no sincerity.”

“He would have been a director by now if he had flattered well.”

Yoo-hyun retorted, and Han Jae-hee nagged again.

He felt his pride hurt as if something was pushed.

“Ah. You became a director by flattering. No wonder. Your peers don’t look for you.”

“What kind of logic is that?”

Yoo-hyun opened his mouth.