Chapter 48 - Ye Xuan, a Degenerate?

Chapter 48: Ye Xuan, a Degenerate?

“Brother Ye Xuan, why didn’t you invite me when you went out to play?” The beautiful girl in red, as radiant as a red cloud, happily jumped in front of Ye Xuan and waved at him.

“It’s Xiao Ling’er! I was actually on my way to find you,” Ye Xuan replied with a smile. “You’ve become even more beautiful in just a few days.”

“Really?!!” Xiao Ling’er, elated by Ye Xuan’s compliment, twirled around joyfully, her red sleeves adding fragrance to the air and her skirt fluttering. “Am I truly beautiful? But I heard people saying that you think Mo Qingxue is the most beautiful girl in these ten miles.”

“She’s not as beautiful as you,” Ye Xuan assured the girl in front of him.

“Hehe, Brother Ye Xuan, you always know how to say the sweetest things, you’re such a tease!” The girl playfully stomped her foot in front of Ye Xuan.ViiSit no(v)3lb!n(.)com for new novels

“Cough, uh, Young Master Ye, we’ll leave you two alone for now, won’t disturb you and Miss Jiang,” the two lackeys interjected, sensing the atmosphere and quickly excusing themselves.

Ye Xuan nodded, letting them go. Once they left, he turned to the girl in the red dress, “Xiao Ling’er, where do you want to go? I’m free today, I can accompany you anywhere.”

“Really?” Xiao Ling’er, her happiness evident, played with her braid and suggested, “Then, Brother Ye Xuan, let’s go for a walk by the river.”

“Sure, let’s go.” Ye Xuan took Jiang Ling’er’s hand, and they walked together by the riverside. As they reached the bank, Jiang Ling’er ran towards some blooming flowers, admiring them closely. “They are so beautiful,” she said to Ye Xuan.

“Do you think they’re beautiful? I still feel something is missing,” Ye Xuan said earnestly.

“Eh?” Puzzled, Jiang Ling’er asked, “Aren’t these flowers beautiful enough? What kind of flower do you find beautiful?”

Ye Xuan took Jiang Ling’er’s hand, gazed into her eyes, and said with utmost seriousness, “No matter how beautiful the flowers in this world are, in my eyes, none of them are as beautiful as you.”

Blushing, Jiang Ling’er nestled herself into Ye Xuan’s embrace, while he lovingly held her in his arms.

“Uh...” Ye Xuan was taken aback, a look of dismay on his face. “Why?”

“Why indeed?!” Jade Ling’er was practically fuming. She wanted to jump into the mirror and confront the girl who looked like her and shared her name. The atmosphere was perfect, and he was willing to marry her. How could she say no? She thought, ‘You have to marry him today!’

Elder Qingxue, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief. That made sense – Ye Xuan couldn’t possibly be with this Jiang Ling’er girl since she had never met her before. That meant Jiang Ling’er must have disappeared from Ye Xuan’s life before Elder Qingxue had met him. The reasons, however, remained unknown to her.

At that moment, Ye Xuan looked at Jiang Ling’er with a disheartened expression, not understanding why she would say such a thing. “Xiao Ling’er, why don’t you want to marry me? Don’t you like me?” he asked, his voice tinged with nervousness.

“It’s not that,” Jiang Ling’er shook her head and explained, “I really like Brother Ye Xuan, but I’ve heard that men like to have multiple wives and concubines. You’re so wealthy; if I marry you, you’ll surely marry other women too. That’s why I can’t marry you.”

Ye Xuan couldn’t help but chuckle at her words, then responded, “Silly girl, it’s normal for men to be a bit lustful; it’s instinctual.”

Hearing this, Jiang Ling’er puffed up her cheeks, looking annoyed at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan gently tapped her forehead and said earnestly, “But even though there are many beautiful women in the world, I only want to marry you. Once we’re married, I won’t spare another woman a second glance.”

Yu Ling’er was filled with admiration, captivated by the scene unfolding before her. She turned to Ye Xuan and speculated, “Brother Ye Xuan, do you think it’s because we had such a connection in our past life that we are entangled again in this life? I regret not falling in love with you before my rebirth, causing you so much suffering. I’m sorry...”

Elder Qingxue, unable to watch this scene any longer, interjected, “He’s lying.” Yu Ling’er, who had been apologizing to Ye Xuan, was taken aback by this interruption.

Elder Qingxue asserted, “He not only didn’t marry Jiang Ling’er, but also married someone else!” She addressed these words to Yu Ling’er, who was visibly shocked by this revelation.

“What?!” Yu Ling’er exclaimed in disbelief. “They didn’t end up together? Ye Xuan didn’t marry Jiang Ling’er?!”

Elder Qingxue looked at the scene unfolding in the mirror with disdain, commenting, “He may speak sweetly, but in reality, he’s nothing but a scoundrel who forcibly takes away innocent young women.”

At that moment, Yu Ling’er was stunned, her mind racing with confusion and disbelief. Meanwhile, Ye Xuan remained silent, patiently waiting for the twist in the tale to unfold.