Chapter 115: Everyone Was Moved to Tears

“Next... it should finally be my turn in the story...”

To be honest, at this moment, watching Ye Xuan’s story unfold, Hu Qianzao felt a wave of depression.

Her past self truly wronged Ye Xuan, repaying his kindness with ingratitude. Ye Xuan sacrificed himself to save her, only to be humiliated by her. But it was an unavoidable situation. She didn’t know the truth...

Regardless, the story of her past life should be coming to an end now, right? After all, Ye Xuan is now in prison, and even if he comes out, his life shouldn’t be entangled with her past self anymore.

She knows that the affairs of her past life are unrelated to her current self. But seeing how her past self owed Ye Xuan, Hu Qianzao still felt somewhat guilty and ashamed.

However, the story didn’t end as Hu Qianzao expected. Instead, it continued...


Since Ye Xuan entered prison, he waited and waited but did not receive the rescue he had imagined. Fortunately, even though the evil man didn’t believe his story, he didn’t treat him as an actual lecher and punish him.

The two of them, having nothing better to do, chatted occasionally, which was harmonious enough.

Until one day, a jailer came to the front of Ye Xuan’s cell and called out: “Ye Xuan, someone has come to see you.”

“?!” Ye Xuan thought it must be his junior sister who had finally found a way to deal with their master, that old fox.

He never doubted that between him and his master, Ling’er would choose the master. Although the master was Ling’er’s father, he was a heartless man who had even killed his own master and wife. Ling’er should know what she ought to do.

Although it’s cruel to expect a young girl to commit patricide, if she isn’t harsh now, she herself might suffer cruelty in the future—!

So, Ling’er must have settled everything and come to fetch him, right?

Unfortunately, she couldn’t do it. Meanwhile, Ye Xuan, already weak, knelt helplessly at the iron prison door, tears still falling continuously. In his mind, he heard Yu Ling’er’s voice:

“Senior Brother... I’m sorry for letting you down. Father found out; he knew about your intentions. He was furious that you managed to tell me the truth behind his back.”

“He’s never been played like this before, so he wanted revenge. He gave me a choice: either Hu Qian’er dies, or I die. I didn’t know if he would keep his word, but I could only choose to die myself because, Senior Brother, you chose Hu Qian’er.”

“Ling’er is willing to die for the choice you made. Senior Brother, I’m sorry, no matter how long it takes, I will wait for you at the Bridge of Helplessness...”

This voice was also Ye Xuan’s interpretation of Yu Ling’er’s message conveyed by Hu Qian’er. As he deciphered the true meaning of these words, he could no longer hold back and broke down crying: “No, Ling’er—!!!”


“Yu Ling’er... she’s really gone?... Wuu wuu...!” A female disciple of the Jade Fox Palace couldn’t help but sob. “She’s so pitiful, sacrificing her own life for her senior brother’s choice. ‘No matter how long, I will wait for Ye Xuan on the Bridge of Helplessness...’”

At that moment, even the female immortals of the Jade Fox Palace couldn’t help but shed tears. Everyone pitied the tragic fates of Ye Xuan and Yu Ling’er. What a great pair they were, why did they have to encounter such a devil like Yu Tieshan?

Hu Qianzao was consumed with self-blame, realizing that while Ye Xuan and Yu Ling’er were making such sacrifices for her past self, she was foolishly unaware.

Even worse, she harbored hatred towards Ye Xuan, humiliating him in every possible way. What kind of person was her past self? She owed Ye Xuan and Yu Ling’er too much, far too much.

Qingxue, watching the situation unfold on the screen and was also deeply moved. Unconsciously, she took Yu Ling’er’s hand and said: “Ling’er, I’m sorry... I had no idea you and Ye Xuan had such a past. I shouldn’t have been deliberately cold to you. I was just really upset that Ye Xuan had other women.”

“It’s okay.” Yu Ling’er, also moved to tears, gripped Qingxue’s hand. “Actually, I was jealous too. Sometimes, I deliberately annoyed you...”

She finally felt that she had finally done something right to Ye Xuan in this life. In this life, she had done exceptionally well, unconditionally supporting Ye Xuan’s choices, even choosing to die for them and making a pact with him on the Bridge of Helplessness.

She had truly outdone herself in this life—!!!

“I need to learn from myself in this life—!!!”