Chapter 123: The Jade Fox Palace Master’s Guilt

“Brother, brother, wake up.”

In his confusion, Ye Xuan seemed to hear Yu Ling’er’s voice. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with a gentle gaze quietly observing him. Seeing him open his eyes, that gentle gaze also revealed a hint of joy.

“Ling’er?” Seeing Yu Ling’er in front of him, Ye Xuan couldn’t help but feel overjoyed.

“Thank goodness... I finally see you... Am I... dead?” He looked down at his own body, only to see that it seemed to be a ghostly shadow.

Yu Ling’er slightly shook her head and said: “Brother, you’re not dead yet, you can’t die... You must keep living.”

“Ling’er, what are you talking about–!” Ye Xuan exclaimed. “If you’re dead... what’s the point of me living?”

Ye Xuan rushed over to Yu Ling’er, took her hands, and spoke to her.

“Brother, you can’t be like this.” Yu Ling’er shook her head and said: “You’ve finally saved Sister Hu Qian’er, if you die now, how could she survive alone in that icy snowy land. You must continue to help her overcome the hardships...”

Don’t worry, no matter how long it takes, I will wait for you at the Naihe Bridge. If you don’t come after two years, I will wait for three years. If you don’t come after a hundred years, I will wait for a hundred more years. I hope you don’t come here with regrets. Go back.”

“Ling’er, Ling’er–!!!” As Ye Xuan spoke, Yu Ling’er’s figure gradually began to blur.


The disciples of the Jade Fox Palace watched the meeting between Ye Xuan and Yu Ling’er across the yin and yang boundaries, all deeply moved. Particularly the more sentimental female disciples, recalling the sweet moments between Ye Xuan and Yu Ling’er, and how Yu Ling’er sacrificed her life for Ye Xuan’s choices. Now that they could finally reunite, Yu Ling’er was persuading Ye Xuan to return...

Their love had already surpassed the worldly understanding of possession, reaching a realm of selflessness for each other’s sake. Unfortunately, such a perfect couple did not meet a good end.

Fate was too cruel to them.


Time is unknown, Ye Xuan woke up from his confusion.

The pain he had experienced before seemed to still be happening, making him shiver uncontrollably. He then felt a bone-chilling cold enveloping him. Following that chilling gaze, Ye Xuan saw a breathtakingly beautiful face. In this icy snowy environment, her skin looked even more radiant and beautiful, but her gaze towards him was still so cold. Facing such a gaze, it was strange for Ye Xuan to feel any comfort.

However, he hadn’t expected any warmth from her at this moment. So, he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

“So, I’m still alive, huh?” He said with some regret. If he had died, he could have met Yu Ling’er.

What a pity...

“Hehe, you’re still alive, happy about that? Surprised I didn’t kill you?” Hearing Ye Xuan, Hu Qian’er mocked him: “I spared your life only to ask clearly, what on earth are you up to–!!!”


Ye Xuan couldn’t help but scream in pain. His foot was the one that had been disabled by Hu Qian’er’s orders, and although it had been healed, it had not fully recovered. Hu Qian’er’s stomp was like bone-shattering pain for Ye Xuan.

This pain was naturally nothing compared to the soul-devouring pain of the Ultimate Desire Devouring Gu, but since Ye Xuan was merely a mortal, how could he not scream in such agony?!



Everyone thought that after Ye Xuan clarified the truth, Hu Qian’er would understand and regret how much she owed him...

But now, seeing Hu Qian’er’s extremely upset demeanor, watching her heavy slap on Ye Xuan’s face, watching her mercilessly stomp on Ye Xuan’s foot...

Everyone was taken aback. She simply wouldn’t believe Ye Xuan’s words–!!!

Yes, how could she possibly believe Ye Xuan’s words? Ye Xuan had already explained before, but she hadn’t listened.


Watching the scene, seeing herself from a previous life stepping heavily on Ye Xuan’s foot, reopening his leg wound and causing him to scream out, even the Jade Fox Palace Master, Hu Qianzao herself, began to hate her former self at this moment.

Although her past life had nothing to do with her, and she shouldn’t bear the guilt for her past self, could she really feel at ease watching her past self mistreat Ye Xuan like this? Her past self owed Ye Xuan too much; perhaps, because this karma hadn’t been cleared, was this life really about Ye Xuan coming to collect his debts from her?

Thinking this, Hu Qianzao became even more doubtful of her own right to demand anything from Ye Xuan. However, what she didn’t know was that her so-called past life was all fabricated by Ye Xuan...

After all, the script of the past life was all added by Ye Xuan himself. All the past life’s scenes were just a setup for the main show to follow. With the system in place, as long as all the plausible plots could be made up, and even in the real world, it was impossible to verify. Even if she tried to force a check, it would only prove that what Ye Xuan had written was true. T

The power of the system lies between the real and the unreal. Some real plots experienced by the heroine, Ye Xuan couldn’t change, so he had to participate himself.

For the unreal ones, those that the heroine didn’t know about, he could make up as he pleased.

As long as the system approved, he could even write a love story spanning three lifetimes between himself and the Jade Fox Palace Master. But, of course, Ye Xuan wouldn’t tell Hu Qianzao that.

“See if you dare to talk nonsense again, huh–!!!”

Seeing her own foot kick Ye Xuan’s leg, causing him to bleed profusely, Hu Qian’er’s expression changed slightly. She had just been angry and hadn’t thought too much about it. Only then did she recall that Ye Xuan’s foot had been disabled by her people, and she realized how painful this kick must have been for him.

She somewhat regretted being too harsh on Ye Xuan. But now, asking her to apologize, that was absolutely impossible. So, she just glared at Ye Xuan resentfully. Seeing Hu Qian’er like this, Ye Xuan sighed.

Explaining was useless, so he didn’t explain anymore. Sooner or later she would naturally understand the truth.

Seeing that Ye Xuan was not speaking, Hu Qian’er got angry again, “Why aren’t you speaking? Tell me, what do you want to do by bringing me here?”

“You don’t need to rush.” Ye Xuan replied: “After I recover some strength, I’ll figure out a way to get you out–!”

“I don’t believe your nonsense.” Though she said this, Hu Qian’er was now not in the position to force Ye Xuan to do anything. After all, Ye Xuan’s miserable state didn’t look like he could take her out.