Chapter 318: Thorn’s Vow

Name:Realm of Monsters Author:
Chapter 318: Thorn’s Vow

Hey, Freya, can I ask you a question? Sylvie said innocently.

Sure, whats up?

Whats your plan to beat Calex Thorn?

Um, thats Freyas voice grew quiet. She was well aware her next opponent was the prestigious golden child of House Thorn. She had seen his overwhelming power in his previous match and how little his orc opponent had been able to do.

Could she fare any better? The question whispered in the back of Freyas mind. She shook her head, such a manner of thinking had no place in the heart of a Goldelm.

Freya? Sylvie asked curiously.

Calex is strong, no question about it, Freya began. The sheer power he wields at our age is daunting and the speed of his spell-casting! He is without question the fastest caster in the tournament. BUT! That doesnt mean he is infallible, he is still only a drow.

What is that supposed to mean? Sylvie cocked her head to the side.

Freya grinned, It means Calex is mortal like the rest of us. He still bleeds. One good hammer strike to the skull and he is out.

Okay, but how are you going to get close enough to smack him across the head?

Exactly, Callum spoke up. Did you not see what happened in the last match versus Hallus? That guy was a pit fighter, I bet he fought if he got close enough to Calex he could beat him too. What makes you think your match will play out any differently?

Simple, speed, Freya said confidently. Hallus wasnt an Orange like me, I have agility magic on my side. And after the 2nd Challenge of Pillar & Sea and Calexs last match, I think its pretty safe to assume Calex will try to strike quickly. All I have to do is dodge his first attacks and then get close enough for a hammer.

You do realize that Calex is also an Orange, right? Callum said. Whats to say he wont just use his own agility magic to fight you toe-to-toe?

Have you ever wondered why Calex uses such powerful spells right at the beginning of his fights? I mean, that has to be quite mana-draining, no? Freya asked.

But he defeats his opponent quickly, so I dont see the problem, Callum said.

Hes asserting his dominance over his opponents! Sylvie said.

If that was the case why wouldnt Calex prolong his match to show his opponents how truly powerful he really is? Freya said.

Hmmm Sylvie scrunched her eyebrows in thought.

I think its because hes weak at close range, Freya said. He cant afford to let his opponents get close, so he finishes his fights quickly. Its also why during the 2nd match, he just ran to the finish line after attacking our team, instead of trying to fight his other opponents.

Ooooh, Sylvies mouth made an o shape.

Callum shook his head, Freya, your words have merit, but even if Calex favors finishing his fights quickly and from a distance, it doesnt necessarily mean he is weak in close-range combat.

Maybe, but either way I saw Calex run during the 2nd Challenge. Im definitely faster than him, my agility magic is stronger, Freya said. Calex doesnt use weapons either. Ill win in close combat, Im sure of it.

What if youre not fast enough to dodge his spells? Callum asked.

Freya glanced across the room at Stryg and Tauri who were still talking to an angry Cornelius. She was glad Stryg wasnt paying attention to what she was about to admit.

Ophelia strode down the tunnel, her head held high, and her icy blue eyes full of conviction, You, my precious son, are here to show them all that we deserve the throne that was taken from us. We are the greatest House in the Ebon Realm and it is time we remind them of it.

Calex looked away, unable to meet her gaze, I dont like fighting

And yet youre incredibly gifted at it, Ophelia smiled. She caressed his cheek gently, We all must make sacrifices for the greater good of our families.

...Why are you here, mother? he whispered.

To bring you one of our familys heirlooms, from a time when all the Null Realms feared the name Thorn, Ophelia raised her other arm. In her hand, she held a narrow sword sheathed in a black scabbard with a pink hilt and a black rose pommel, the symbol of House Thorn.

Nightshade, Calex whispered reverently. ...But why?

What do you mean why? Ophelia laughed softly, You have been trained in swords, have you not?

Ive also been trained with bows. If you wish to lend me one of our familys heirlooms, Id rather it be Rose.

A bow over a sword? Hm, she smiled thoughtfully. You are skilled in both types of weapons but no. You are better off with Nightshade.

Why? Calex frowned.

Because your opponent is a Hollow Shader. You mustn't allow Freya Goldelm to walk out of that arena alive.

The Goldelm girl is no threat to us.

Ophelia narrowed her eyes, Our ancestors thought the Goldelms were not a threat either, they thought the Goldelms were our allies. But the Goldelms betrayed us, along with so many others. Or have you forgotten why our ancestors fled Hollow Shade?

I havent forgotten, but this is only a duel

If you cannot find the will to complete this task then perhaps I should start teaching your sister to do what must be needed. In truth, Lerdea is practically as talented as you, though she lacks your resolve. But I am certain she will learn, with the right push.

NO! Calex yelled panickedly. I mean n-no. I am more than enough. I will carry on our familys legacy alone. Lerdea need not be involved.

Ophelia smiled and kissed him on the forehead, I know this is hard for you, my son, but someday you will understand.

...Yes, mother, Calex bowed his head.

So long as his little sister was free to live her life away from the violence of the Ebon Realm, he would stain his hands with all the blood House Thorn needed for its conquest. So long as she was safe, it was all that mattered.

Calex reached out and grabbed Nightshade, Does the duel need to be flashy or prolonged?

No. Feel free to fight as you wish, so long as Freya Goldelm dies.

Understood. If youll excuse me, Calex bowed and walked towards the tunnels open gate.

He hated fighting, the sooner it was over the better. Calex took a deep breath to steady himself and stepped out into the arena.

Ill end this match in an instant, he swore to himself.