Chapter 952: Fooled, Quietly

Name:Realm of Myths and Legends Author:
Chapter 952: Fooled, Quietly


Inside a spacious room located at the Gates of Aegis sat a mysterious cloaked figure clad in all black.

This cloaked figure was a member of the Ghosts of the Nox, as well as the same individual Prisca ordered to visit the border.

But, the cloaked figure was not alone as two sets of fierce gazes were locked onto him.

There was only one way in and out of the room; therefore, if someone wanted to escape, they would first have to get past the two guards stationed on both sides of the door.

These guards were a part of the Order of the Eternal Aegis, so their strength was not to be underestimated.

All of a sudden, the door opened from the outside as two men stepped into the room.

"I heard there was someone who wanted to see me. But, I gotta say—your get-up and timing are rather suspicious." Aurelius' voice sounded as the door closed behind him.

Aurelius was accompanied by Jubal, who led the way to the room. Though after arriving, Jubal stood directly in front of the door without saying a word.

The moment Aurelius entered the room, the cloaked figure stood to their feet and made a respectful gesture as he slightly bowed in the process.

"I do not quite understand what you mean, but... This lowly one greets the Prime Eques of the Order of the Eternal Aegis. I would like to start by saying that I am honored to be in your noble presence." The cloaked figure stated calmly.

"Oh?" The look in Aurelius' eyes changed after the cloaked figure's greeting—as if his interest had been piqued.

He then continued, "I guess you've got some manners. Very well. Initially, I only planned on taking a look at the face of the person who dared to summon me before disposing of them personally. But, seeing as how you know how to choose your words properly, I've decided to let you keep your life. Well, at least, for the time being."

The cloaked figure released a small inward sigh of relief.

"It's a good thing I followed Prime Eques Prisca's instructions precisely. Otherwise, I may have been cut down before I could even explain the situation." The cloaked figure thought to themselves.

"This lowly one thanks the Prime Eques for his extraordinary generosity in allowing me to keep my life. Although this lowly one has no name, in order to not inconvenience the Prime Eques, you may refer to me as Nix." The cloaked figure, Nix, said.

"Nix, is it? Don't misunderstand. I may not have immediately taken your life, but I still haven't fully decided to spare you. That is unless you give me a good reason as to why I should allow your head to stay attached to your body." Aurelius stated coldly.

Aurelius was still in a foul mood about his earlier encounter with Izroth and the sixth princess, Ranazera. Therefore, if someone appeared who he could take his anger out, he would more than welcome it.

"I would not dare to request anything more than for you to merely receive a message from the one I serve. I was sent here under orders from the Prime Eques of the 10th Legion, Prisca, regarding a matter of utmost importance. It involves the royal family." Nix remarked as they revealed an insignia of a black snowflake with special markings carved into its surface.

Aurelius narrowed his eyes at those words as he carefully examined the insignia in Nix's possession.

"That's the insignia of the duchess' legion, alright. Still, something doesn't add up here. You said you were sent by Prime Eques Prisca and not the duchess herself. A matter that involves the royal family—there is no way that fanatic of a Prime Eques would go behind the back of their master." Aurelius said as he set his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Please stay your hand for a moment longer, Prime Eques. The situation was just that urgent. There was no time to report directly to the duchess with what is at stake." Nix responded with a sense of urgency.

Aurelius' hand halted just before he was about to grab the hilt of his blade.

"I will give you one minute to explain. If I sense the slightest falsehood to your words... Well, I'm sure you get the picture by now." Aurelius stated as he lowered his hand.

"You have my gratitude. Allow me to start from the beginning..." Nix said as they went on to explain the situation in detail to Aurelius.


Exactly one minute later...

Nix finished his explanation right as the one-minute mark hit, as though he had prepared specifically for that moment.

Nix explained how the 10th Legion was on its way to join the upcoming battle at the Night Lord's Crypt, as well as the separate contingent of mages accompanying them.

They also informed Aurelius of the fate of the separate contingent. Needless to say, this included their hunch that Ranazera was a part of the contingent and had likely been taken as a political hostage.

Nix even mentioned that Prisca predicted a possible escape through the Gates of Aegis after noticing a few missing Tempest identity plates in her initial investigation of the scene.

Meanwhile, Aurelius had fallen silent. There was a dangerous aura that radiated from his body as the atmosphere within the room became heavy.

"Excuse my insolence, but... We would like to request your cooperation. Although it is not guaranteed they will come this way, it remains a possibility. Since the sixth princess is technically under the duchess' protection, it will reflect poorly on her if this situation is not handled with great care. Therefore, we humbly request your aid." Nix weaved their words together graciously.

At first, Nix was inwardly nervous due to the deafening silence on Aurelius' part.

But, after a few moments of awkward silence, Aurelius finally spoke.

"Alright. I will send the orders immediately to report anyone matching the description you've given me. Since the matter regarding the sixth princess is sensitive, I will entrust only those closest to me to oversee that portion of the inspection. Rest assured, if I find anything, you'll be the first to know. However, when it's all said and done, you'll have to tell Prime Eques Prisca that she owes me one." Aurelius said unhurriedly.

"I can assure you, Prime Eques Prisca never forgets a favor," Nix replied.

"Then, we'll get right on it. Until then, you should stay here and relax. You must have journeyed to the Gates of Aegis without rest. You've earned a small break for delivering such a vital message." Aurelius stated with a smile that was somewhat unsettling.

"This lowly one thanks the Prime Eques for his hospitability; however, I must report back to Prime Eques Prisca at once to update her on-"

"Nonsense. You are a guest of this young lord. How can I send you away without showing proper hospitality? If it helps to set your heart at ease, I will send one of my own men to inform Prime Eques Prisca in your stead. Think of this as showing me some face." Aurelius cut off Nix before they could finish.

Nix furrowed their brows beneath their cloaked appearance. If it were anyone else, he would have declined their offer without fail. However, Nix knew that refusing Aurelius' hospitality after he'd gone to such great lengths to insist would only lead to disaster.

"...Then, since the Prime Eques insists, this lowly one shall graciously accept your offer," Nix replied without fuss.

Once Nix officially accepted his invitation, Aurelius called out to the two guards originally protecting the door, "Calyx, Marcus—see to it that our guest is properly entertained. Jubal, go and fetch Vincent. Tell him there's no need to complete the other task I gave him and to return at once." Aurelius said as he made his way out of the room.

"Yes, Prime Eques," Jubal responded as he gave a quick salute before immediately heading out.

As the door closed behind him and Jubal took his leave, the expression on Aurelius' face changed and darkened.

"Good... Very good...! It's been a while since I've been fooled so thoroughly. That bastard sure managed to pull one over on me. I'll be sure to repay the favor a thousand times over once I get my hands on him." Aurelius thought to himself as the ground beneath his feet shattered from a sudden burst of pressure.

Aurelius was furious. The more he thought back to Izroth's arrogant and haughty attitude at the gate, the more Aurelius became enraged in the depths of his heart. How could he tolerate knowing that some nobody commoner was able to get away right underneath his nose?

"If that old monster finds out what happened, it'll be a headache. I have to settle this matter quietly." Aurelius said to himself.


Meanwhile, somewhere close to the Tempest Malentansium border...

'I expected an inhospitable environment, but... the situation here is even worse than I thought.'

Izroth inwardly furrowed his brows as he stood before a wasteland covered as far as the eye could see in a foul miasma.