Chapter 52: Such a handsome boss should also have a good heart

Chapter 52 Such a handsome boss should also have a good heart

Under the bright sun, he drove a BMW to the Dagu Town Office in Yushan to pick up a plump female classmate. Xu Renshan then drove to a small restaurant in the town and met two company veterans.

The young and beautiful village girl holding a two or three-year-old boy next to her is the trouble Liu Nalan is talking about?

As for why she is a village girl, you can guess from the plain clothes and no makeup face.

I have to say that the water and soil of this small mountain village support people, even if the other party wears some old shirts and trousers, they have a fresh and pleasant atmosphere.

Of course, compared with his beautiful wife, it's just a cloud.

"Sister He Hua, this is our boss, Mr. Xu."

Seeing the boss coming, Liu Nalan introduced her boss to the young village girl.

"Mr. Xu, you have to save our factory."

Hearing that the other party was the boss, Li Hehua knelt down with the child in her arms, her face full of oppressive and oppressive life.

However, looking at the young boss from a close distance, he is really handsome, much more handsome than when she was seen from a distance in the village.

I believe that such a handsome boss should also have a good heart.

Thinking of this, Li Hehua has a little more confidence in the purpose of coming here today.

"What are you doing, get up."

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't follow the routine at all, and played the bomb directly. Xu Renshan quickly motioned to the plump female classmate next to him.

He is a man, it is not appropriate to go to support the young village girl who is holding the baby.

Although there are no people in this small restaurant now, the owners of the restaurant are still there. The countryside is a place where gossip can spread for hundreds of miles in the next day.

Wouldn't it be too unfair if it was reported that he had something to do with this young village girl.

You know, he is still an innocent and innocent boy until now.

"Sister Hehua, you get up first. This Xu is always my college classmate. You tell us that he will help if he can."

Having been a village cadre for more than half a year, Wang Liti is very experienced in handling things. First of all, she used approachable words to calm the other party's emotions.

Moreover, she was still deeply impressed by Li Hehua, whose husband had been working outside the country all year round and whose mother and son stayed in Dali Village.

Among the left-behind elderly and children in Dali Village, there are not many people who are as educated as Li Hehua. Well, the other party has a junior high school education level, but he is considered taller than short.

"Really? Mr. Xu is always your college classmate, Officer Wang. That's really great. Officer Wang, you help the 200 people, old and young, of our Dali Village to talk. We have made up for the losses in the past two years, which is why we set such a high price. All the old and young men in our village have already criticized the village head. As long as Mr. Xu is willing to buy the factory and accept our tea this year, our village factory will sell it for any money. If this year’s tea leaves cannot be sold, my baby will have no money to pay tuition for kindergarten in the second half of the year.”

After listening to Wang Liti's words, Li Hehua's eyes widened in surprise, she held the other's arms with both hands, and begged with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to Mr. Xu."

This kind of begging scene is the most unheard of, so Wang Liti motioned to the male college **** next to her, and came to the next table and asked, "Actually, the tea factory in Dali Village has better conditions in our area, so why don't you think about it?" ?”

It was true that she was so comforting to the other party before, but she would not force the college male **** to buy the tea factory in Dali Village. That would really damage the friendship between classmates.

No matter what the other party chooses, she will help deal with this matter.

"Do you think this incident was planned by the village chief?"

Looking at the beautiful village girl who was holding a baby not far away who was secretly sad, Xu Renshan asked about his worries.

It is not impossible for him to acquire the tea factory in Dali Village. It also saves the two veterans from running around and can find time to inspect the location of the tea shop.

However, he was worried that after the acquisition, there would be many troubles, especially the cunning village chief.

The scene in Dali Village yesterday was still fresh in his memory.

Although he handled it well at the time and left safely, the pressure of being surrounded by dozens of villagers was still great.

In a word, I am afraid that the folk customs are not simple.

"Are you worried that after the acquisition, what will happen to the village chief?"

Instantly heard the subtext in the college male myth, Wang Liti, who carefully clicked dozens of likes for the other party, thought for a moment and gave a solution: "The village chief of Dali Village is indeed a bit out of touch, but the Dali Village There are still a few prestigious old people, and the village chief has to call them uncles when he sees them. In this way, if you are interested in buying them, I will ask those old people to come forward and sign on behalf of all the villagers of Dali Village at the town office. What do you think of a letter of guarantee?"

"Yes, I don't see such a thing. Well, I will give a reasonable price, which is 200,000. In addition, I will buy all their tea this year and hire a few villagers to work in the tea factory."

Hearing what the little plump female classmate said, Xu Renshan felt relieved, and agreed after a word of emotion.

Anyway, as long as the tea factory can stably provide tea raw materials for the tea shop after the acquisition, this is enough.

As for what to do if there are more franchise stores in the future and the supply of tea leaves exceeds demand, that is a matter for the future.

If you have money, are you afraid you won’t be able to buy tea?

"Okay, I'll help you talk to them."

Seeing the sympathy of the university god, Wang Liti turned around and said to the pretty village girl with light in her eyes: "Sister Hehua, I have communicated with my classmate, and he agreed to buy the tea factory in your village."


Didn't expect things to go so smoothly, Li Hehua asked in disbelief.

She still wanted to cry, beg, and complain, but it was all useless. The young and handsome boss is really kind.

"Of course it is true, but my classmate is also a little worried and needs to talk to your village"

Following the words, Wang Liti leaned close to the other party's ear and whispered a few words.

"It should be, it should be, it's all trouble caused by that **** village chief. If he dares to disagree, my uncle and I will have the roof off his house."

Hearing the request made by the handsome boss, Li Hehua nodded repeatedly.

They almost surrounded each other yesterday. It is normal for the other party to have such worries.

If the other party has no demands at all, she is worried that the other party is too naive and will close down the tea factory sooner or later.

The tea mountain at home is the biggest income for the mother and son. Naturally, they hope that the tea factory in the village will be better and better. It is best that she herself can work in the tea factory and earn a salary of a thousand a month. The child's kindergarten will increase the expenses. That's it.

"Okay, after you have discussed it in your village, go to our town office to sign the contract."

In order to let the college male **** relieve his worries, Wang Liti put the place where the contract was signed in the town office, which is equivalent to the town's presence, which has more prestige in the hearts of the villagers.

As for whether the town leaders will agree, she believes that the two leaders will rush to show up for such a publicity, which can be regarded as benefiting the villagers.

It is estimated that the next day's Yushan Daily will publish the news of 'Dagu Town ****'.

Of course, this matter is also beneficial to her as a direct participant. She will have certain advantages in terms of leadership attention and qualifications, and future promotion and salary increase will be no problem.

The most important thing is that you can also get closer to the university male god, and it will be much easier to find a reason to meet in the future.

"Why don't you tell me, Mr. Wang, please wait for Mr. Xu. I'll go back to the village right away and have the village representatives go to the town office to sign the contract."

In order to prevent the other party from changing their minds temporarily, Li Hehua can't wait to sign the contract now to avoid complications.

Presumably, when she returns to the village, everyone will have the same idea.

After all, there are many nights and dreams. In the past two years, there are many small tea factories that want to sell.

However, it depends on the young boss. He is so handsome and becomes the boss at such a young age. Time must be precious.

Thinking of this, Li Hehua looked pitifully at the handsome young boss not far away with her beautiful eyes.

Thanks to Laotie Mizhen No. 3 Tower and book friend 20210729124512 for the reward! !

(end of this chapter)