Chapter 58: bad comer

Chapter 58 The comer is not kind

In a coffee shop with a foreign name, Xu Renshan told the waiter the number of the box, and followed him into a small box of more than ten square meters.

Looking at the European-style decoration here, the price must not be low. After all, the black silk female lawyer is considered a wealthy lady.

When she walked into the box, the black silk female lawyer who had been shopping with her beautiful wife before and had lunch with the three of them was already sitting there drinking coffee.

This posture, the visitor is not kind! !


Seeing the brat in the light blue shirt approaching, Shi Qingxue was still dazed for a moment.

If the other party has no bad intentions, it might be a good match for the cousin.

It's a pity that this false marriage has been a deformed relationship since the moment the matrilineal agreement was signed, and it is impossible for the other party to have dark thoughts.

As the cousin's personal lawyer, she has the responsibility and must minimize the danger.

"What's up?"

Glancing at the tight black silk, Xu Renshan calmly sat down opposite, waiting for the other party to start.

Call him over in private, is it just to buy him coffee?

Or, was he simply attracted to his handsomeness and wanted to win love from his beautiful wife?

Heh, just kidding, just kidding.

"You and my sister are just an ordinary contractual husband and wife relationship. I hope you don't think too much about turning this relationship into a long-term real husband and wife relationship. Once my sister completes the conditions of the SS Foundation, your existence will be dispensable .”

As soon as Shi Qingxue opened her mouth, Shi Qingxue directly expressed her intention of coming, creating pressure on the opponent in terms of momentum.

"If it's just **** like this, then I'll be leaving first. Your coffee, please."

After hearing this kind of expected and very unnutritious words, Xu Renshan got up a little funny and was about to leave.

Regardless of whether this black-haired female lawyer really cares about her beautiful wife, or has unhealthy thoughts in her bones, Xu Renshan has no need to talk to her.

His beautiful wife is very assertive, and her thoughts are beyond the control of the so-called cousin of the black-haired female lawyer. It is completely meaningless for the two of them to discuss this topic here.

No matter how much the other party speaks harshly, it will not change the established facts.

Could it be that a lawyer who graduated from Harvard University with a major in political law has such a little IQ?

"Wait, as long as you promise not to approach my sister emotionally, I will give you an extra 200,000 a month."

Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Shi Qingxue, who admired the other party's psychological quality, directly offered the price.

Of course she would not say that she would advise her cousin to terminate the matrilineal agreement after the results of her cousin's foundation conditions at the end of the year. That would only make the other party have evil thoughts and try to get more wealth in a short period of time.

Since the other party became the cousin's son-in-law because of money, then she used money to buy the other party, so that the other party stopped thinking of gaining both money and wealth.

"Do you think I got the certificate with your sister only because of money?"

Looking at the small bag the other party put on the table, Xu Renshan, who was a little bit moved, remembered that the other party usually had the habit of putting the bag next to him when he sat down.

Could it be that the other party learned the method of secretly recording in TV dramas, and then complained to the beautiful wife.

The thoughts of this black silk female lawyer are really deep, as black as the black silk on the opponent's leg.

"Isn't it? Or do you want to gain both people and wealth? If 200,000 is not enough, I will add 500,000 a month."

Raising her eyebrows, Shi Qingxue asked the other party without showing any weakness, and continued to increase her voice.

If the other party really dares to answer no, it proves that the other party is a hypocritical hypocrite deep in his heart, and he can also persuade the cousin to keep an emotional distance from the other party.

For her, things that can be solved with money are not things.

"If I didn't say it was for money at the beginning, it must be a lie."

After sitting down again, Xu Renshan, who ignored the price in the other party's mouth, took a sip of freshly ground coffee, and the slightly bitter taste spread from the tip of his tongue to his heart, and then began to talk about his psychological journey: "But, I fell in love with your sister at first sight." It’s also true. Don’t be too busy denying it, if it’s just for money, with my qualifications and education, I can directly marry Concubine Li Yan, and inheriting the Li family’s Qianmo Group in the future will not be a problem at all.”

"Although the market value of Qianmo Group is tens of billions, the real property owned by the Li family is only a few billions. It can't even compare with the wealth my sister currently owns. What's more, if my sister really inherits the SS Foundation completely, the Li family's Wealth is not worth even a fraction."

After listening to the other party's words, Shi Qingxue did not refute, but explained the gap between the Li family and her cousin, and continued to point out the other party's purpose of getting close to her cousin for wealth without a doubt.

"Then I would like to ask Lawyer Shida, for a normal person, is there a clear difference between billions and tens of billions?"

Seeing that the other party continued to chat at his own pace, Xu Renshan asked a question, and continued without waiting for the other party's answer: "Maybe you will say that wealth brings status, but the SS Foundation mainly deploys overseas assets, and it will not bring The improvement of domestic real status is not as influential as the local Qianmo Group. And I don’t go abroad, so the so-called international status is useless.”

"Also, the most important point, lawyers of Normal University, don't forget that I just graduated from Jiangxi University less than a year ago. If I want to have the life I have now, I can have it after working hard for two years at most. I was only 24 years old at that time. "


Listening to the other party's logical arguments, Shi Qingxue, who usually made the other party speechless in court, suddenly found herself at a loss for words.

She really didn't expect that this brat, who rarely participated in group activities and didn't have a wide social circle during college, could be so sharp-tongued, completely disrupting her expected rhythm.

However, Shi Qingxue came from a major after all, so she quickly adjusted her thoughts and pointed to the core of the problem: "Then why are you willing to sign a marriage agreement?"

Everything remains the same, no matter how much the other party argues, it can't change the fact that they agreed to join the family for money.

"As I said before, the money that Yuxuan gave at that time was one aspect, and my love at first sight for her was another major factor. I never really fell in love when I was in college. Yuxuan is the most important factor in my life so far A girl whose heart beats faster when meeting her for the first time."

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, Xu Renshan emphasized again.

If he argued that it wasn't for money at the beginning, it would definitely seem too hypocritical. He treated him so sincerely, even if the beautiful wife listened to the recording, she wouldn't have any bad thoughts.

"It's just the two of us now, you don't have to pretend like this."

Shaking her head, Shi Qingxue clearly expressed her distrust.

"Does it matter whether you believe it or not?"

Seeing the feigned posture of the black silk female lawyer, Xu Renshan countered without showing any weakness.

He married into the family of the beautiful wife's teacher. It is true that the other party's surname is also Shi, but strictly speaking, the other party's father is still the potential opponent of the beautiful wife.

The other party invited him here privately today, it was nothing more than a warning plus threats and lures, nothing could be changed.


Enraged by the other party's disdainful gesture, Shi Qingxue was so angry that her heart heaved, but she was speechless.

At this point, she has no way to interfere. If she speaks ill of this brat in front of her cousin for no reason, it will only make her cousin feel that she is making trouble for no reason.

It can only be said that this brat's appearance is too deceptive, who would have thought that such a handsome and sunny guy would marry into a wealthy family and become his son-in-law.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. Yuxuan is still at home waiting for me to have dinner together. By the way, I invite you to have coffee today."

Placing down the coffee in his hand, Xu Renshan smiled and stood up neatly.

Heh, what kind of barrister at the partner level of a law firm, that's all.

"You really don't think about it, I will increase the price by 1 million a month."

When the other party was about to leave the box, Shi Qingxue's faint voice sounded again, and the price directly doubled from before.

(end of this chapter)