Chapter 61: track rabbit

Chapter 61 Tracking the Rabbit

"Okay, you can get your salary with confidence in the future."

In Yuming Tea’s office, which was still under renovation, Xu Renshan handed three labor contracts stamped with the company seal to the four employees, laughing and teasing.

Other things can be postponed, but the labor contract still needs to be signed.

As for why there are four, does this labor contract still require him, the boss, to do it himself? Naturally, he recruited an employee from the personnel department, a handsome girl with two years of work experience.

As for finance, Xu Renshan has already asked people to find relevant candidates, and it is still the job of the talent agency.

The last time I went to the talent market to recruit people, it was too embarrassing.

"Boss, is this a formal worker's contract?"

After looking at the contents of the contract in detail, Liu Nalan asked in surprise when she didn't find the contents of the trial period.

She remembers when she first joined the job, but she said that the probationary period was half a month, and they only joined the job for less than a week after paying their full bills.

You know, the salary during the probationary period is only 2,500, which is only half of the official salary. According to the content of the contract, she will be considered a regular worker from the 19th.

In other words, the boss gave her an extra salary of 2,500.

"In view of your good performance, the probation period is cancelled, and the salary is scheduled to be paid on the 10th of each month."

Regarding this point, Xu Renshan, who currently has ample funds, waved his hand and directly exempted several people from the probationary period.

The half-month salary of each of the four employees can save a few dollars, and those who do big things are not short of such a little money.

"Thank you boss, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Immediately, the grateful Chen Zhengfei expressed his loyalty.

He found that after going to talk to the girl who looked like his first love last night, his thoughts became clearer.

As long as you follow this generous boss, you will have everything.

"thank you boss."

Seeing this, the rest of the people also thanked her. Among them, Liu Nalan looked at her male colleague with something called 'dread'.

After all, among the first batch of employees, there is only one who can be Conglong Shoufu.

"Okay, today is Sunday, you go back and have a good rest."

After this trivial matter is settled, Xu Renshan will give a few people a holiday. If there is anything to do, we will talk about it tomorrow Monday.

"Boss, what should I do next?"

When the rest of the colleagues left, Yeats, the only employee in the HR department who became a full-time employee on the first day of employment, curiously asked about his job content.

The other three colleagues have corresponding work arrangements, she can't just be idle and get paid for nothing, right?

"For you, come here to see the company's decoration when you have nothing to do. By the way, this is the company's design drawing, you can just compare it."

Handed over a design drawing, Xu Renshan clapped his hands and prepared to leave.

Now the HR department is empty, and even the whole company is an empty shell except for the newly acquired tea factory. There are so many jobs that can be arranged.

"But I don't know how to do this?"

Yeats, who has been working in the personnel department, looked at the sketch in his hand, a little dumbfounded.

Just as she was about to say something, she found that the boss had already gone out and entered the elevator.

Come on, go back and study the relevant aspects carefully, so I can only bite the bullet.

After all, this new job has a salary of 1,500 more than before. The big boss looks handsome and generous. Yeats thinks it doesn’t matter if he works across industries.

"Another leisurely day."

Driving the Bentley back to the Taohuayuan Villa, Xu Renshan stretched himself, walked into the gate and didn't see the beautiful wife.

He was not surprised. When we had breakfast together today, the other party said that he was going to inspect the factory in Pengcheng, and he was probably on the plane now.

Originally he was thinking of buying train tickets, but the beautiful wife said that she asked someone to arrange it, and Xu Renshan also saved the time to buy tickets.

It is impossible to drive back by car, not to mention that the highway will take more than three hours. It is the brother-in-law who is the deputy director of the police system. Xu Renshan feels that it is impossible for him to hide it from him.

And if the brother-in-law finds out, it is impossible not to tell the elder sister.

Be low-key!

Sitting in the living room on the first floor, Xu Renshan played with his mobile phone, clicked on Weiwei, found that the old lady had applied to add her as a friend of Weiwei, and immediately clicked on agreeing.

Looking at the Moments I posted on the first day, it is true that only beautiful wives and long-legged female classmates can see it, so I feel relieved.

The cautiousness at the beginning was very prescient. If he had not added his elder sister Wei Wei now, he would only have one in his circle of friends, and he would be able to see it directly.

If that's the case, he'll be cold.

Details determine success or failure!

The moment Xu Renshan signed the contract and became the door-to-door son-in-law, Xu Renshan had already warned himself to be more careful and cautious.

The road to this profession is full of ups and downs and twists and turns. Only the king who steals crystals carefully and low-key can reach the other side of success.

"Go soak your feet if you have nothing to do."

Dived in Weiwei group of college classmates, Xu Renshan, who had nothing to do for the time being, decided to relax.

Now he wants to protect his beautiful wife like a jade, so naturally he won't play those side balls, and go to a regular foot bath shop for a massage, which is still generous.

"Hey, Xiao Xianer is going out again?"

Standing on the balcony of her bedroom, Li Yanfei, who was holding a binoculars, saw that Xu Mumu, who had just returned, came out and got into the car again, and changed into the newly bought BMW. She didn't know where she was going.

Anyway, I have nothing to do this weekend, Li Yanfei is going to drive out to practice her driving skills.

After going downstairs, I talked to my mother who was watching dramas in the living room, and Li Yanfei, who changed into a pleated skirt and long socks, went out happily.

Relying on her skills as a quasi-veteran driver for nearly a year, Li Yanfei followed the target steadily when she was about to lose the opponent twice.

"Okay, Xiao Xianer actually came to this kind of place secretly?"

When Xu Mutou parked his car in front of a foot bath shop and walked in without hesitation, Li Yanfei seemed to have discovered the other party's trick, and her eyes sparkled.

"Hello, ma'am, would you like a foot bath or a massage?"

After waiting for half a minute, Concubine Li Yan walked into the Fuqiao foot bath, and when she reached the second floor, she saw a waitress greet her.

"I was with that handsome guy just now, which box is he in?"

At first, she wanted to secretly check which room Xu Mutou was in, but Li Yanfei, who saw a long corridor, realized that she was not thinking carefully, so she said something wisely.

The matter has come to this point, it is not a small trick to catch Xu Mutou openly.

If you don’t want to be known by the sister next door, you have to submit obediently and follow her arrangement, hahahaha

"Oh, that gentleman is in Room 206, I'll take you there."

Hearing that this beautiful but plain beauty was with the handsome guy from before, the waitress had no doubt about him and led her to the box.

"Boom boom boom."

"Sir, this lady said she was with you."

Xu Renshan, who was playing with his mobile phone, heard the knock on the door and thought it was the person he had made an appointment with. When he got up and looked, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

(end of this chapter)