Chapter 65: haven't seen you for a long time

Chapter 65 Long time no see

"Really, why does my daughter get up so early."

Looking in the direction of Lao Wang's finger, Li Chengmo sighed in surprise when he saw the figure of his daughter running in the morning.

This is really the first time in history. Could it be that the daughter's brain has opened up?

"Old Li, shouldn't you be thinking about who that handsome guy is? It seems that your daughter has an unusual relationship with her. Not to mention, the two of them are running together, which is really a bit of a beauty."

Old Wang, who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, began to correct the other party's focus.

There is no way, because both of his children are abroad, Lao Li would praise his daughter for being by his side from time to time, it is no wonder that Lao Wang is comfortable.

"Not to mention, that kid's appearance is worthy of my daughter, but I don't know how capable he is?"

As an old friend for many years, Li Chengmo didn't know Lao Wang's little thoughts, so he naturally followed the other party's words, and didn't give his old friend a chance to make excuses.

"Tch, you're still gasping for compliments on your daughter. Maybe that handsome guy doesn't like your daughter."

Lao Li's answer was not what he expected, and Lao Wang forcibly turned on the complaint mode.

"I don't like hearing your words anymore. What do you mean you don't like my daughter? My daughter is worthy of everyone. No, my daughter is worthy of everyone."

"self boasting."

"My surname is Li, so your surname is Wang."

"Lao Li, why are you swearing?"

"Did I scold you?"

"You were swearing just now."


After running three laps, Xu Renshan returned to his villa, took a simple shower, and had breakfast, when he heard Aunt He come over and report: "Sir, the driver who picked you up is already waiting outside."

"it is good."

Picking up the packed luggage, Xu Renshan walked out the door, and saw a young man with a serious face, but did not see any vehicles.

"Mr. Xu, the helicopter is ready and ready to board at any time."


Originally thought that the beautiful wife bought the train ticket for him, and then asked the driver to take him to the car, but Xu Renshan didn't expect that the other party directly arranged a helicopter.

Moreover, the helicopter parked on a special apron in the community is not small, and it is several sizes larger than the 500 yuan 15-minute helicopter he experienced in his previous life.

"What kind of helicopter is this?"

The superficial knowledge of rich people made him unable to recognize the model. Xu Renshan got on the plane and asked the pilot in front.

Such a large helicopter is different, not to mention the huge space, even the pilot is equipped with two, and they use walkie-talkies to speak.

"Mr. Xu, this is a Sikorsky S76, which is the same model as the travel helicopter used by the British royal family."

Smiled, Xu Feng, the co-pilot who led the way earlier, answered briefly.

It is better to compare the specific parameters with those who do not know how to use the car of the British royal family, which is directly effective.


Hearing that the helicopter was the same model as the British royal family, Xu Renshan suddenly felt a kind of spirituality rise from the soles of his feet to his head.

Comfortable and transparent.

"Mr. Xu, everything is ready for takeoff."

"it is good."

Following his response, Xu Renshan felt that the helicopter was rising steadily. Except for the faint sound of the wings rotating, there was almost not much noise.

This experience is completely different from the small helicopter he experienced in his previous life.

On the other side, Li Chengmo, who came home after morning exercise, saw that his daughter had gone to work, so he ordered the young male secretary who was waiting there: "Go to the property and check the situation of the owner of villa No. 36."


Wait for her husband's secretary to leave, Hua Qianqian asked a little strangely: "Husband, what's wrong?"

"This morning, during my morning exercise, I saw my daughter running with a young man, so I learned about the background of the other party."

Li Chengmo didn't hide anything about his wife.

"You mean, the reason why the concubine got up to run in the morning these two days is because of that young man? What does that young man look like, and what does the family do?"

After hearing what her husband said, Hua Qianqian opened her eyes wide in shock, and then asked cracklingly.

"Didn't I just get someone to investigate?"

Looking at his wife's nervous appearance, Li Chengmo was speechless.

"I'm not in a hurry. It's fine for four years in college. The concubine said that there was a boy she liked, so I didn't rush. In the end, I didn't take it home to see after graduation. You said that my daughter has been working for so long after graduation. , Why don't I have a boyfriend yet, can I not be in a hurry. "

Speaking of her daughter finding a boyfriend, Hua Qianqian was also heartbroken.

It’s not that no one in her little sister circle has introduced her, but every time she mentions it to her daughter, she is interrupted by her daughter’s nonsense.

"Why are you in such a hurry, isn't your daughter only 22 years old, and she's still getting married early. Besides, I want to raise my daughter for a few more years, so that I won't have time to come back when I get married later."

As for his daughter's relationship problem, Li Chengmo is very open.

With the family business he has created now, even if his daughter does not marry, she can still live a life in style.

"What do you call it? There is no rush to get married, but don't talk about it for a few years before getting married, so you can see the man's character. The concubine is 22 now, and she must be 25 years old after a three-year relationship. Yes. If you have a baby after two years of marriage, you will be 27 years old, how early. We were all in our 50s at that time, and the grandson would not be tired to take care of him.”

".you're right."

"That's right, hurry up and ask someone to check the details of that young man, and I'll meet you when I'm free."

".it is good."

Just finished breakfast with my cousin, and was going to visit a supplier's factory, Shi Qingxue, who was sitting in a Rolls-Royce, asked the cousin next to her: "Sister, do you really think that person can be your partner for the rest of your life?" The other half?"

Yesterday, when Shi Qingxue came to Pengcheng from Hangzhou, Shi Qingxue hadn’t talked about this topic, so she couldn’t bear it today.

"Who can tell what will happen in the future. Looking at it so far, I think it's pretty good."

Smiling, Shi Yuxuan talked about her true feelings.

"You have never been in a relationship before, how do you know that the first one is the best."

After listening to the slightly perfunctory words of her cousin, Shi Qingxue found an entry point from another aspect.

Since that stinky boy can't get through, let's take the bottom line and get the vaccination from the cousin, the effect will be better.

"Whether it is suitable or not, only the feeling in my heart is the most real."

"Then will you have a baby with the other party this year?"

"Why did you suddenly ask this, I can't answer."

"I think, sister, it's better to investigate for a longer time before deciding whether to go further."

"Well, I will."


Arriving at the material supplier's factory building, Shi Yuxuan and the two just got out of the car, and saw a handsome young man, followed by a bunch of subordinates, full of momentum.

"Shi Yuxuan, goodbye to Harvard, long time no see."

(end of this chapter)