Chapter 77 Loss

"That's right, I was too anxious."

After hearing what the beautiful wife said, Xu Renshan also found that there was something wrong with his mentality, so he smiled and did not bring up this topic again.

It seems that the beautiful wife still trusts that team member, and there is no need for him to be a villain.

It’s just that, after missing this wave of steady plunge in silver futures, there may not be such a good opportunity to make money quickly this year.

As for the "our money" in the words of the beautiful wife, Xu Renshan also feels the same.

If he can complete the task of capturing beautiful wives this year, then the $1.5 billion, or the next $2 billion, will be theirs.

With this huge amount of money in hand, there is no need to stare at the SS fund of 30 billion US dollars, no, if it fails, there will be an annual income of 100 million US dollars.

For him, there is really no big difference between 1.5 billion US dollars and 30 billion US dollars, and they can't be spent anyway.

Of course, the premise of everything is that his career as Ruanfan King is as stable as Mount Tai.

"It's okay, you are also worried about me. By the way, how is your tea shop going?"

Didn't care about the handsome husband's youthful vigor, Shi Yuxuan asked about the preparation of the tea shop.

"It's going well, it's already under renovation, and it's expected to open in two weeks."

"Then tell me in advance, let's go and taste the first cup of milk tea from Ziwei Tea."

"it is good."

Friday morning, Li Yanfei specially set an alarm clock for 5:30, planning to catch that Xu Mumu.

According to what she went to check on the situation at 9:30 last night, Xu Mumu's BMW has already returned, and today she must hit it with a single hit.

Inspired by this goal, after the alarm clock rang three times, Li Yanfei got out of bed with great perseverance, washed up briefly and quickly, and went out wearing the light blue sportswear prepared in advance.

"its not right."

When she came to Villa No. 36, Li Yanfei looked at the BMW car that disappeared in the parking space, and then looked at the sports watch on her wrist, and found that it was only 6:15 in the morning.

She clearly saw the BMW parked there last night, but it disappeared inexplicably this morning?

Something is wrong, this thing is very wrong.

Could it be that Xu Mutou started avoiding her again?

It shouldn't be, the two of them have talked openly and honestly, why bother?

"Mr. Xu, your muscle strength is very well-proportioned, which is really enviable."

In the sparsely populated gym, Bao Jiahui looked at the handsome guy with a well-proportioned body and six-pack abs, praised him with bright eyes, and almost couldn't help but feel the texture with his hands.

Compared to the other wealthy customers who come to the gym, being a training partner for this handsome guy is simply a great enjoyment in life.

"The male coach here should be in better shape than me."

Slowly stretching his arms, Xu Renshan said something calmly.

Under normal circumstances, eight-pack abs is the pinnacle of a man's life. Unfortunately, Xu Renshan's six-pack abs are too firm and can't be expanded, which is regrettable.

"No, other male coaches are just training muscles, and they are as firm and tight as Mr. Xu."

Regarding this point, Bao Jiahui did not hesitate to praise her.

It is true that there are fitness trainers with a better figure than the other party, but the handsome guy Xu is several grades handsomer than the other party; even the most handsome fitness male trainer in their fitness center and the most popular among female customers is not as good as the other party.


Hearing the other party's compliment, Xu Renshan, who was very useful, smiled slightly and kept a calm face.

Shuai, he has slowly learned to get used to it since he received dozens of love letters in the first semester of the third year of junior high school.

Looking at the indifferent smile on the other party's face, Bao Jiahui couldn't help but tremble a few times, her face turned red and she didn't speak any more.

"Mr. Chen, I'm leaving first, see you later."

"it is good."

After exercising for about an hour, Xu Renshan, who packed up his things, greeted Chen Tianhe, who came half an hour late, and then left the gym.

These days, Xu Renshan meets Chen Tianhe every day. He starts exercising at 6:30, and Chen Tianhe usually comes over at 7 o'clock. The chat between the two basically does not exceed five sentences.

Xu Renshan, who drove the BMW back to the villa, did not notice another 5-series BMW of the same model parked in the corner of the road at all.

"Hmph, so I went out to exercise secretly, no wonder I haven't seen it in the past two days."

Li Yanfei, who was sitting in a 5-series BMW, looked at Xu Mumu who was walking back to the villa with a luggage bag in his hand, with a smug smile on his lips.

With such a little trick, can she still get past the piercing eyes of Li Conan and Great Detective Yan Fei?

After figuring out Xu Mutou's whereabouts, she found that Li Yanfei, who was about to be late, started the car and drove unhurriedly to the unit.

She is in a good mood today and is not in a hurry.

Tomorrow, the lovely tomorrow is waving to her.

"These articles are all good, is the price beyond the budget?"

After sending the perfect wife to the company, Xu Renshan came to the coffee shop next to the company, looked at the manuscript written by Liu Nalan looking for the gunman, and nodded with satisfaction.

As expected of the outline he developed, after being polished by those female video writers, it is a story that is full of songs and tears, and makes people cry.

Moreover, the appearance of 'Ziwei Tea Drink' in the story is not abrupt, but it can also be remembered.

The next step is to find those forum administrators and big V bloggers to forward it, and Runyu spread it silently among the white-collar workers.

"No, the 20,000 funds you gave me still have 5,000 remaining."

"Have you found a forum and a blogger?"

"I have already contacted three local forum administrators in Hangzhou with over 10,000 followers, two big V bloggers with over 500,000 followers, and four bloggers with over 200,000 followers, but their asking prices are not low. Among them, the top post on the forum is 1,000 a day, the blog with 500,000 fans is mainly 20,000, and the blog with 200,000 fans is mainly 10,000.”

Speaking of this, Liu Nalan quickly replied.

"Money is not a problem, I will transfer you 70,000 later. The three forums will be topped for 10 days, and then a 500,000 big V blogger and two 200,000 fan bloggers will be selected to start building momentum immediately."

After estimating the funds in his hands, and then looking at the overlapping of bloggers and fans, Xu Renshan came up with a plan.

After the 70,000 yuan was spilled, plus the 20,000 yuan that he gave Liu Nalan earlier, the cash in his hand was only a little over 10,000 yuan.

If it weren't for the tens of millions of money coming in next week, Xu Renshan didn't dare to use the funds in advance, lest he wouldn't be able to pay the salary on the 10th of next month.

He found that if there was no funds for next week, his original plan would have to be delayed for a while. There were some mistakes in the original budget! !

No way, the training department business he did in his previous life was all registration fees collected in advance, and there was no worry about advance funds at all, which was a bit sloppy.

Now, when the funds come in, Xu Renshan will expand the promotional channels. Anyway, the shop has not been renovated yet, so there is no rush.

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away."

After listening to the boss's arrangement, Liu Nalan complied straightforwardly.

Having nothing else to do for the time being, Xu Renshan drove a Bentley to Dali Village to check the operation of the new tea factory.

"Chengwa's mother, you should reorganize these tea labels, they must be neat and tidy, and you can't be sloppy."

"Grandpa Tiger, after washing and disinfecting those tools, they must be exposed to the sun for three hours."

"Uncle, these inferior tea leaves should not be mixed with the good ones, they should be placed on a separate shelf."

"San Bo, San Bo, be careful, don't spill the tea leaves."

Came to the Yuming Tea Factory in Dali Village, Xu Renshan greeted the second uncle Li Hehua who was guarding the gate, and when he entered the gate, he heard Li Hehua, the new director of the tea factory, shouting.

In the tea factory with hundreds of square meters, 20 or 30 employees are busy working, and the air is filled with a faint tea fragrance.

Compared to the soft and weak rural girl she saw in Dagu Town last time, Li Hehua now has a capable temperament, with a confident smile on her brows.

"Mr. Xu, you are here!! It's too messy here, why don't you sit in the office?"

Li Hehua, who was busy, saw the handsome young boss, and hurried over to say hello.

"No need, how is this year's spring tea harvest?"

Did not intend to go to the office, Xu Renshan simply asked.

"As of this morning, 3,200 catties of high-quality tea, 2,600 catties of medium tea, and 680 catties of secondary tea have been prepared."

Speaking of the progress of the factory, Li Hehua spoke out a series of data without looking at the ledger.

"Well, when the time comes, you will prepare the payroll, and I will deposit the money into the factory account before the 14th."

After listening to Director Li's report, Xu Renshan nodded, said a few words of encouragement, and drove away after not staying for long.

"Boss, as of today's market close at 2:30 am, the price of silver futures has risen by 2 points after we went short, resulting in a loss."

Early in the morning on Saturday, Shi Yuxuan woke up and checked the message she just received.

(end of this chapter)